hey everyone, I had a story idea come to me a few years back and I finally decided to write it, but I need some help because I'm a substandard writer.

Before you continue though, You need to know that this story was thought of while I was going through puberty and is basically for gutter minded geeks. If that doesn't bug you and you can do one of the things below, please think about helping me.

- Willing to answer some what would you do questions and such so that I can write the story more realistically, looking for girls in particular but I need another guy or two as well.
- Have any skill whatsoever and can add details to certain parts of the story. (such as the opening battle scene)
- Are willing to read the story and it's revised parts and give feedback without constantly mentioning that certain parts seem like overkill (because I already know they do, it's written to seem like the bad guys could care less about others)

If you can do any of the above and not be completely offend I could really use your help. Please send anything regarding this via PM or ask about a non Gaia related way of communicating with me if you are worried that this is too close to breaking