Here are the Rules:

1. Follow Gaia TOS

2. All topics posted MUST be a game or give away -
All others will be moved or deleted

3. If you create a give away/prize topic you must deliver on the prize/give away -
It isn't fair to offer something and not follow through!

4. No Bashing Someone's Denomination of Church -
Please respect everyone. We're here for love not hate

5. No Cussing -
Foul language has no place in a Christ centered environment.

6. Stay on Topic -
At least try your best to do so. This is a forum for GAMES so please keep that in mind

7. Be literate -
We all want to be able to read and understand what your write so try to spell things as best you can. Punctuation is also key for people to understand you.

8. Be respectful to crew members -
They take time out of their day to keep this place running.

-- If you have any complaints or questions, please PM Faithful Quenga