What's ranking?

It's Gaia's way of "ordering" our guild by means of rank. According to the Guild's rank, the Guild could be all the way to the top of their division, at the bottom of it, or even be, top or bottom, in the entire guild registry.

How does ranking work?

Guilds get their rank via three variables. The first is by user amount. The second is by post count of the guild. The last is by the gold in the Guild account. Therefore, the more of each, the higher you're rank. I've heard that there are inbetween variables that affect your raning, but that's all tech talk, and we don't feel like reading tech talk.

So what's our rank?

For your viewing pleasure, the Mogul Guild Ranking

Mogul's Rank

Commerce Public - #2
Commerce Overall - #2
Public Overall - Not shown
Overall - #103, pg7