This series is a must-read for fans of fantasy!

Book 1 -Amulet of Samarkand

Bartimaeus' sarcasm and arrogance kept me laughing the entire time. blaugh The fact that none of the magicians had any magical powers (They only controlled magical demons.) and - in spite of their lack of abilities - they were granted all of the political power was interesting.

Book 2 - Golem's Eye

Disappointing after the first brilliant installment in the series, but not so terrible that it turned me off of reading the final book in the trilogy because I do like how neither one of the "heroes" (Bartimaeus and Nathaniel) are particularly noble. They aren't cruel, but they're both conceited and selfish. Kitty, who is part of the Resistance against the government of magicians, is a more noble heroine, but she's missing...something. I don't why, but I don't like her very much.

Book 3 - Ptolemy's Gate

I was glad that we got to see the flashbacks that explained why Bartimaeus favored the form of an Egyptian boy. Ptolemy's idealism was touching, and he's easily one of my favourite characters! heart The final chapters of this book were the perfect ending to the series. Nathaniel realized how corrupt the government was and what a jerk he was being, and he...Well, I won't spoil it for you, but it was a great ending. smile