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tips and additional info on roleplaying.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:01 am
Alright My leader from the group called "The millenium" In IMVU found a very detailed role playing guide from here( http://forums.quizilla.com/showthread.php?t=5505). This will give most beginners a guideline in how to role play in the threads and some sort of direction to those that are unsure or lost.

*All credit goes to ******** from that forum for writing a very detailed and great guide.


If you're just starting off and you're unsure as to how to roleplay, don't be afraid to ask some of your fellow players for advice and/or tips. I'm sure that most, if not all, would be willing to take some time out to help someone in need.

Good roleplayers are made, not born. Just because someone else might be better than you at roleplaying, it doesn't mean you can't do the same thing. With time and effort becoming a veteran roleplayer is quite an easy task.

Don't be intimidated by your fellow roleplayers. Watch and learn from them. They can often teach you more than you'd be able to learn if you were alone.

Never give up. While in some cases there might not seem to be solutions, facing defeat is something you'll deal with sooner or later. It's how you deal with that which is important. You always have the option to make a new character, join a new thread, a new faction and/or learn from the mistakes you've made in the past.

One of the most important pieces of all, is to remember it is an RP. You are there to have fun and to interact with other characters and players. Don't take things too seriously and remember to always enjoy yourself.

Feel free to ask questions, give suggestions, agree, disagree, whatever on the information provided in this guide.


From souls.acetonic.net:

The dictionary definition of roleplay is "to assume or act out a particular role." Roleplay is, basically, assuming the form of a character, and writing as that character, in a certain setting. It's writing, but more/less structured, depending on how you look at it. When you set to write a story, you must write the setting, the plot, the characters, everything. When you roleplay, the setting and main plot has already been decided, as well as every character but your own. You have control over only half of the story, your own side. The other half is up to the other players. This strengthens interaction skills.

Roleplaying, in essence, is assuming the role of another entity. You write that entity's actions, thoughts, and words, in response to other people's entities. It's sort of like a play, except not quite so live-action and not nearly so rehearsed. Roleplaying is less of a story and more of a dialogue (though not limited to two) with actions incorporated. Plots can tie everything together, or you can let things happen as they will, but one thing is certain--anything is possible, because you are in charge.


There are many different labels for people at different skill levels, they aren’t really meant to put them down but they generally distinguish different kind of roleplayers so that people with higher standards can get more out of what they want to roleplay.

Illiterate: Usually beginners, illiterates are known to use very generic list descriptions like such—

Name: mister so and so
Gender: male
Eyes: Green
Clothes: jeans and a green day shirt

There are usually no depth or substance to these characters and the remainder of the roleplay is played out in one-liners. Usually illiterates have no regards for capitalization or ooc or grammar or spelling or basic roleplaying rules.

Semi-literate: Usually have longer and more descriptive lists that really get into the character, sometimes a semi-literate might type out a paragraph or two about their character but it’s usually not very intriguing or well written information about their character. Grammar is more sharpened.

Literate: Longer introductions and posts that have depth and description and are more like writing than basic information. Literates create more relatable and in-depth characters that a reader is interested in reading about, not just interacting with. The writing is more developed and the grammar is intact.

Advanced: This is when someone writes a long, interesting, in-depth, creative introduction. The grammar is nearly perfect and the writing is well thought out and descriptive. The quality of the writing is just more developed.

There are different terms known to roleplayers, these are some of the more common ones:

BIC: back in character, or in character. When the writer is writing in his or her persona, and interacting with other characters.

OOC: out of character, when you are talking to other players as yourself not your character.

Mary / Gary Sue: perfect characters. These are generally not permitted because it’s boring and doesn’t make for an interesting roleplay. Flaws and personalities are what make a better roleplaying and Mary / Gary’s are more common in illiterate and semi literate roleplays.

Powerplay: controlling someone else’s character. This is not permitted—you are only allowed to control the actions of your own character

Godmode: creating unrealistic situations, or characters that can do anything. Example: a character that is a lightening fast super intelligent elf that can defeat anyone in combat.

Despie: an illiterate that is desperate for romance.

Slash: romantic relationships in a fanfictional roleplay between to already made characters that is not of norm. I.E. dracoxharry

MxM or FxF: homosexual relationship between two characters

MxF: heterosexual relationship between two characters

Prommie: A well known roleplayer that has earned the respect of the other roleplayers by their example of literacy.

N00b: Someone who is considered illiterate and generally new to Roleplaying without a mentor.

Newbie: Someone who is new to roleplaying, but is well on their way to becoming literate but still needs practice. They are often found in semi- literate roleplays.


These change from board to board, depending on what the creator of the board wishes to institute into his or her roleplay, but these are the standard rules.

1. Spell check—no one wants to read your typos, it puts them off. Typos are fine, of course, but make an effort to spell check your posts.
2. This is related but, no chatspeak in IC. Everyone hates it. You can’t read it. Please don’t do if the creator of the board doesn’t want you too.
3. Post length—quality over quantity obviously, but you should describe your character at length so people get a feeling of who your character is. Not only current appearance but things like personality, history, flaws, the stuff that makes a human interesting.
4. Use proper grammar in IC—that means capitalization, quotation marks, etc.
5. Make your best effort to write intriguing and interesting posts—everyone gets better at writing and roleplaying and until then ask questions so you can learn.
6. Please be original, not only does it get boring to see the same characters over and over again, but there are so many of the same genre RP circling around. If you see an RP of a genre you like, don't start a thread with the same thing, join the original one. Also, try to be ecclectic with what you RP, make up some new ideas about what to roleplay. TRY NOT TO BE REDUNDANT IN THE THREADS THAT ALREADY HAVE BEEN POSTED.


1. Don't use '*', you should use formal writing to a certain extent while roleplaying.
2. Structure the sentences so they all flow together
3. Do not use words repeatedly. For example: He got up and got dressed. He walked into the washroom. He picked up a brush and he brushed his teeth. He walked into his room once again. He pushed open his door. He left his house. See? it gets annoying. 4. Make sure you have more than just a sentence. A truly gifted role player can stretch one sentence into atleast three paragraphs.
5. Pay attention and read about what is going on around you. Try and effectively jump into situations where you would otherwise be left out of the general flow. Not that that is a bad thing alot of people enjoy just roleplaying on their own. Doing thier own nuts.


All thread authors are considered to be the initial Games Masters (GMs) of their scenarios. They should make an effort to include, at a minimum, a story, and rules in the first post or first few posts of the thread. They usually set the scene, guide players during its course and make decisions as to the outcome of the game. These authors may relinquish their right to the thread and game therein if they appoint another person to act as the GM of their RP/thread, or if the initial GM is away for an extended period at which time a new GM is appointed by group consensus and sanctioned by the Forum Moderator(s).  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:04 am
thats not bad advice. This is the first guild ive join that i have seen someone put up advice like that. Congrats.

Now i wonder what catergory i am in.  

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 6:21 pm
By: MatCauthom
From gaiaonline

Who found the source from Tabi Cat who knows the original owner is Tanasha and then when the thread was lost in a Gaian rollback, it was recreated by Oxymoron_02 years ago on Gaia. But it has set the standard for RP play and most PRer's at least use it for a base to have some limits on RP to keep everything from getting out of hand.

Yeah I Valcazar have recently conviently placed this together after getting messaged this by MatCauthom, and by checking the site he checked out. These types will show you what to avoid doing and will and won’t be annoying.

Everything else below was done by MatCauthom and the ones before him.


This is not an RP OOC, nor is it mine;but a helpful project originally created by Tanasha and then when the thread was lost in a Gaian rollback, it was recreated by Oxymoron_02 years ago on Gaia. But it has set the standard for RP play and most PRer's at least use it for a base to have some limits on RP to keep everything from getting out of hand.

Now, I have added to it. Beyond the first... 4 posts, everything is things I have done in my own research into the development and creation of characters.

The Anti Munch Project is all about roleplay awareness. With the onset of poorly skilled roleplayers growing larger all the time, we need this thread to show them where they are going wrong.

This AMP thread lists first the types of roleplayer (all my own definitions by the way), and then the various types of Muncher/Godmoder/Godmodder. These are mostly as they were in the old AMP, but I added a couple terms that I forgot to include in my backup of the previous thread. User input of new terms is a valued thing, and contributions ensure at least a little bit of fame and recognition.

The types of munching have now been ordered alphabetically. I tried to go for 'seriousness of offence', but it was too difficult. I'm open to suggestions.
As of February 27th 2006, I have also included the 'Munch Scale'. Collect five coupons and send them in a self addressed envelope to receive your shiny cardboard wall-mountable Munch Scale poster!

As you can see, the Munch Scale, or Scale de Munch in France (coupons from France not accepted), consists of 1 - 10. A rating of 1 means that an act is not really munchy at all, a rating of 10 means you must bring out the Anti-Munch Intercontinental Ballistic Nixx Missile. As you can also see, munch is always at least a little annoying.

The Munch Scale
1 - Not very munch, not very annoying.
2 - Not very munch, a tiny little bit annoying.
3 - Not very munch, slightly annoying.
4 - Slightly munch, somewhat annoying.
5 - Definitely munch, annoying.
6 - Seriously munch, very annoying.
7 - Annoyingly munch.
8 - Annoying and inconvenient munch.
9 - Annoying, unfair, and inconvenient munch.
10 - The be-all-and-end-all of munching. Avoid like the plague.

OM NOM NOM (The Anti-Munch Project)
Due to recent events I was called upon to research something called the anti-munch project for a friend. It was claimed to be a set of rules to follow in an rp fight. Well being a veteran of rping for seven years now I had never heard of these "rules of engagement". After research this is the data I turned up on the AMP.

The Anti Munch Project is all about roleplay awareness. With the onset of poorly skilled roleplayers growing larger all the time, we need this thread to show them where they are going wrong.

This AMP thread lists first the types of roleplayer (all my own definitions by the way), and then the various types of Muncher/Godmoder/Godmodder. These are mostly as they were in the old AMP.

Types of Roleplayers:

Oldbies: Are veterans of roleplaying. They generally know best after years of experience. Becoming an oldbie, however, is not necessarily the ultimate goal; many people are fine just settling down as Literate.

Elites: Elites are on their way to becoming Oldbies, but somehow veer off-course and become asshats instead. Elites can be recognised by their "Elites only" policy, with no lee-way whatsoever. They are generally quite cocky, think they are better, and insist on using reams and reams of detail. This can be particularly true for magic users, who are convinced that their descriptions of the traits and limits of magic are unquestionable.
Another trademark Elite sign is rejecting AMP, and claiming that "common sense" should be used instead. This is in fact pointless since the AMP is common sense.
(Not all Literates become Elites before they move on to Oldbies (in fact, some Elites never become Oldbies at all. Don't worry.)

Literates: A growing minority, literate roleplayers are just that. They use correct punctuation and grammar, and roleplay fairly. Literates often refer to, and follow the AMP (Anti-Munch Project).

Proby (Probationary): Literally someone in between the 'newb' and 'Literate' stages. They combine traits of the two, in various forms, and will very probably become Literate soon enough.

Newbie: A Newbie can at first seem to be a n00b, they can though, learn to correctly roleplay fairly and adequately. Newbies are to be encouraged and treated well, and will often grow into skilled Literates.

ne0 n00b: ne0s (never use a capital 'n' for them!) at first appear to be Literates. This falsehood becomes apparent after a few posts however, as they tend to break the AMP a lot, and are actually just n00bs who can spell.

n00b: (Don't use a capital 'n' for these either!) n00bs are the worst roleplayer available. A sad and terribly derogatory approach to take, but the simple fact of the matter is that they just cannot and will not roleplay fairly, even when outnumbered, outgunned, and obviously dead in character.
They will often resort to flaming, leading to eventual bans, new accounts, and new bans.

Types of n00bs and munchers:

Aimbotter: Especially annoying when using NPCs, as NPCs don't get to argue about munch.
Munch Rating: 7
A: Three hundred seventy of my trained assassin gymnasts crest the hill, sight you, and rush toward you.
B: Luckily, I have three hundred sixty-nine bullets in my chain gun! I quickly mow them all down, each taking a single bullet to the head, and peg the last one with a rock in the sternum.

Augustine: Far, far too prevalent. They try to carry something from one RP into another, just because they're in the same sub-forum.
Munch Rating: 8
A: Given that this RP's technology base is medieval, I happily drive my cart to the market to buy some maggot-ridden meat.
B: Too late! I already got there in my Gundam and blew up everything with my insanely overpowered weapons! And don't start whining, because my Gundam's already pre-approved in the "This Is Not a Medieval Technology Base RP" thread.

Baghdad Bobbit: An advanced (or is that "degraded"?) form of Puppetmaster and Aimbotter combined. These people soon become bored of anybody with a lick of skill, and wander off in a huff because the RP will take too long for their precious, precious time.

Munch Rating: 5
A: I fire at the stationary target, hitting twice but missing with my remaining four rounds.
B: I get tired of your realistic RPing style and poke you in the neck, collapsing your trachea. You die writhing in torment.

Batmen: Only a few, but they're a b*tch to deal with.
Munch Rating: 10
A: In this Fantastic Four RP, I'll be Ben, the gruff rock-man with a heart of gold.
B: I'll be Reed Richards, the living sex toy who hunts down innocent women to subdue with his incredible flexibility!

Boa Constrictor: Threads that have a long list of rules that prevent any characters except their own from roleplaying in that thread. No example will be given here, since that would be suggesting rules that shouldn't be used at all, and used separately these rules would be fine.
Boa Constrictors most commonly like to ban most forms of magic, guns, NPCs, technology, 'special' abilities etc. The result is, as I said, a thread in which very few characters can venture.
I do emphasise that threads should have whichever rules they want, within fairness to other roleplayers. Lists of rules which prevent too much are too, let's face it, n00bish.
Munch Rating: 4

Daydreamer: Not exactly munch, per se, but it does get annoying. They manage to turn seemingly coherent RP into a mad ramble about totally unrelated things. Which is not to say that adding a little insight in the middle of an RP is bad; but try to make it only a few lines, three at the most, as anything else just distracts from the current events taking place.
Munch Rating: 3
A: In the middle of the intense shootout, I dash across the narrow alley, ducking and weaving in hopes to avoid getting hit. I'm unsuccessful; two bullets peg me in the shoulder, throwing me back into a Dumpster.
B: The bullets make me think back to my days as a youth, when I had to melt down tin soldiers to use as musket balls against the Redcoats... or was it redskins? I can't remember. Anyway, I had to walk uphill all three ways to school and back, running from glaciers all the while. It was torture, lemme tell ya. And then there's the story of how I met my first wife...

Gaseous Snake: A combination of McFly and Lucky Irishmen. They will often attempt to alter the RP right after the fairly playing RPer has made a post that will see the Snake's demise. They are not, however, as desperate as McFlys in what they change.
Munch Rating: 6
A: I walk to the door and open it.
B: Being a fellow with a bit of foresight, I hooked that doorknob to a car battery an hour ago. You're thrown across the room.

Godmoder: A rather broad term, basically covering a character/roleplayer who can overcome any situation. They will often have flashy powers, ignore just about anything you say and do, and somehow manage to be completely unaware of their own unfairness (otherwise known as stupidity).
Munch Rating: 8
A: Now that you're strapped to the end of a naval cannon, I fire it.
B: Whoosh! I nimbly dodge, somehow forgetting the fact that I'm restrained by three-hundred-pound chain!

Hi-jacker: These are intensely annoying for thread creators. They are often members of that thread, also. These are the people that take over a thread they are roleplaying in, and either add things in, or perform actions that affect everyone roleplaying in the thread.
Munch Rating: 5
(Real example)
A: Ok! Our base is under attack and we have to defend it!
B: *Goes and activates the base's self destruct* Everybody run you have three minutes!

Hiver: So named after such things as the xenomorphs from Aliens, the Klendathu bugs from Starship Troopers (which both use hives), and the teeming hoardes they generally are. These hoardes are always fearless, will battle until dead, and quite often have some excessive weapons and/or armour. Alternate names are Beehivers or Ants.
Basically, it's the guys who have too many NPCs.
Munch Rating: 7
A: *He sat alone in his one-man fighter ship, quickly scanning the radar for hostiles*
B: *He sat aboard his giant flagship, with his other 1000 ships around him. He ordered them all to attack the tiny fighter in front of them*

IDKFA: Most likely people attempting to emulate Solid Snake or some other cheesy spy-novel hero. They never run out of weapons or ammo, or anything else that leads to them being victorious.
Munch Rating: 8
A: You're all out of ammo for all five of your Ingram submachine guns. Since you're buck-naked, I know I can now safely step into the open and begin returning fire.
B: Ha! Little did you know, I have twelve shuriken hidden within my afro!

Ironclad Sentinel: This is fast becoming a problem, and refers to when a thread's subject organisation/corporation/military has too many defenses, or defenses that are unrealistically powerful or just plain 'modey.
Munch Rating: 7
A: I am attacking with a battalion of thirty tanks, air support of twenty gun-ships, and three submarines off the coast with Tomahawk cruise missiles.
B: Defenses - Forcefield that blocks everything but lets our weapons out, invisibility shield around the base, 100 SAM turrets, 100 machine gun turrets, 1000 guards with machine guns, 200 space fighters, 200 tanks.

Lucky Irishman: A mixture of McFly and Augustine. A person whose character performs an action at chance (with no knowledge of the way it will tip the balance) that turns events to their favour, despite the chances of such a thing happening being incredibly slim.
Munch Rating: 5
A: With your character totally surrounded in a section of corridor, my ten skilled ninja prepare to slice him to pieces.
B: My character backs up to the wall, inadvertently tripping the base's alarm.
A: ((If I'm going to be honest and fair here, I have to tell you that the alarm would trigger the corridors to be sealed by blast-proof bulkheads.))
B: ((Oh, oops. Guess my character's safe then.))

McFly: Declining in numbers now, these will alter situations (and usually first posts) drastically to give them an advantage in roleplay.
Munch Rating: 7
A: Ha! Now that the force field is down, I run inside your evil lair!
B: Um... um... there's also a super-secret second force field which causes you to die instantly! I just didn't say anything about it because... um... I had to do my laundry! Not because I just thought of it now! Honestly!

Min-maxer: Not a lot of those running around here, thank goodness... that's more of a DnD-style paper game issue. Their own strength:weakness ratio is off the charts.
Munch Rating: 8
A: I've successfully broken into the facility which gave you your incredibly 1337 power armor. Now I pull up the file on it. What does it say about weak points?
B: The metal of my armor is... um... allergic to praying mantis urine.

Miss Cleo: They use Out of Character knowledge to their own advantage.
Munch Rating: 8
A: ((OOC: There's a secret switch hidden in the lamp.))
B: I suddenly think to myself-- why not check the lamp for hidden switches? Call me now for your free reading!

NIMBY: The people who quite readily attack others' threads, but then stop all attacks on their own thread.
Munch Rating: 6
A: They attacked us! Let's go and get them!
B: *Deletes any posts related to an attack and/or b*tch to a moderator*

Oblivious Oaf razz eople who don't explain how what they are using, works. Now this is fine to an extent; you're not expected to know the exact functioning procedure for a gravity-spewing railgun, but at least give a vague idea behind the mechanism.
A: Hahahahahaha my ultra shield deflects any projectile weapon
B: ((Dude, how does that work? I need some info))
A: ((Ahhhhh uhhhhhh.......it....uses......some.......weird substance......that like...........does.....something......and then it like.....deflects all projectiles! Thats how it works, its not like I never explain my gear its just that I just came up with that explanation now, I mean I just had trouble explaining it.

Overcompensation Stroking: "Quality over Quantity" or "Quantity does not always mean quality" . This kind of ties in with the daydreamer but not necessarily. Basically I'm talking about someone who thinks that the longer their post is, the better it is. It's rare to see this, but there are people out there like that.
Munch Rating: 7
A: Not even going to give an example.

Oxymoron: Luckily rare. (And no relation to me. I think) They manage, somehow, to be completely contradictory in their posts.
Munch Rating: 4
A: I'm a farmer with a shotgun.
B: I'm a black hole which emits blinding pulses of visible light!
(For those of you not familiar with physics, black holes allow nothing out of their immense gravity. Not even light can escape.)

Prosecutor: People who claim every one else is Munching when they, in fact, are the only one who is.
Munch Rating: 8
A: My character is a fire mage who casts a two-turn fire spell that will launch a fireball.
B: My character is a five year old salamander named George, who makes a funny noise when he walks. George, despite being a normal salamander, is immune to fire, and also capable of devastating mages with a single swipe of his four inch long tail.
A: Well if he's a normal salamander, he can't be immune to fire, and if he's immune to fire, he can't be a normal salamander...

Puppetmaster: Another overly common occurrence. They basically take control of others' characters, often to extremes. It is usually ok to make tiny little changes to another person's character; for example if your own character launches a fireball at a tree, it is safe to assume that other characters will probably watch the tree get hit, and thus you can comment on that.
Depending upon the extent to which they puppetmaster, this is not necessarily a form of munching.
Munch Rating: 4 - 9
A: I step carefully into the room, peering around for occupants.
B: Suddenly a dragon pokes you in the eye. You run screaming from the room, whereafter you go home, make a pickle sandwich, and call your mother to cry about how she ruined your life.

Quaker: They can magically 'spawn' anything. Having a character which can retreive things from pocket dimensions is not an excuse, unless said pocket dimension has a previously listed inventory which can be checked.
Munch Rating: 9
A: My character is wearing a form of armour only vulnerable to a drop of water from a holy well in South Dakota.
B: *He pulls out the vial of water from a holy well in South Dakota* "I don't know why I always carried this, but I knew it would come in useful one day."

Revisionist: Another prevalent problem. They are akin to a McFly, but rather than trying to be an a*****e OOC, they try to be one IC instead. Their characters change their mind, thus causing an annoyance, but not necessarily munching.
Munch Rating: 4
A: You chose the blue pill? Ooh, tough luck.
B: Red! I said red!
Don't go pulling that "I can read your previous post" mind game crap, either!

Romeo's Tragedy: The character who instantly falls in love with a character who has a crush on them even despite their families hating each other. Not always annoying as long as it doesn't happen too often.
Munch Rating: 6

A. The Akimichi girl stepped out her door and then froze seeing the Hyuga boy she's been crushing on the past four years walking past her house.
B. He hated the Akimichi clan. They were all stupid and fat and a disgrace to the village. Suddenly he spotted one staring at him and a blush ran to his cheeks thinking how beautiful she was all of a sudden.

Shoe elf: Pretty obvious.
Munch Rating: 10
A: ((OOC: Well, gotta go to bed. Big neurosurgery test tomorrow.))
B: Ho, ho, ho! Now that the loser's gone to bed, I can strap his character to a cross and peg him with rotten fruit!

Speedhacker: One of the worst we have to deal with.
Munch Rating: 10
A: I walk to the door and step outside.
B: Suddenly, twelve men grab you, carry you off to my secret lair in Tibet, and torture you for weeks. When you finally die from the agony, we bury you in the frozen wastes. Hundreds of years later, arhcaeologists discover your frozen body and try to determine if you're another Lucy.

Trinity: The knowledge downloaders, the omniscient Billy Joe-Bobs. [Also known as Zoicites]
Munch Rating: 8
A: My character was raised by a gang leader in the harsh conditions of a slum. From this, he learned to wield small firearms fairly effectively and has limited driving abilities.
B: My character was born on a remote jungle island and can fly or drive anything and use any gun with perfect aim.

Twink: Sometimes allowed in certain RPs. If the RP isn't specifically about invincible deities and such, a simple rule is that if the strengths aren't counterbalanced with relatively equivalent weaknesses (or if the reasoning behind the phenomenal cosmic powers isn't eloquently and appropriately explained), you're dealing with a twink.
Munch Rating: 10
A: A punch coming, eh? Well, seeing as you're a seven-year-old child and I'm riding in a twenty-meter mecha, I won't bother dodging.
B: Fooled you! I have the power to DESTROY EVERYTHING when I punch it! I'm just like an X-Man, and therefore require you to suspend all logic when RPing with me! Oh, and I have the power to steal your girlfriend, too.

And there you have it. The anti munch project. My two sources were http://www.menewsha.com/viewtopic.php?t=3459

Though various other things were read they all conformed to this general guideline. Luckily I can say I have only been a min-maxer and even then we were just all beng stupid for the hell of it. Some of things thought of during that session shall never see the light of day. Though I am proud of my Rocket-Powered Horse


Dr_Valcazar: Thank you MatCauthom for showing me this. if this is shown elsewhere let me know so i can probably remove this. but for now i'll keep it here. in a way these show ranks of certain roleplayers mostly the munchers...but also the ones that can roleplay. well i'm not sure, i'll have to see you roleplay myself and give you my opinion. i'm not gonna say that my opinion is correct because it's just an opinion and i don't it worthy to be absolute or one to be the Judge of roleplayers when i myself am still learning. but if you like i'll look at your posts and tell you in private message Sailoki.  
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:26 pm
lol thank you for posting that message by MatCauthom val. MatCauthom Thank you for sending it to val lol. This is very helpful and in my opinion a fun way to read and learn about certain things we should and shouldnt do while roleplaying especially in fights thankies very much. oh and please correct me when I do things wrong lmao I'm still a beginner rofl. So all the feedback I can get will be greatly appreciated ^^  



PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:41 pm
OOC: YEah sure, i will. don't worry your doing fine so far. =)  
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