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Re Evolution a Scifi RP/tutorial (open)

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Should I post this in the public forums? Minus the tutorial bits, of course.
Are you kidding me? NO!
 0%  [ 0 ]
Ya! Then we'll have more people to play with.
 33%  [ 1 ]
It needs some work before you do that.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Other.. ((please pm))
 66%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 3


Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:17 am
First off, if this is in the wrong spot, I'm sorry to the mods.
Secondly, if you're used to rping, then you can skip this part, just read the next four and you'll get the basic idea.
If your not, then this is your lucky day, I'm going to show you how to endear yourself to your fellow Role Players, and make a memorable RP.
If you have not, you should check out this Thread. Click this Link

Here's a few quick rules that should be followed REGARDLESS of the Rules posted in the first few post.

Always read the Rules and story. Allot of times a RP creator will have something in the rules to make sure you were paying attention. But even if they don't, you'll be lost as far as the RP goes without knowing the story.

Rule 6: Send all profile PMs as 'Woo Bug hunt!'
Instead of sending it as 'Woo Bug Hunt!' send it as 'Uugh manhunt'
Rule 8: Highlight above to show me you really read the rules.

When speaking Out Of Character OOC -as in it's from you and has nothing to do with the story- put your text inside something to note it's OOC
IE (()) {{}} :: ::

DO NOT cyber. If you don't know, cybering is 'naughty' writing. This is against gaia TOS, and just good practice. If you wouldn't want your mother to walk in on it, it's a good idea not to post it. Mind you Gaia itself is getting into the lewd jokes and romantic stuff, and it's fine by me, but don't go over board. TOS = Terms Of Service, that little contract you agreed to when you signed up.
BE MINDFUL of your spelling and grammar. I'm not a huge stickler on it, as you can tell but if people can't understand you, they can't reply.

NO Godmodding. This means:
~making your character ridiculously strong.
~taking no hits
~taking damage but never enough to really impede your character. Usually written as 'they ignored the pain'
~ Taking control of a character that is not yours without permission, this includes killing them. This is called 'Pupeting'
~Auto-hitting this can be tricky, for the most part you don't want to say a hit landed in your post because this is a auto-hit. It's generally looked down upon as a bad move.
~~ However most higher level rpers don't mind getting hit a few times, just don't make it so they can't fight back.

"Shut the hell up!" Jason yelled and punched Alex in the face, sending him flying backwards. He stormed out of the room before anyone could say anything.

BAD FORM. Any respectable RP creator will give you a warning, but they don't have to. They can kick you out for that.
In stead try this:

Shut the hell up!" Jason yelled and punched Alex in the face, he moved around the table aiming another punch at the poor mans gut.

You'll notice it doesn't say the second hit landed, this allows the other player a chance to react without having to uncharacteristically or unrealistically pursuing your character.
NO Teleporting! Meaning:
~~ suddenly appearing in a room you couldn't possibly get to realistically. Try typing out how your character got there, I'm assuming they have legs, they can walk. If not, ROLL ROLL ROLL!
~~Literally teleporting for the sake of not taking damage, or following a character that is trying to get you to leave them alone.This can be considered godmoding by some. But it's just annoying to most. To save you temptation, just avoid this power all together.

Things You Don't Have To Do But Will Help with you RP pimpability.

Try to keep you post between size 9 to 11 : It's small I know, but it keeps everything looking tidy. This gives the impression you want it to be good.
Good is a quality most people like.

READ READ READ read the other's post, read the rules, read even the stuff you can't react to. That way if something big happens, you can plan your reaction before it really hits you.
Write write-WHOA NOW! Most rpers like to see a good sized post, because it gives them something to react to. Most RPs ask for a 3 sentence minimum. In reality you should try for a five line minimum. This makes progress easier, and gives people something to reply to. How is your character talking? Standing? Facial expressions? Do they fiddle with their things? 90% of human communication is body language and tone. To make up for that in writing, you have to tell us what they're doing!
That said, try to refrain from writing a novel unless your with people whole like that(OH! Me, me, me! ). Two-three paragraphs should be enough Mr. Mark Twain.
Take Turns Posting: Double posting looks bad. It negates other people's chances to reply. It is generally only acceptable when saying your going to edit something, or have multiple characters.
If you are in a conversation with multiple people the Polite thing to do is wait for everyone to reply.
IE A and B start talking. C comments. A replies, B replies. Before either A or B can respond again C has to say something. Likewise C replies, B replies... wait for A and so on and so forth
As Painful as it is if you have to quit, or want to, inform the rp creator and move your character away from everyone so nobodies waiting for you to reply.
Be Careful using NPC, a NPC is a character that is not controlled by another gaian/person. It can be a random soldier, or a shop keep, or even a monster/villain. They are key parts of a good story. Reoccurring NPC's can even be fun.
If you find your talking as them alot, and want to keep them around, make a profile.
Also, people get tempted to wailing on NPCs because they can't make a move you don't already know, and your character can easily doge. This is called Powerplaying, and is regarded as generally undesirable. There's a place for everything, remember that.
Use dem pweety colors! If you have multiple characters. One color for each, savy? Keeps things tidy. Tidy is good. And good is good, remember?

Make your Post *POP* If a thread is really busy, or really text heavy some people have an easier time finding a post by picking up color/pictures used consistently. Make sure your picture doesn't stretch the page, and keep your pics either in the center above or below the text. Ideally you should be able to slide the pic beside your text. Remember to be consistent.
Keeps things Tidy.
Tidy is good.
Good is Good.

Take Heed of the Genre! Though you may still be accepted, if you send in a ninja to a Midevil European RP people are going to raise eyebrows. Likewise in a SciFi it would be illogical to have swords. A combat knife, maybe, but guns are called the great equalizer for a reason.

Suggestions for making a good RP
Makng an rp is like outlining a book. The same principles apply. Take your time, touch the key points, keep it tidy..
((mind you this is slightly hypocritical due to the time constraints I'm working under.))
'*~Details Coming Soon!~*`

Acronyms and Terms to know in an RP:
Barton Town : The place RP's live on gaia! Mapquest Option: Click Forums, scan page for Barton Town, Click.
Black list: Bad, bad person! You ignored the rules or seriously ticked someone off. RP makers will observe other RP's white and black list. If your on the black, you might get the stick eye in the next rp you go to.

Bob Barker: An OC that can do no wrong, they may have faults, and may get hurt, but that doesn't stop them from saving the day. Relation: Marry Sue

Cossplay: Pretending to be a character for an RP.

Cross over: An rp, or character that is like a Cossplay, but puts a different cast or plot inside the story.

CossPlay OC : Traditionally an original character for a crossover. Sometimes means a character wit the same image and/or name and/or personality as a well known character, but with a completely history that allows them to partake in the RP.

Fourth Wall: The barrier between reality and the story. Breaking the fourth wall might entail, a character remarking on being in a story. Or getting in an argument with the narrator/writer (IE Winnie the pooh.) Often used for comedic purposes.

Frozen: When a charcter cannot move because they are waiting for a reply from another rper, or have put their character has been put in a position where they cannot respond. IE locked in a closet, knocked unconscious.

Freezeing: Leaving in the middle of a conversation, or interaction, causing the other character to be frozen. Though this is often can't be avoided in semi-lit + rps if possible, without sacrificing continuity this should be avoided. But it can't be helped and most rpers will understand.

Godmod: harmless douche (see above suggestions for full details)

Godmoder: mostly harmless douche (see above suggestions to get full image) Relations: Bob Barker, Mary Sue, Puppeteer, Powerplay Spy

Literate: Aka Lit. Literally, the ability to read and write, a person who can read and write. On Gaia Lit. writers rarely post less than a full paragraph, and always remember to spell correctly and never drop a comma ever unless to jeer at others 'not on their level'. Though there has been rumors of lit rps and lit rpers that do not fit this description, by scientific study we have found it is just that. Rumors. Many are the 'Johnny' in the old adage about work, play and dull boys.

Mary Sue: That cute little girl/lady that can kick a Naz=vy Seal twice her size's but without previous training, and is piratically perfect in every way. If she does have flaws they're only there because she was wronged. Relation: Bob Barker

NPC: Non Player Character, a character that is not controlled by anyone.
IE: Shop keepers, Monsters random soldiers.

NSP: Non Stop Poster (1) A person unwilling/unable to wait for others and will eagerly 'take over' with one or two others. More often than not, these rpers tend to be Bob Barkers and Mary Sues. (2) A person who, if the person their talking to has to get offline, regardless of what is happening, they will leave that character behind. (2) A person who will flood an rp with double-triple-quadruple-ect ect post.

OC: Original Character, someone you made up/control/pretend to be for the RP.

OOC: Out Of Character things that have nothing to do with the story. Should be put inside something to show it's OOC. IE ((where is everyone?)) A thread is sometimes created solely for OOC

OP : Original poster often they are the RPC as well.

RPC : Role play Creator. They are God of that rp. Keep them happy.

Semi-Lit: An Rp or Rper of moderate writing ability. Often post a minimum of 3 lines but rarely ventures over two paragraphs outside of introductory post. These people sometimes drop commas, and make spelling mistakes as if they've never heard of english, and DO NOT SPEAK IT MOTHERF%^&ER! But only sometimes. Despite this, they can be effective story tellers. From time to time. Once in a blue moon.

Spy: Someone who can inexplicably hear anything, be it said under the breath in the middle of an air raid, quietly thought in the back of the mind, or even in the Narration. They use their skills to obtain information that would be impossible to get without breaking the Fourth wall, *see fourth wall*

Powerplayer: Someone who uses NPCs to make themselves seem cooler/scarier/sexier/whatever-er without any redeeming qualities. Variant of Godmoder, mostly harmless, but annoying douche.
Profile: The stats on your character, almost every rp will want you to fill one out.

Pre-made : Characters created for the RP, an nice -though rare- option in case your having trouble coming up with something.
Puppeter: Someone who controls another persons RPC without permission. Variant of Godmoder.

White list: Where you want to be. White listed people tend to get invited to other rps, and general treated with more respect.

((If you see any obvious mistakes, have suggestions for the 'advice on making a good rp' section, or would like me to add something please PM me.))  
PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:46 am
1 New Message
Planet Name Darwin IV...

User Image

You may recall many years ago this planet was put on the Non-Interference protection list.
With so many life forms already living on Darwin IV and signs of intelligent life terraform was prohibited.
Recent studies have shown the water has almost completely evaporated. The single intelligent species has been driven to extinction, and the vast majority of plant and animal life seems doomed to follow.
Terraforming has begun and is in it's final stages! Act now and become one of the first Colonist of this raw planet.
Already long coast lines and lush forest have been planted. The field work is done, and YOU can harvest the fruits of our labor!
The government is will to pay you help salvage this world! Land titles are available for citizens of the United Federation!
Act now!

*proof of ID and medical history may be requested. Ask our representitives about disscounted or free medical care. Free travel vaccinations will be avalible upon request. Must be eighteen years or older to apply.

Inbox I Reply I Delete
.: Intro :..: Story :..: Rules&Profile Skelington :..: Profiles :..: Beast of Darwin :.


Dapper Dabbler


Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:54 am
Welcome to Darwin IV: Human Population 1,500

The second batch of colonist have landed. Much to the relief of the original setlers, who were pulling double duty to get things done and ready for them. The military directs the new colonist to a sight of the perfect neighborhood. Every family is afforded one two story house, complete with fenced in yard, basement and garage.
Wide areas of crops and pastures surround the town with wind turbines that double as mills. And four heavily armed watch tower stand at four points. To the west and east are thick forest of transplanted Earth trees and native plants. To the west great plains stretch out with long tube like grass blades covering the loamy soil. To the south a short cliff leads down to the man made ocean.
Small birds pass over head accompanied only by the wispy clouds and with fighter planes.
But all the hostile animals were extinct or going that way before the teraforming began. It's just procedure.
Nothing to worry about. Untill..
A new war has left the goverment unable to send any more supplies.
Strange diseases start are crippling the livestock numbers. People start acting strange, like lifting tractors with one had strange. The food seems fine, except when you try to swallow you feel like coughing.
You did take your vaccinations didn't you? Well good, cause there isn't going to be a rescue team -I mean, a new supply shipment for a long time.

Native Population: More than you think

.:Intro:..:Story:..:Rules&Profile Skelington:.: Profiles :..:Beast of Darwin:.
PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:58 am
User Image^v^v^v^RULES^v^v^v^

No Godmodding.

Try to follow gaia TOS. I don't mind a little gore, and romance is okay, but in modderation.

PM your Profiles to me witrh the subject as "Well, shiza."

Wait untill I say your accepted to post. Don't worry, you'll get in, I just need a chance to put your profile up.

If you need help on anypart, say so on your pm and I'll help you.
If you deccide to be a Civillian, mention wether you were one of the orginal colonist or the new arrivals.

If you want one of the Pre-mades, pm me with the subject: "Imagine if you will..." Then tell me who you want in the pm, and any changes you want made.. Easy, non?

Copy this code and fill in. Delet the (())) stuff, naturally.

[color=blue][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] ((A short decription, these are usualy a short generalization, and not too deep, but if you feel like it, get down right psychologist with it.
[color=blue][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] (( Male/Female))
[color=blue][b][u]Family:[/u][/b][/color] ((Anybody your character is related that came with you you may mention them and controll them(NPC), but if they become a constant thing I'd like you to make a profile. For this rp, you can include pets as well, they don't have to be earth pets.))
[color=blue][b][u]Physical Apperance:[/u][/b][/color] ((appreance either a detailed discription or pictures. You can get photos from sites like Photobucket or by rightclicking an image. After right clicking an image scroll down to properties and left click. Copy the Adress/url completely. Then post inbetween the URL or IMG brackets. If it is large please put it in url. If needed I'll show you how. Most RPs preffer URL links instead of IMG.))
[color=blue][b][u]Bio:[/u][/b][/color] ((optional, but if you do fill it out, try to mention everything you'll might touch on.))
[color=blue][b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b][/color] ((millitary, or civilian. you can choose any occupation you wish, or have many no rank higher than Major))
[color=blue][b][u]Weapons/ Special abilities:[/u][/b][/color] ((try not to go over board, try to think with real world logic, what are the chances a civilian will have bigger guns than the millitary members? I'll limit three special powers or weapons. three that's it. Be it power weapon weapon or power power power, weapon weapon weapon. This is optional, so if you don't want them, that's good too.))
[color=blue][b][u]Additional Information:[/u][/b][/color]

.:Intro:..:Story:..:Rules&Profile Skelington:.: Profiles :..:Beast of Darwin:.


Dapper Dabbler


Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:55 am
0~@~0~ Profiles ~0~@~0

User Image


User Image

Sign up?

Civilian Colonist
User Image


Name: Renoa Midewin
Personality: Renoa is socialy akward. She's loud, and argumentative, and absolutely can't stand being ignored, but doesn't want tons of attention. She likes music and old, old movies. She's afraid of water. Waiting is poision for her. In short, she's a blededing heart and a recluse. The kind that cares for people deeply, but once she becomes aware of needing them, or them reciprocateing the feeling, she starts shutting down. She has a bizzar endearment for idiots and things that go boom. 'There goes job security'
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Ulrich Midewin -deceased
Potts - pet- potteri
Physical Apperance: 5' 4"
Bio: Renoa was raised, more or less, by her brother. His plan had been to signon for being the head doctor for the Darwin IV, and with the royalties send Renoa off to one of the classier universities. They, includeing their pet, moved when Renoa was 7 to the unstable world. All three fell head over heals in love with it. This was in part because being the 'Head doctor' the other colonist seemed to think he should know how to cure everything, from a babies sniffiles, to a cows infertility. Renoa got a medical education the old fashioned way, from being her brother's gopher.
They lived (and she still does live) in a large office in the local hospital.
When she wasn't helping him, she was reading the reading, or more often, making a pest of herself by running wild overseen only by Potts. She never made many friends, actually knowing where babies came from kind of creeped kids out. Talking about putting stiches in a dog's kidney had a like wise effect.
. One day, they two headed ou to one of the machines responible for synthesizeing the ocean. She was playing with her pet, and fell in the water, getting sucked up on of the turbimes. She survived, but had to go under heavy surgery.
Not long afterwards, there was another malfunction at the same tera forming plant, he left, and never came back. According to the reports, ome of the pipes exploded, and he was impaled by a piece.

Occupation: Civillian, orginal colonist, Doctor specialiseing in cybernetics and a minor in Zoology.
Weapons/ Special abilities: Speacial ability: Her arms and legs are robotic, (1) thusly they take moch more damage than most. and her hands have a tighter grip than most. 1000 pound per square inch when the inhibiters are broken.(2)
(3) she carries a Tokao-T20 revolover, just for incase..

Additional Information:
She cannot feel through anyof her limbs, and is dependent on her eyes and own guesses as to how much pressure is to much. The limbs need to be recharged and only able to get a small portion of the energy needed enegry from her body. This has stunted her grownth and increased her metabolisim.
PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:05 pm
Beast of Darwin IV
The majority of animals on Darwin IV have died due to enviromental changes.
The species on Darwin had evolved sonar as their primary sense, rather than perceiving light, as most animals on Earth do. Many have complicated cephalons to aid in this sense.
These animals have proved more than capable of hunting, and cohabiting with the earth animals transplanted to fill in the missing niches.
It should be noted there are millions of Areopyhtes, microscopic fliers, in the air at any given time. Some people have allergic reactions to inhaling these creatures. Be sure to contact your doctor immediately if the complimentary vaccinations do not help.

*~Filter Feeders, herbavors, scavengers~*

Arrowtongue: Beware
Extreamly Agressive--An 8-foot-tall (fully matuture) arrowtongue impales its prey with a 26-foot-long flicking, serrated, arrow-tipped appendage. Like many spiders on Earth, arrowtongues are liquivores, injecting digestive juices into their prey and then sucking out the food. They also are fierce, solitary hunters found across the planet. Like most of Darwin IV's animals, their pointed, spade-like heads contain no true jaws. They use sonar in order to find other species and food.

Skewers: Living Jets--The largest aerial predator of Darwin IV, and the last survivor. It is an enormous, with a wingspan of 40 feet. Its wings do not flap but squeeze, shifting shape to shift flight. It is actually propelled by combusting methane gas in four 'jet-pods' on its wings. This allows the Skewer to travel at a speeds just a little over 200 miles per hour. Its killing tool is a hollow lance that impales its prey, injects digestive enzymes, and sucks the corpse dry. Traveling in mated pairs or, less frequently, in small, flying pods upon the planet's strong air-currents these predators are found from pole to pole. Bearing a huge, curved nasal-lance, they are almost playful in their methods of dispatching prey tossing their victims in mid-air from one to another until it is completely drained of fluids.
The most vulnerable point of the animals lifespan is birth. Durring which the new born must right itself and learn to fly withing the few moments of free fall it has before hitting the ground.

Daghgherwrist: Small animal Predator--These human-size predators inhabit the treetops in mature pocket forests on Darwin IV. An extremely active animal, the daggerwrist uses its dagger-tipped forearms to swing from branches, but can also take to the air using glide membranes that deploy when its limbs are extended outward. They communicate with bursts of sonar pings to follows the movements of their prey, mostly small birds and bugs. Daggerwrists possess a complex pseudo-jaw that features a heavily-muscled tube tipped with a barbed mandible; this tube extends out to probe for prey in a snake-like fashion.

Grovebacks: young, fully mature--These massive turtle-like creatures move around using a pair of thick, pillar-like forelegs, but most of the weight is carried by an enormous rear skid that leaves a distinctive deep trench in its wake. During a 10-year hibernation period, the 60-foot-high groveback remains largely buried and immobile just beneath Darwin IV's surface. Vegetation takes root and grows on its vast, porous carapace, a bizarre form of symbiosis that gives this behemoth its name. The small forest is shaken off when the animal emerges from dormancy. Govebacks absorb minnerals from the ground, but durring their migrations filltter feed on microscopic aerophytes. The large eye-shaped structures behind the nose are actually massive gill books that must be kept moist at all times.

Unth: Pack animals--Unths are buffalo-like aliens with two large tusks facing forward on their faces. They are heavy yet lightly built, able to run long distances but still be a formidable herbivore. They are bipedal, and rather than create sound through lungs they have secondary air sacks on their flanks, which create a recognizable 'unth' sound. While ussualy calm, they have been known to stampede if startled. The shortest of these rampages was clocked at just 9 hours.

Trunk sucker: Not good for the garden--Trunk Suckers are relatively small, delicate creatures that are capable of gliding long distances. They feed on tree sap, and are favorite prey of the Daggerwrist. Trunk Suckers use sharp claws to attach themselves to trees while feeding. They fly in small groups, rather like birds on Earth. Due to their skiddish nature, not much is known about them.


Dapper Dabbler


Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:17 pm

...:::;Anouncements :::...
May 14 : Open, accepting profiles.

White List
*no angles here*

Black List
*no one, you're all beautifull*
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 10:45 pm
I'm not much of an RPer but this was a really good tutorial and I can't stand to see it lost to the void of the chatterbox subforum so BUMP.  

maui boy no ka oi

Allied Ally

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maui boy no ka oi

Allied Ally

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:40 am
Bumps for reference.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:13 am
wow, that was beautifully done. bump it up so others will hopefully read it.  


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