Well I don't really know what I am to be doing for such an introduction so I will just explain who I am.

My UserName is Motoko Tsuzumi, I only started gaia a month to two months ago. I am 16 going on 17.

I don't know exactly why I was chosen to come to this guild, but I thought I would give it a try. So here I am

I roleplay in quite a few rps, and have created a few myself, although I wouldn't say they are good to begin with but they are getting better.

I am not always able to get on gaia because of the fact that I do have a school, a job(for the fact that I have to get money for college and whatnot) and I also go bowling on mondays.

Well that's about it for introducing myself, oh yes and I occasionally am quite crazy when it comes to me being tired, so I get hyper and say weird stuff, but don't worry it wont interfere with me posting and what not...