Pfh i piss on your 4 races and your 3 classes of first and second and even AD&D. I Played them for a long time and I think that the new rules (not including 4.0 because they suck) is a lot better the fact is it makes people different not "I am a human fighter..." "sweet so am I..." "oh me too..." "lets go all do the same thing..." "yay..." its so much more useful to make people there own.. person.
Don't get m wrong mad respect to the games roots but I think it runs like a trilogy does... first and second(pooled together because there isn;t much difference) good game, 3.0 and 3.5 good game , and if anyone has see the third move of anytthing (*pretends to clear through* Matrix.. blade) you know 4.0 sucks just as bad.