If your going to be successful in Green, your going to need to know way around the guild. Hopefully, this guide will help you.

1:: Guild homepage. This is mainly just used for staff, but you can post anything here and a mod will move it.

2:: Topic: land. This is where you can post all topics about land/over crowding/ soil pollution/ whatever.

3:: Mod's room. {KeEp OuT} Well, you heard me. Stay out!

4:: Topic: Water. All topics about water/ water pollution/ over fishing.

5:: Topic: Resources. All topics about resources, minerals, etc.

6:: Topic: Animals. All topics about animals, animal cruelty, animal endangerment, etc.

7:: Donations. If you would like to make an item donation to the guild, or just want to brag about it, post here.

8:: I have a thought! Guild ideas by YOU.

9:: What have YOU done? Post about what you have done to help the environment.

10:: Topic: Human. Abuse, neglect, slavery, etc.

11:: Topic: Air. Air pollution, air-born toxins, etc.

12:: ThE HaNgOuT! Post whatever you want here.

13:: Topic: Energy. Alternative energy, conserving energy, etc.

14:: Topic: Global warming. anything to do with the O-zone.

15:: Event forum- This is where we hold events!

16:: Gardening! Like to garden? Tips and hints here!

17:: Green Exclusive! The club for cool people.

18:: The Void. Any topics that are no longer being used/ don't have a specific topic go here.