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Ⱦhe Ⱦrapped Ϛouls [Profiles]

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L ady B lood C rown

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:27 am

~No one may post but ME~

Ⱦhe Ⱦrapped Ϛouls
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:42 am
ay lass tudent ouncil embers

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"Dancing is the foundation of Combat. Move as fluid as the ocean and as graceful as the wind"


My name is Marcellus Amari Royce
Though I'm called Marcel, Mars
I'm not that old, I'm only 18
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Demon Exorcist/Witch
Don't be alarmed. I can be Marcel's a pretty laid back kind of guy though on the other hand he's also wild. He's calm and free spirited but from his look many would think he is a serious individual, and though he can be when needed be, it isn't the case with him, he like to enjoy himself to. He's a pretty generous person and will help those in need. Marcel also has a way with words, he can be a smooth and sweet talker when he wish to be but doesn't more than does, he will also speak his mind no matter what or who it is about, he will hold his tongue for no one. He isn't the type to get angry very quick and rarely gets mad at that but don't get it mistaken, when he does get made he shift from a soft breeze of the wind to a roaring hurricane. He's an intelligent being, and dislike when people waste his time with ignorance and annoyance.
Weapon/s Amari is big with hand to hand combat but also uses a pair of 19 inch daggers.
Powers Magic - Marcellus abilties and powers focus strongly around actual magic, and seal like his race would make one think. This mean he can also use spells for and unrelated to his abilities.
Kinetic energy - (In form of energy, movement, willing, and also the usual kinesis)
Marcel has the ability to control, manipulate, and absorb kinetic energy, from its simplest form of telekinesis, and precognitive use(senses) to its rawest form of pure energy. This ability focus around will so with the focus of his mind and will its not out of the ordinary for someone with his abilities to use telekinesis, telepathy, and create shields mentally, and physically. Utilizing kinetic energy in its energy form isn't anything to joke with, it can be quite a power tool, and not to mention being able to manipulate and redirect or reflect the force of any physical object or person I touch via motional energy. Meaning when in combat(mostly when he uses this part of the ability) he could absorb physical drama and abuse to an extent. So most of the attacks don't hit with the full power and strength intended.
Zephyr, Wind of Origin - This is a powerful and rare wind magic which draws on various facets of wind and his families spiritualism. A magic shared among gods, and demons alike, often blurring the line, the divine wind is a magic that raises it’s user to a new understanding of the fabric of reality through the breaths of wind. The varied spirits of divinity grant healing and an assortment of high scale applications of wind. He is able to perform basic, and masterful abilities, apart from being able to fly even while holding three people. Marcel can launch blasts of wind that act as blades, create a barrier, protecting his body from physical harm or reflecting light in order to camouflage himself basically becoming invisible. He is also able to control the wind within himself, able to hold his breath for extended periods of time, and within others in a form of healing ability.. Zephyr is an emotional endowment and delves into different aspects of Divine/demon heritage. As the first step into the divine winds skill, Marcel performs all of its applications with ease. Being able to draw fort thee sigils to perform his arts by simply breathing, making his cast times some of (if not is) the fastest around. The title Zephyr is to be of the wind and one with said wind. Marcel in this respect is considered one to one day become a grand wind spirit himself governing over the sky. some say he belongs to the sky beyond the sky. (space)

Skill/s Dancing, Playing the violin in a more urban fashion, Acrobatics, Pakour, Lip reading with the upmost accuracy, Superb Combat specialist.


Here's the Story book. . . To tell you about Marcel's story I would have to first tell you about his Family. The Royce Family is that of an Ancient line of Demon Exorcist, though that is what they call themselves, they are indeed Witches. This particular family was of that of strictly women, they world marry or mate with other wizards, witches, or warlocks but for some reason their offsprings would always come out to be a female. This family was destined to be this way since the family has come to be, it could be a course and it could be there way of life but regardless it had become natural to them and no one ever questioned it.

The Royce family began to question there 'Destiny' when I was fateful or perhaps unfaithfully born. I wouldn't say that Marcellus was the first male ever to be born but he is the first to be born since ancient times, or perhaps just centuries and centuries ago. This caused confusion, frustration, and soon hatred. The entire village treated him as an outcast as this was strange to them, people no matter what race neglect, despise, and hate what they don't understand, so it's safe to say that's what happened to him. His parents of course still loved, and cared for him but that's all he seemed to have, even at school he was treated differently. This in turned on made him stay to himself and entertain himself, this is when he decided to dance, and get into music, the fighting and train of his abilities didn't come to later when he was a bit older and was pushed to do so. Marcel's parents didn't like the life he was life he was having, and they themselves couldn't leave the village due to the noble position they held so when he came of age, he was sent to the academy, though he also wanted to go. This place is when the happier and better times of his life occurred, despite the dangers outside the island. His magical abilities began to flourish and his true potential was unlocked and also has made many friends as well as more enemies. This in turn would explain the color of his energy and eye's which is Violet/Amethyst(when using his more challenging powers.)

x3 Wooooh!
☑ Sweets
☑ Music
☑ Combat (Meaning rather its himself or a sport.)
☑ Sports

= w = RAWR!
☒ Evil Demons(He acknowledge the good ones until proven otherwise)
☒ His time being wasted when he has things to do
☒ When 'his' students are in danger
☒ Being lied to or disrespected



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . YG Syrious Jones

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All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that.


My name is Allison Jay Valiamont
Though I'm called Alice or Ali
I'm not that old, I'm only Unkown, believes she's 18
The Doctor said I'm a Female
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Time Bender
Don't be alarmed. I can be Allison tends to be quiet until she has something to say, or if something catches her inner child self. She is a curious girl, but she tends to be cautious and won't stray too far from the line, as she is already from her 'birth'. She always holds a more distant gaze that shows she's with her own thoughts, therefore she is an introvert. She tends to be a little dramatically serious, more than she should be because she can constantly worry, but with friends they seem to ease her mind and cause her embarrasment sometimes. She has a temper through her embarrasment. She's incredibly intelligent, and compassionate who does what is right not to make friends, but because it's a moral code of hers. There are some things she can't get past, for example fear, to do what is right. She has learned to not rely on the emotions of others, because over the years she has found many to be unreliable, and even untrusthworthy. She isn't completely innocent, but she has been told by a man long ago that she is pure compared to others. She doesn't show it often though, to strangers her defense is to act like a threat and to keep a distance from her. She isn't much of a threat, but it is hard to threaten her.
Weapon/s Just her power and her fist (Like she really uses those).
Powers She cannot bend time, but she can bend herself through and around time. Sure it's the cliche thing of a time bender, but it's much more. Any one that touches Allison (Or if she has a hold of something) it will move with her. She is not affected by time (But she has aged a year or two, she believes). Her powers still baffle her. She can go to the past as far back, and to the future (Which only stops two years ahead, and doesn't go further). If it ever comes to a fight, Allison can be very difficult to hit, but she isn't much of a fighter. The pausing of time is the imagination built by humans and their science (Explains that she can not God-Mode)
Skill/s Painting, Basic sports, drawing, videogames, glass making, and playing Ukulele/Viola or Violin


Here's the Story book. . . Allison actually goes back about fifty-three years, and how she was born is a mystery to her. She attempts to go to her birth, but it's in the time length of a jiffy (1/100th of a second) and she simply appears. She was found by a man who took her in, he was of a magic race and became the closest father figure to her. She went to figure herself out and what she might of been, and even practicing a little though it frightened her. She eventually started school at ten, her owner taking on a more parenting role for her well being, seeing she'll need to fit in the human world wherever she may go. She needs education. Eventually she made it to New Castle, and there were other races like her thought hidden. It gave her a sense of belonging, but things turned quick into a nightmare. A friend of her's was a chosen, long ago. She used her powers to figure how she died, and what she saw was tramatic. The school guessed they knew about her, so she ran away through time. She has now returned to New Castle, curious though afraid, she wants to try to stop it. Her first year, she felt she got to close and now has gone back into hiding as a normal day time student. She goes through New Castle, her new name now Allison Valiamont (Fake files and lives alone) and will finish her education in this time and make it out. She can't help, but feel a little tied to this school though. Her remorse, and grief repressed in her deepest thoughts , leaving her without much sleep.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Art & Music
☑ Food (Especially sweets)
☑ Animals & Science
☑ Sports & Games (Feeling Strong)

= w = RAWR!
☒ Liars
☒ Spicy Food & Vegetables
☒ Vampires
☒ Drugs



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . MindXHunter

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"My abilities were given to me to defend my friends. As long as I stay true to them, I cannot lose."


My name is Arzeph Leon Vale
Though I'm called Zephyr
I'm not that old, I'm only 17
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Spirit Warrior
Don't be alarmed. I can be Zephyr can be a stubborn person, but he is very kind and polite. His kindness only goes so far as he will not show kindness to anyone who presents themselves as hostile or otherwise. He does have a bit of a lazy side which occasionally causes him trouble. He has absolutely no sense of time whatsoever and has been known to be late every once in a while, even when he hears the bell ring. Zephyr is very loyal to his friends and will not hesitate to jump to their defense, regardless of the reason, including if they're being scolded by a teacher. He is a great friend to those who can win his trust, although this can be difficult to do. Regardless of how likeable he thinks the person is, Zephyr always makes sure to give respect to those who deserve it, but only where they deserve it.
Weapon/s He always carries a set of daggers and occasionally uses a tri-blade sword when the situation calls for it.
Powers Because he is a spirit warrior, he is able to use his spirit energy to do things such as shoot blasts of energy from his palms or create a transclucent field that partially absorbs blows for him.
Skill/s His Spirit Warrior training has also trained him to dance in order to produce more fluid movements during combat. He has some basic cooking experience but prefers the alternative to his cooking, if there is any. He's not really the althetic type, but he can, and enjoys playing certain sports. Soccer and tennis are pretty much the extent of that, although he will join in with other on occasion, even though he isn't very good.


Here's the Story book. . . Zephyr was born into a family that absolutely despised him. His father, sympathizing with the child and not wanting him to experience a life of abuse and neglect from the rest of the family, took the child and left him at the gate of temple out in the forests. There, he was found and raised by the monks as a Spirit Warrior. He learned how to control the energy within him and use it to defend himself as well as learning how to wield weapons. His favorite was the dagger and the head monk had a special set created for him before he left for the academy. While he never had any formal schooling, he quickly settled in and established himself as not only a skilled fighter, but one of the smartest there. While he does miss the forests and the other monks, he feels like there is something he needs to do at the academy and has remained in an attempt to seek out what it is.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Watching the rain
☑ Being with friends
☑ Watching the stars in the night sky
☑ Having an opponent that can match his skill

= w = RAWR!
☒ Actually being in rain
☒ Getting wet in general
☒ A cloudy night
☒ Feeling helpless



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Sullen Miken

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The only thing i have left is a mask


My name is June Lester
Though I'm called Jules
I'm not that old, I'm only 16
The Doctor said I'm a Female
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Half Demon
Don't be alarmed. I can be really childish and a klutz. I hate work (especially paperworks), I usually try to skip them but in the end finishes them. I sometimes act tough but I'm very scared of the dark and ghost and I am a tomboy who as much as i can distances from any form of girli-ness. I usually argue with boys or kick their butts when they harm others. To the crowd, I give them a cheery atmosphere and someone to laughed. But there is much to know in the real me.
Weapon/s Scythe
PowersI just simply disintigrate anything life form with my mind but i do purify any evil forms or spirits
Skill/s I'm very good at running and karate. I also sing but not in public.


Here's the Story book. . . The Demon Clan Alastor were all pure blood demons whose purpose in life is to execute or judge all who taboos the Rule of obtaining abilities that humans are unable to have and Demons who uses humans as slaves. The Alastor Clan were named after their Lord Alastor who gives them such power only to the rightful heir/heiress, They were both famous and feared by other Demon Clans. Every demon who lives there were all cold to others their face show no emotion to anyone they talk even to their own relatives. They were a family who is rightful for respect.

But there was one demon who broke one rule that tainted the Clan's name and lead to its destruction. The last heir of the family, Felix Alastor. The strongest demon of all who held Alastor's power became the most feared of all the heir and heiress because he had no mercy to every judgement and execution he did to demons and humans, fell in love with a human name Juno Ayahoshi.

Because of her, His point of view changed. It wasn't impossible for anyone not to discover what Felix had broken. A few months after they met, Felix knew what will happen and warned her love. June also knew the consequence because she was actually a priestess who also broke their temple's rule. She wasn't pure she proclaimed and another thing Felix discovered is that June was pregnant and was nearly in labor. Both of them decided to meet again but alas, Felix has been already judge and was executed being engulf in the flames of Alastor 's wrath.

As for June after her labor, she have only ask the spirits to take the child where she is safe until she is ready to be alone. With that June bids goodbye to her child whispering only her real name and left her by a tree where spirits led the child to an orphanage after. As you can see I was that child.

x3 Wooooh!
☑ Sweets
☑ Sports
☑ Music
☑ Watching Stars

= w = RAWR!
☒ The Dark T^T
☒ Ghosts T~T
☒ I HATE RULES (they suck~ XP)
☒ Too much school works (makes me all dizzy @_@)



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Kazoku Mizuki

L ady B lood C rown

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L ady B lood C rown

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:43 am
ight lass tudent ouncil embers

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"Looks can be Very. . . I mean VERY Deceiving. . "


My name is Yukiko Miyamoto
Though I'm called Yukiko for casual, Ms. Miyamoto for formal and One-san for her sister only.
I'm not that old, I'm only 18
The Doctor said I'm a Lady
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Vampire
Don't be alarmed. I can be "Simple to describe but hard to read...." that's what she gets a lot. Basing from the way she moves, acts, talks, and her attitude people tend to think she's royalty. She's just herself and she was taught well when she was still a little girl.

She's not that all of a quiet girl. She also interacts with people and can be very random sometimes. Yukiko is really loving and caring she just doesn't show it unless it is needed. Though people say it is often needed. She loves helping and she's very dependable you can always count on her to bring her skills and brains. no seriously you can count on her. As I said she doesn't show her soft side very much but you can feel it when your with her. Its just that she got it from her mother so really they are alike as if they were sisters or something. Yukiko shows her soft side to people who have been close to her. So if you wanna see her soft side you gotta let her open up to you, spend some time with her. She won't bite unless you yourself opens the wrong side of her that may cause her to get angry with you. Forcing her to kill you or at least hurt you.

Weapon/s 2 Huge steel Fans with Razor sharp edges - It can slice through anything but with an exception of thick metal, thick walls anything that is to thick to be sliced. Yes, it can slice through Humans. It takes three people to lift one fan so meaning its heavy and takes heavy damage, Light for her since she is the owner. She can also cast while using them.
Yanones and Shurikens.

Powers Its just common for a Vampire to have enhanced speed, sight, telepathy, hearing, and strength, but with limits.
* Prehensile - every strand of her hair has greater tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and sheer resistance than an iron wire of the same thickness (average hair diameter: .045 inches). She possesses the psychokinetic ability to animate her hair for a number of feats, including elongating it to almost twice its normal length (Yukiko's hair is approximately 6 feet (1.8 m) in length when relaxed), and using her hair to lift and move heavy weights (up to 1.6 tons); a portion of her hair must be used to anchor the rest at these greater weights, so that more than her scalp/skull is used as a brace. Through concentration, she can psionically move her hair in any manner imaginable. She can snap the length of it through the air like a whip (the tip of which moves faster than the speed of sound), or rotate it in a fan-like manner. She can bind persons or objects with it as if it were rope, or use it to lift objects which weigh more than she could lift with her arms. Her scalp, skull, and neck do not support the weight of an object that she lifts: It is held aloft by the psionic force coursing through the hair. Yukiko can also perform delicate manipulations with her hair such as lock picking or threading a needle, and such complex acts of coordination as typing or shuffling a deck of cards.
* Telekinesis - to lift objects small or big, heavy or light using her mind. Smaller and light objects are easier to lift, but big and heavy objects gives her headache, unless if its too big. She uses her telekinesis to often lift herself and others giving her the ability of levitation and flight. She handles the pain greatly. Though using them too much will make her dizzy, will give her a headache and she'll be unconscious for hours possible for days even a week.

Skill/s Cooking, Singing, Playing the Piano.


Here's the Story book. . . On the 15th of September a baby girl was born. Born in the Miyamoto Family of Vampires as well as a Traditional Family. She was named by her mother Yukino and her father Seiji. She's the first born child of the two couple. Yes, it means that she has a Younger Sister. Yukiko was really born in Era where the Magic Council was standing for years already. Its just that she herself decided to move to a little town. She loves travelling so much just like her mother and her father. Though her younger sister prefers to stay at home or just explore around the area where she is. The Two siblings grew up loved by their parents so much. They were equally loved and cared no one was low and high, but just right.

The thing is Yukiko is the most caged one from them. Her parents are strict to her since she's the eldest and would be the next strongest in the Family. Her parents expect a lot of things from her once she reaches twenty and so on and so fort. She goes to school like normal kids learned how to read and write. Though after her normal classes she also has tutorial, Training, classes or Lessons. Its either with subjects, Playing different instruments, Fighting, Using Weapons, Using her Magic and controlling it. In her part its kinda hard to keep up since she's still a little girl not a grown up. right now she's attending Newcastle. Trying to do the best she can.

Soon enough she was older to take care of herself, she moved out of their house. She's turning 19 actually, so she prepared herself early. Not too long her mother gave birth to another baby girl. As soon as Kasumi went out the two came very close and not long enough she moved in with her sister, thought she'll be planning to have her own house once she turns 18 or maybe nineteen. And if you noticed they don't have the same color of hair. Yukiko got her hair from her Father and Kasumi got her hair from her mother. It's quite strange that, not a single piece of their hair is color blue or whitish.

x3 Wooooh!
☑ Snow
☑ Rain
☑ Bunnies
☑ Forest

= w = RAWR!
☒ Cockroaches
☒ Rude people
☒ Slimes
☒ Too much Loud and Metallic sounds.



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Empress_Snow_Rose

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Who knows what lurks within the Shadows.


My name is Taro Key
Though I'm called Taro / Key
I'm not that old, I'm only 17
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality bisexual
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Shadow Priest
Don't be alarmed. I can be Sharp, sharp like to other people who I don't know and to people I know as well as My enemies. I'm Kind to Vayle and only him, nobody else. I'm deadly as I can be, if you make me angry or if you make Vayle angry. I'll get angry with you as well and might hurt you. He's enemies are My enemies as well, so better watch it. Yes, I'm close to him, so don't try and poke in into his business. Masochist, I won't tell you how or why. Just figure it out.
Weapon/s Crescent Dagger. Spell Book (which is also the sheathe).
Powers sears the mind and causes sharp pain through curses. but first he must get his victims blood on his blade then sheath it in his book.
Skill/s swimming. Running. art.


Here's the Story book. . . The Key household has always been a holy house. from a young age they were trained in the holy arts and taught to fight evil. although Taro was always a curious one night while going through his families library he stumbled into the forbidden section. the place was filthy and the books were scattered. one book however caught his eye over the rest. it was a black book with pure silver patterns scattered across the front and a small dagger handle sticking from the bottom. picking it up he seemed to burn Taro's hand but he just couldn't put it down. the next thing he knew he was waking up coated in a shadowy veil. his family had found him and out of fear Taro ran and didn't look back. while he was running he came into contact with a young man called Vayle, who he later figured out he was a Shiki. Vayle looked after him and he in turn offered his blood to him whenever he needed it, they both enrolled within the school for the night class and seem to be with each other at all times.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Shadows
☑ Vayle
☑ Blood
☑ Fighting

= w = RAWR!
☒ Cold
☒ People who attack Vayle
☒ Silence
☒ Water



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . xXx-Acedia-xXx

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When we were children it was play... Now its survival...


My name is Daikei Setsu Arashi
Though I'm called By my middle name mostly. Or you can call me Dai or whatever you would like to call me.
I'm not that old, I'm only 16
The Doctor said I'm a Lovely Female
Sexuality Straight as a board
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Werecat
Don't be alarmed. I can be I tend to be rather sarcastic. I can be kind, caring, and helpful when I feel like it. I often talk in riddles, and I don't really understand why. I may not be the smartest person ever, but I am smart and tend to correct people all the time. Sometimes I'm quiet and drawn back and rather just be alone to read my books and go over things for the Night Class Council. I can sometimes can jealous of how talented and pretty other girls are. Sometimes I get sidetracked too easily and I find myself zoning.
Weapon/s I have a bow and a chain scythe.
Powers I guess you could call it a power. Being a werecat I am able to change forms. All of my different forums look somewhat demonic. Yet I am not a demon, please do not call me that. I am only able to transform into animals I have seen. I can not transform into other humans or Trapped Souls. That is way beyond my capability. Because a cat is my main , besides my ghost form, transformation I have a high sense of hearing and sight.
Skill/s Well I'm not the most talented... Really. I can't sing or dance. But as a human I was very good at sports. Volleyball and track being my favorite, and I still play them. I couldn't live without sports. Everyday my life can be a lot of chaos if I have sports and Student Council work. But I'm an extremely fast reader, and I am rather creative.


Here's the Story book. . . My life was really good growing up. Great parents, amazing friends, the best school. Everything was almost perfect. I got good grades, I was in sports, I was everything I loved. I got jealous sometimes of people who had more talent than me. I never held a grudge or anything. I was rather curious and one day I was snooping around in my attic... And I found something that shocked me. The parents I had grown up, were really my aunt and uncle. My real parents had burned in a house fire when I was barely 7 months old. I told them that I found out, and that I understood why they didn't tell me... I still loved them and they would always be my parents.

The day I got asked if I wanted to become part of the Night Class... I thought about it. But I said yes, I wanted to help with what was going on. I met the others students I was going to be on The Night Class Student Council with. I really liked them. When I died my gray eyes became red and my dark brown hair became darker till it was black. I became a werecat and I became a little bit different. I got a little bit better at sports and grades, my eye sight and hearing got much better, and I became a little more quiet. I used to be very random, but I'm not really random anymore. Other than that I'm the same and I'm glad I was chose to help.

x3 Wooooh!
☑ Reading! (Yes this includes Manga, I really only read fantasy/fiction)
☑ My Student Council Work (only because it keeps me busy)
☑ Sports! (Volleyball and Track are my favorite)
☑ Looking at the Stars and Moon at night (its comforting...)

= w = RAWR!
☒ Scary Movies
☒ Gorey movies and anything bloody
☒ Being alone for too long in big places
☒ Fire



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . .

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"You cant see the pain behind the mask"


My name is Charon Zepar Astaroth
Though I'm called Char
I'm not that old, I'm only 18
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Necromancer
Don't be alarmed. I can be a jerk heartless cold destent and scary thats what you'ed get if you asked any one in my class but thats probably because of the way I act. When im around other people I tend to withdraw and ignore what go's on around me so when something happens I just keep walking. And when someone talks to me or im asked to answer question I keep thing short but normaly I wont respond at all. The only time I speak more then a few word is when im talking to thous who have departed from us which for some reson others find a bit scary probably because im one of the few Necromancer's left but resently there have bin a few I cannot contact.
Weapon/s Sword
Powers I can speak with the souls of the departed and I have a vast amount of black magic but im not to good with some of the more advaced spells
Skill/s I can Cook just about any thing you'd want Im good with with puzzles and im told im not that bad of a dancer


Here's the Story book. . . when I was three my race was nerly whiped off the face of the earth by some church sed it was some holy clensing or something. By the time I was four more then half of my race and long before that all of my family was gone and I was in the custidy of yet another random family. By the time I was ten the clensing was over and a small group of us started to rebuild and for the next five years everything was just like it was before the war I was lerning how to close off my mind so that spirits would'int cloud it and I so I didnt see them tell I wanted to. Soon after five years of peace rumors of the clensing starting back up where every where so the elders sent all thou's under twenty one to a safe place some went half way around the world but some of us came to this school.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ The night
☑ The rain
☑ Solitude
☑ Cooking

= w = RAWR!
☒ Talking to new people
☒ Makeing mistaks
☒ Tight place's
☒ Lots of people



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Graveyardknight
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:45 am
ay lass tudents

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"Our true character is that person we become when no one is watching."


My name is Maikeru Arakaki
Though I'm called Mai-kun, Maik, though, preferable Mai-kun.
I'm not that old, I'm only Sixteen.
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Super Human.
Don't be alarmed. I can be a very quiet person, I do not like to talk. I have much trouble trying to express my feelings, and rarely open up, even when asked to do so. Sometimes, I have breakdowns, due to people over judging my abilities. As I would say, "I AM NOT SUPERMAN, I CAN'T DO IT ALL, I EVEN HAVE LIMITATIONS!" Weeping, on the floor.
Weapon/s N/A
Powers Super Strength- Your average, worn the heck out power; in short, tremendous strength.

Control over electricity- I can produce electricity in many forms, (such as lightning, this is more power, it can also be as simple as static electricity.) and control it, when present. I can also draw it's power from things that use electricity, such as a computer.

Skill/s I'm very talented at drawing, I can draw and color realistic pictures, in short time.


Here's the Story book. . . I was like everyone else, but, I had a brain. The world's stupidity disgusted me, so I insisted my parents take me to private school. They finally listen to me when I turned 16, and I was enrolled here, at Newcastle Academy. New here, I know nothing, I've heard it has had some "history," but I don't know quite what it is. Well, let's see what this place has to offer. First day here, and I'm already nervous, which is natural.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Solitude
☑ Sweets
☑ Reading
☑ Sleeping

= w = RAWR!
☒ Spicy Foods
☒ Crowds
☒ People without good sense
☒ Backstabbers



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Michaelangeolo

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Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.


My name is Andrea Tachian
Though I'm called Andrea
I'm not that old, I'm only 18
The Doctor said I'm a Female
Sexuality Secret
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Elemental
Don't be alarmed. I can be a bit distant. She has a hard time trusting people and can often fall back on sarcasm as a defense. Once you gain her trust though she is fiercely loyal and would defend an ally to the death. Andrea can be very self serving at times and is always looking for something to give an extra edge. A master at technology Andrea surrounds herself with the newest gadgets. She can usually be found with her headphones on, listening to music and reading one of the many books she carries around with her. Though Andrea can come off as a bit aggressive at times she will not attack unless provoked.
Weapons Knuckle Taser and Her Powers
Powers Andrea's powers can be a bit unpredictable. She can store the elements such as wind and lightning inside her body. Due to the fact that her magic is stored inside her body it can be extremely erratic. The bigger the scale the more the dangerous because if she used all the power she has stored she could tap into her life force which is extremely lethal. Andrea mostly uses small acts so as to limit the danger and will only perform large acts when under extreme emotional distress.
Skills ~Computers ~Reading ~Singing ~Gardening ~Fighting ~Remembering anything she has read after reading it just once ~Homeopathic Cures


Here's the Story book. . . Andrea was born to a normal middle-class suburban family. She lived a very normal and uninteresting life. When she hit 13 though strange things started to happen. Whenever she was angry or sad gale-force winds and flashes of lightning would appear so strongly it would demolish property. Sometimes it would get windy even indoors when all the doors and windows were closed. When her parents figured out that Andrea was the source of the weird goings on they immediately shipped her off to live with her grandmother. Andrea soon found out that such abilities were common on her mothers side of the family though they never manifested the exact same way.
So Andrea spent several years with her Grandmother learning to control her powers. She started off going to a normal school but was teased by her peers resulting in some expensive accidents. Eventually she was home-schooled until Grandmother finally decided that Andrea was becoming anti-social and needed to be around others her own age. New Castle was her solution.

x3 Wooooh!
☑ Plants
☑ Books
☑ Fighting
☑ Video Games

= w = RAWR!
☒ Birds
☒ The Color Yellow
☒ Needles
☒ Bratty Kids




Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Neama_Shinto

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"Dancing is the foundation of Combat. Move as fluid as the ocean and as graceful as the wind"


My name is Marcellus Amari Royce
Though I'm called Marcel, Mars
I'm not that old, I'm only 18
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Demon Exorcist/Witch
Don't be alarmed. I can be Marcel's a pretty laid back kind of guy though on the other hand he's also wild. He's calm and free spirited but from his look many would think he is a serious individual, and though he can be when needed be, it isn't the case with him, he like to enjoy himself to. He's a pretty generous person and will help those in need. Marcel also has a way with words, he can be a smooth and sweet talker when he wish to be but doesn't more than does, he will also speak his mind no matter what or who it is about, he will hold his tongue for no one. He isn't the type to get angry very quick and rarely gets mad at that but don't get it mistaken, when he does get made he shift from a soft breeze of the wind to a roaring hurricane. He's an intelligent being, and dislike when people waste his time with ignorance and annoyance.
Weapon/s Amari is big with hand to hand combat but also uses a pair of 19 inch daggers.
Powers Magic - Marcellus abilties and powers focus strongly around actual magic, and seal like his race would make one think. This mean he can also use spells for and unrelated to his abilities.
Kinetic energy - (In form of energy, movement, willing, and also the usual kinesis)
Marcel has the ability to control, manipulate, and absorb kinetic energy, from its simplest form of telekinesis, and precognitive use(senses) to its rawest form of pure energy. This ability focus around will so with the focus of his mind and will its not out of the ordinary for someone with his abilities to use telekinesis, telepathy, and create shields mentally, and physically. Utilizing kinetic energy in its energy form isn't anything to joke with, it can be quite a power tool, and not to mention being able to manipulate and redirect or reflect the force of any physical object or person I touch via motional energy. Meaning when in combat(mostly when he uses this part of the ability) he could absorb physical drama and abuse to an extent. So most of the attacks don't hit with the full power and strength intended.
Zephyr, Wind of Origin - This is a powerful and rare wind magic which draws on various facets of wind and his families spiritualism. A magic shared among gods, and demons alike, often blurring the line, the divine wind is a magic that raises it’s user to a new understanding of the fabric of reality through the breaths of wind. The varied spirits of divinity grant healing and an assortment of high scale applications of wind. He is able to perform basic, and masterful abilities, apart from being able to fly even while holding three people. Marcel can launch blasts of wind that act as blades, create a barrier, protecting his body from physical harm or reflecting light in order to camouflage himself basically becoming invisible. He is also able to control the wind within himself, able to hold his breath for extended periods of time, and within others in a form of healing ability.. Zephyr is an emotional endowment and delves into different aspects of Divine/demon heritage. As the first step into the divine winds skill, Marcel performs all of its applications with ease. Being able to draw fort thee sigils to perform his arts by simply breathing, making his cast times some of (if not is) the fastest around. The title Zephyr is to be of the wind and one with said wind. Marcel in this respect is considered one to one day become a grand wind spirit himself governing over the sky. some say he belongs to the sky beyond the sky. (space)

Skill/s Dancing, Playing the violin in a more urban fashion, Acrobatics, Pakour, Lip reading with the upmost accuracy, Superb Combat specialist.


Here's the Story book. . . To tell you about Marcel's story I would have to first tell you about his Family. The Royce Family is that of an Ancient line of Demon Exorcist, though that is what they call themselves, they are indeed Witches. This particular family was of that of strictly women, they world marry or mate with other wizards, witches, or warlocks but for some reason their offsprings would always come out to be a female. This family was destined to be this way since the family has come to be, it could be a course and it could be there way of life but regardless it had become natural to them and no one ever questioned it.

The Royce family began to question there 'Destiny' when I was fateful or perhaps unfaithfully born. I wouldn't say that Marcellus was the first male ever to be born but he is the first to be born since ancient times, or perhaps just centuries and centuries ago. This caused confusion, frustration, and soon hatred. The entire village treated him as an outcast as this was strange to them, people no matter what race neglect, despise, and hate what they don't understand, so it's safe to say that's what happened to him. His parents of course still loved, and cared for him but that's all he seemed to have, even at school he was treated differently. This in turned on made him stay to himself and entertain himself, this is when he decided to dance, and get into music, the fighting and train of his abilities didn't come to later when he was a bit older and was pushed to do so. Marcel's parents didn't like the life he was life he was having, and they themselves couldn't leave the village due to the noble position they held so when he came of age, he was sent to the academy, though he also wanted to go. This place is when the happier and better times of his life occurred, despite the dangers outside the island. His magical abilities began to flourish and his true potential was unlocked and also has made many friends as well as more enemies. This in turn would explain the color of his energy and eye's which is Violet/Amethyst(when using his more challenging powers.)

x3 Wooooh!
☑ Sweets
☑ Music
☑ Combat (Meaning rather its himself or a sport.)
☑ Sports

= w = RAWR!
☒ Evil Demons(He acknowledge the good ones until proven otherwise)
☒ His time being wasted when he has things to do
☒ When 'his' students are in danger
☒ Being lied to or disrespected



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . YG Syrious Jones

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:47 am
ight lass tudents

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"The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you. . ."


My name is Kasumi Miyamoto
Though I'm called Kasumi
I'm not that old, I'm only 17
The Doctor said I'm a Girl/Female/Lady
Sexuality Straight!
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Vampire
Don't be alarmed. I can be Why don't you try being friends with her she's really a darling angel. Friendship is what she cherishes because friends will be always right there beside you cheering you on and supporting you even though everything is hopeless. By just that you know she's friendly and trustworthy she'll stick with you till the end of time, she won't leave you in the air dying. When it comes to friends and love ones she's very protective, she's doesn't like it when they are hurt. Her patience is long so don't waste it up. Kasumi becomes shy when it comes to her talents, singing and also when she's around people who are new to her.

She tends to cling to her sis when she's around new people. She gets very shy and hardly talks. She can be very cold and unwarming when she doesn't like the attitude that you are showing to her so be careful she might give you a piece of her anger, you won't like her if she's angry because you'll feel and see her wrath.

Weapon/s Bow and Arrow.
Powers Its just common for a Vampire to have enhanced speed, sight, hearing, and strength, but with limits.
Snow manipulation - bending it in anyway she likes. She can do blizzards and put the whole school on winter season, but only that small kind of area. She uses the water around her even the cold airs to make snow. Her Snow is not normal, when I say normal like you can't just melt it easily. Takes 5 minutes or so, depending on the state she is in. Freeze - the ability to reduce temperatures and freeze objects by force of will. She can freeze water and turn it into ice as well, also manipulating it.

Skill/s Singing, just like her sister and Flower Arrangement


Here's the Story book. . . A baby girl was born on the 15th of December 10 days away from Christmas and Gifts though the weather was getting cold. The baby continued crying as its voice echoed down the halls of the mansion. After a few minutes the doctors asked the baby's parents of what will be her name since she is a she a girl. Then they came into a decision that they baby's name will be Kasumi Miyamoto, but after those few seconds of coming up of her name her mother died, she was so lucky she was still able to come up with a name along with her husband. Kasumi grew up for four years without a mother and just her father taking care of her and raising her as well, of course Kasumi was born rich so her father was able to raise her properly "at least!". Her father doesn't have much time for his own daughter so he hired people who would take care of her and teach her whatever she needs to know like writing, reading, walking properly with grace, speaking properly with manners, oh yes specially manners her father is very strict with it, eating, how to eat with manners is also taught to her.

She doesn't attend school like normal kids so she envy's them, she is not allowed to go out without any permission that's why sometimes sadness fills her eyes, its also one of the reason why she doesn't have any friends but her workers only and her Big Sister Yukiko. Though she doesn't see her often since Yukiko lives in a different mansion and often works.
When their father died she grew up with her Big Sister. And if you noticed they don't have the same color of hair. Yukiko got her hair from her Father and Kasumi got her hair from her mother. It's quite strange that, not a single piece of their hair is color blue or whitish.

x3 Wooooh!
☑ Spicy Food
☑ Being rebellious on Traditional stuff.
☑ Clinging to her Big sister Yukiko. She finds it cute and a little Funny.
☑ Cats

= w = RAWR!
☒ Beetles
☒ Too! quiet places.
☒ Buggy places.
☒ Too much Salty foods.



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Empress_Snow_Rose

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“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”


My name is Vayle Aaire
Though I'm called Vayle
I'm not that old, I'm only 17
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Jinrou, Shiki (Corpse Demon, living blood.)
Don't be alarmed. I can be Silent and closed off, he is usually found sleeping and doesn't like loud noises, he is slightly Anti-social so he can be hard to befriend, but he is a very valued friend
Weapon/s Hand to hand, Teeth and his Sword
Powers Being a jinrou, eating human flesh or blood activates his latent abilities, speed and strength, more blood the stronger he is. Also he can change the properties of his blood, make it burning, frozen, solid, etc.
Skill/s photographic memory, sharp vision, Acrobatic


Here's the Story book. . . I lived happily in a small town, i was born into an average family and an average life, about the time i was 15 i ran into a strange figure in the woods. The next day i awoke in my bed feeling ill with what seemed to be Anemia. Each day i began to grow weaker and weaker over the span of four days, on the fourth night just as i died i came back to life, waiting outside my window was the strange figure beckoning me towards him. My family believed me to be dead so i left with the strange person who seemed to know what was going on, later that night i found out what happened. He was also a Shiki and i was his target. most people who die at the hands of a Shiki will either die or become a Shiki a few days after death, although i was lucky and came back to life instantly becoming a Jinrou shiki. Unlike regular shikis i can survive of normal food, water and can go out in the sun, i look like a normal person. im not cold, and my heart is beating unlike usual shiki. By ingesting blood i can become very powerful, a trait normal shiki cannot do. by drinking peoples blood i can take control over there actions. The only way to kill me is to sever my main blood flow, stake through the heart or removing my head. I am a monster to the living and i left my town to come to this school.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Silence
☑ cold
☑ darkness
☑ reading

= w = RAWR!
☒ Feeding on flesh and blood
☒ unnecessary bloodshed
☒ loud, disgruntling noises
☒ people with an attitude



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . xXx-Acedia-xXx

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"Fear the hyena's laugh, for death will follow"


My name is Stallos the Hyena
Though I'm called Stallos, Noose, and One-eyed Spots
I'm not that old, I'm only 17
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Ghoul (type of shapeshifting demon)
Don't be alarmed. I can be Very oblivious or really aggressive to others if he doesn't really like. He would only act nice to whom he would call his "kin" but other than that you need to earn his trust. Most of his behavior would closely resemble that of spotted hyenas. Hes rather mischievous, likes scaring people or causing pranks them for his own amusement, and when does laugh it is that of a hyena.
Weapon/s Only sharp claws and a bone crushing jaw
Powers Can shapeshift, but prefers to be in his current form or that of the spotted hyena, but when he does change in any form there would always only have his right eye and a noose around his neck.
Skill/s Quite smart surprisingly and pretty agile


Here's the Story book. . . He was born among the sands of the Arabian desert Stallos is not as heartless and as much of a killer as his parents were. He lived are living off of those his parents lured into the desert with trickery or those who tried crossing it. He often took things he needed from the towns folk. Around when he was 10 some people relativity angry people came to kill him and his parents in daylight as his family doesn't like going out during day. He was out hunting where he lost his left eye to a warthog only to come home to his murdered parents. Still some of the attackers around he ran before he was seen and has been traveling ever since changing shapes and faces and adopting the noose as his personal sign. Soon he arrived at Newcastle, a good place with people like him.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Meat
☑ Bones
☑ The Shadows
☑ Pranks

= w = RAWR!
☒ Cats
☒ Dogs
☒ Daytime
☒ Vegetables



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . J0RH
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:48 am

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"One can only feel desolate for so long Until one starts to change Into something the mirror doesn't recognize"


My name is Wilhelmina Amalia Ranaldy
Though I'm called Headmistress Wilhelmina
I'm not that old, I'm only 37
The Doctor said I'm a Lady
Sexuality Straight
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Puppeteer/Elf
Don't be alarmed. I can be I'm a very hyper Headmistress, I'm not one of those serious and strict looking, and acting ones. We can be friends and you can always come to Me, if you need any help. I love spending time with My students, seeing how they grow and improve their skills and powers. I'm very cheery and supportive since My mother never cared for Me. I can be very motherly, especially if My students are hurt in anyway.
I'm not always cheery, I can be serious to very serious. I love My job, so I won't cause anything that would make Me loose it. When it comes to work, I can be pretty lazy when everything comes down in a one big pile of laundry clothes or something like that. But I take My job seriously, behind the happy and cheerful Me. I like to help people and assist them and other positive whatnots, that I can do.
I run the school, so you better listen to what I say. As I said before I can be serious to very serious. So better listen to My rules and you'll always be in the white list. Don't try My patience, once its all up, you'll regret that you even come to school. I know when something is right or wrong, so don't think that I'm blind and deaf, so not to correct you. You can't buy Me with money either, so don't come to My office and say, "I'll give you a billion dollars, just make Me Top 1 or something.." because I'm not that stupid to accept that.

Weapon/s Puppets
Powers Note: all elves can talk to and understand animals.
Race Power - she makes her own puppets and use them to attack. She has the ability to make her puppets big but not taller than buildings. The maximum height of a puppet is 8ft. They can turn their creations to a small plushie so they can carry them anywhere they go.
Her puppets have different kinds of ability depending on what she makes. If she makes a wolf then it can claw and hurt people.
If she makes a dragon then it will breathe fire.
Poison generation - Ability to assault others with one or more varieties of toxins, with widely disparate effects. Her only physical power is an immunity to poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. She creates, extracts, and manipulate poisons. She can touch and look at people to inject poison in their bodies. Her Look is only for weak humans. Her touch are for any race, though it would take time depending on the kind of poison. Her poison may come from plants, insects, and diseased people or animals. She can use her puppets to inject poison using any sharp objects.

Skill/s A fast learner,


Here's the Story book. . . Will be known as the Rp flows.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Her Dear Students
☑ Ice cream
☑ Music
☑ Her Work

= w = RAWR!
☒ Dark Lord
☒ His Minions
☒ Betrayal
☒ Too many Work



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Empress_Snow_Rose

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:55 am
he eachers

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"You made the mistake of getting on my bad side. Fortunately for you, I don't have time to deal with you, so get out of my sight."


My name is Varsaf Felix Elyon
Though I'm called I prefer Felix
I'm not that old, I'm only 26
The Doctor said I'm a Male
Sexuality No preference
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Mind Freak

Don't be alarmed. I can be When he is teaching his class or patrolling the school (or mediating a game in one of the various sports the academy offers), he is one of the strictest people you will ever meet. When he is like this, he meets disobedience with his own form of discipline which can range from simply being scolded to battling Felix himself. During free time or when he joins in the games during the class, he is one of the most fun-loving people you will meet. This is actually because he has Multiple Personality Disorder, which, when you consider his abilities, is why he coined the term Mind Freak for himself and others similar to him. Regardless of his current state-of-mind, he is very active and hates accidentally sleeping in. He isn't particularly fond of lazy students either. Despite not having a preference to anyone, he generally doesn't try to romance anyone.
Weapon/s His longsword(seen in the picture) and his pouch of various items he uses (small metal balls, senbon, and other similar small objects).
Powers He has enhanced reflexes as well as enhanced senses. He can also warp short distances(within 5-10 feet). He can telepathically speak to others when needed and his MPD combined with his strange abilities allows him to create a doppleganger of himself. This doppleganger is only capable of melee combat and cannot use any of Felix' powers.
Skill/s Felix is skilled in any sport he plays, as well as being good at a number of other outdoor activities. He is a master of combat, and is a good cook; he actually prefers to cook his own meals rather than eat the cafeteria's food. A skill not too many know about is he likes to play on the drums and is actually a decent player.


Here's the Story book. . . Felix grew up on the streets. He enjoyed the freedom he was given; being able to make his own rules and morals. Most of his street life is because of his MPD, so no one would take him in because they were afraid he might act violently. He became a thug until, at the age of 15, he heard about the academy. He managed to scrape himself together and got into the academy. He wasn't too thrilled at first, be eventually came to enjoy it, especially the combat and sports. He managed to stay on for two years longer than he was supposed to and became the new P.E. teacher when his education was finally finished. He enjoys his new honest living much better than his younger years, although sometimes he misses not being quite as free as he was on the streets.
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Teaching his class
☑ Joining in or mediating the games
☑ Playing the drums
☑ Being outside on a clear, sunny day

= w = RAWR!
☒ A cloudy or rainy day
☒ Disobedient students
☒ Cafeteria food
☒ Laziness



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . Sullen Miken

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"Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles called electrons that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking.”"


My name is Lillith Emil Voltair
Though I'm called Lillian
I'm not that old, I'm only 24
The Doctor said I'm a Female
Sexuality Bi
I'm not normal, I'm what you call a Electric Elementalist

Don't be alarmed. I can be Lillian is definatly a girl when on duty she shows a very dull personality with very dry sense of humor (She may say puns or joke in an emotionaless, bored voice that some students find silly). You'll catch her staring as if she was dead in the grave, her soul eternally sleeping, which chills some students. When she is well aware she has no duty and time to herself, then her personality is opposite. She smiles, a bit insane with tons of sarcasism. Basically her opinions and herself never change through her job and offtime, it's rather how much energy she puts how to express herself. There is little to no energy during work, and when off work she's very eager to express herself (Which some people wonder who she dislikes with great intensity, using her psychological advantage of disclaiming her frustertions in an public acceptable manner on the weakest target). By medical standards she isn't considered insane, but her personality tests have scored high on psychodynamic (Tends to be unorthadox). She loves to wear many different sorts of clothing styles and is a flirt when she feels like it.
Weapon/s silver umbrella (all of it is silver) with a sharp end at the top, like a sword almost (More spearlike).
Powers Conjuring and controlling electricity, with a few tricks up my sleeve. The weapon is a defense mechanism, aswell as making it easier to conjur up electricity. I can control all elements, but I developed on the electrical side (Therefore if I attempt to control air, or water it wouldn't be very strong at all. It's just easier and smarter to stick with the element you developed into).
Skill/s Singing, Painting,Fighting,Math and Science, and making desserts or bread of all kind.


Here's the Story book. . . Lillian grew up in a small town with many others of her kind. Not even elementalist, electric elementalist. It was an area her family moved to when she was born, and it's very difficult to find. It lies under the eye of a storm (Getting out is something her kind can do). As she grew up, like any other child of her village they wanted to move and head out to the real world, so she did so. It wasn't entirely easy, considering she got an apartment with some of her friends and she had to work two crud jobs for awhile. She wanted to do more in this human society, but she wasn't sure where to start in even finding her kind. She eventually found the school, in which she finished her education there in about a year (Since she entered in at eighteen and already had some education), and would work to teach there since the real world of humans and a few other non-human places didn't have much to offer her. She got a Math teaching job, since she was incredible in that subject (But she takes more enjoyment in Psychology, and Biology/Ecology). She found some enjoyment in her dull life, and even got her day offs to go the zoo and people watch. She's very aware of the horrors in this school, and she takes her own personal notes on each person in this school (Headmistress, other teachers, some students).
x3 Wooooh!
☑ Music & Electricuting her students
☑ Books & Fashion
☑ Science
☑ A fun time

= w = RAWR!
☒ The morons
☒ Bitterness
☒ Sharks
☒ Water



Sorry to Break it to ya, but I'm just a puppet. My Puppeteer is. . . MindXHunter
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:23 am
he im

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