Death may surround me......

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basic main attributes

Strength measures physical power and bulk. High ST lets you dish out and absorb more damage in hand-to-hand combat. Your character will find ST useful for lifting and throwing things, moving quickly with a load, etc.

Dexterity measures a combination of
agility, coordination, and fine motor ability.
It controls your basic abilities such as athletic,
fighting, and at craft skills that call for a delicate
touch. DX also helps determine Basic
reaction time and how fast you move

Health measures energy and vitality. It
represents stamina, resistance (to poison,
disease, etc.), and basic “grit.” HT also determines fatigue points

intelligence (IQ)
Intelligence measures brainpower, including creativity, intuition,
memory, perception, reason, sanity, and
willpower. It rules your basic ability with all
“mental” skills – sciences, social interaction

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But I do not embrace it