i need auditioners for a movie and some willing to dress like zombies not like noob zombies the kind of zombie i have some some cool zombie stuff too for the one who is willing to be the boss zombie.
so its about these two ppl (one of them being me) going to hollywood and complaining about how crowded it is so me and the other person go (other person being my roommate) to the bar and get soda but we cant find any were to sit so we leave angrilly and decide go shoping but it really crouded in the store and all the good stufff is being taken taken by the other costomers and we arent happy so we pic some radom clothes for the heck of it and try them onwhen we come out every one is gone exept me and my roommate.we r comfised and come up with rediculouse ideas of how they disapeared till one of us say mabye they turned into zombies.the other one doesnt agree and gets some detective clothes (i will provide) and they go back in the changing room and come out to start the search.