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"This is for those nifty little word games you'll find in almost every guild [ex. "What Would you Steal From the Avatar Above you?"]. We have zillions!"

General Guidelines/Suggestions for Reading and Posting Threads

• Please do not post Inappropriate games - No swearing, cursing or flamming of any sort, unless you're playing a game that requires you to do so - which I doubt so. However, please be aware of your limits and boundaries, even though you're playing a game. Also, do not have games that go against the Gaia ToS.
Remember not to make threads that require the member to post anything sexually explicit. "Would you have sex with the AAY?" is okay, but it's just about where the line is drawn. Don't make threads that require the member to flame the above member. "What don't you don't like about the AAY?" is okay, because it encourages constructive criticism rather than personal attack.

• Please take note of what you post - Even though there are games that involve religious or race issues, please be aware of what you are going to post, and please think before you post if your words are going to hurt someone else, or arouse senseless drama.

Some hints and tips for creating a good game
#1 Try to make it so a user, or yourself, does not have to be super committed. This is for fun; it's not a job.
#2 Keep the swearing, cussing, mouthing off, and perverted-ness on the low side. Some people might be mature enough to be able to appreciate it, but there are little people that sneak on to Gaia too, being that this site is for fourteen and older.
#3 Try not to make it an endless loop, ABC games are perfectly fine, but don't get too choosy.
#4 Look, make sure that the thread you're starting isn't already out there. We don't want two of the same thread roaming around. "What do you hate about the AAY?" and "You hate the AAY, why?" Are the same thing.
#5 Simplicity is often gives the best results, don't make a game with a list of complex rules because it just won't get played.

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All game threads belong in this subforum. Small games you can take part in with a post, things like "Avatar Above You" games, ABC games etc. It's basically Burn's own version of the Word Games subforum out in the main forums.


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Anything that isn't a game. Look at the threads already existing to give you an idea of what counts as a game. These games must be contained within the thread, no links to off-site games or discussion of games.

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No spamming- This is defined as posting nonsense & gibberish. Also posting styles with advertisements mixed in that obscure what you say or large advertisement links; please keep that in the Chatterbox. Small links to quest threads, or other things are allowed, but try to keep them in your signature. No MyBrute links, ever!

No flamming - This pertains to all manner of abuse, rude behavior, and Personal Attacks. This also includes harassing someone who posts in the wrong Forum, or calling someone a Troll. We all have things we like & don't like. Don't be rude to someone who has vastly different, or even unreasonable taste, we can't all love Halo, or Twilight.

Misplaced Threads- If a Thread is in this Subforum by mistake, feel free to post in it as if it were in the right forum, it will be moved eventually. However, do not post in a thread just to say it's misplaced, instead inform a Crew Member / Member of the Advisory Board of Directors.

All rules are subject to change - Rules will be changed & updated as needed, the thread title will show when the rules were last updated. Ignorance and negligence of these rules would result in the locking or deleting of your thread.