At level 5+ you will hav to combine your styles to make a better one (u keep other styles too while combing)

Win gaia money for wining matchs
level chart
Team match win 10k!

GM reward
1 10
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 3000
11 0
12 0
13 0
20 5000
40 10000
60 (first = 100,000k!) 40k

You should play ele its a thinking game in atype of way o.o
i tell u how

Make a char
here wht you do

choose a ele(fire water ice thunder light dark wind etc...) You can only choose 2

Chose your skills

You can make a skill from one of the two ele you picked ( only one can hav double ele)

EXAMPLE (ice light) ice shield(blocks certain atks) healing light(uses moderate amount of mp and heals a good10%), (blinding ice stuns and hurts large used
amount of mp)

After this your char will be set and rdy to go.


ele (two):

skills (three):



As you fight u will level after a certain amount of battles r won and u will get one plus skill point and willbe able to learn a new skill and hav a higher mp rate

You will have to think a head to win this .


1-5 magic
fire Uses alot of mp for fire magic
wind Uses alot of mp for wind magic
ice Uses alot of mp for ice magic
water Uses alot of mp for water magic
thunder Uses alot of mp for thunder magic
dark Uses very high amount of mp for dark magic
light Uses very high amount of mp for light magic

posion (dark fire wind) Posion skills added uses Alot of mp for fire wind dark
blood (water light dark) Blood skills added uses alot of mp for water light dark
cyber ( thunder light ice) All base(1-5) magic added, takes very high amount for each base(1-5) magic
metal (fire wind dark) Metal skills are added uses alot of mp for fire wind dark
demon (dark) Uses a descent amount of mp for dark and a alot of mp for dark magic
Angel (light) Uses a descent amount of mp for light and a alot of mp for light magic
fire demon (dark fire) Uses a descent amount of mp for fire
wind angel (light wind) Uses a descent amount of mp for wind
ice angel ( light wind) Uses a descent amount of mp for ice
water angel(light water) Uses a descent amount of mp for water
thunder demon (dark demon) Uses a descent amount of mp for thunder
Healer (light water wind) Heal skills -50% uses a high amount for all magic learned

20 - 50
hells summoner (blood demon posion) Summon and blood skills use low amount of mp
cyberis ( cyber metal thunderdemon ) All base ele use alot of mp
Curse (posion demon) Curse skills added Uses low amount of mp for posion
Blade (metal cyber) auto blade added and Uses low amount of mp for metal
Hells demon (demon) Uses low amount of mp for demon
Heavens angel (angel) Uses low amount of mp for angel
Flame Devil Fire uses low amount of mp
Angel of the Air Air skills added Air Takes very high amount of mp and wind takes low amount of mp
Angel of the hail Crystal skills added Crystal takes very high amount of mp and ice takes low amount of mp
Angel of the rain Water uses a low amount of mp
Shocking Devil Thunder uses a low amount of mp
Riser Heal magic -75% Heal magic +200% All magic descent amount

___________________________________________________________________________ 1-10 mp rate 10 takes most mp

Evade 2
Block 10
Attack 1
Heal 8
_____________________________________________________________________________ 1-10 mp rate 10 takes most mp

Reflect 10
Counter 10
Evade 2
Block 8
Summon 6
Heal 8
________________________________________________________________________________1-20 20 takes most mp
20 -50

Reflect 6
Counter 6
Evade 1
Block 4
Final Guard 20
Summon 5
Heal 4
Attack up 20

Can skill up to two times during on turn