Title : Night of the Living Dead

Author : George Romero

Year : 1968

Setting and plot (no spoilers please!) : It's about a small group of people barricading themselfs in a house when a zombie breakout happens and how they act in such a pressured situation.

Recommendation : The movie was made in 1968 so it's black and white which actually helps looking past all the blood and guts, that's so popular in todays horror movies (*coughSawHostelAndAllTheOtherscough*) and insted helps you focus on the people and their reactions. The movie also dish up a lot of well placed irony and bizare scenes which will make you smile while still waiting for the next attack. It's also really awesome to see a black man be the protagonist, which ofcourse was really controversial when the movie first hit theaters. The movie is great at making you connect with the charaters and I am not ashamed to say I cried at the end of the movie.
All in all, I think it's an awesome movie and eventhough I've watched it five times, I still get the rollercoaster-feeling where I find myself on the edge of my seat, with my eyes wide open nervously waiting what is next to come.


((Funny fact, I was watching this movie like 10 minutes ago with danish subtitles (being danish and all) and apparently the people making the subtitles got "It's alright" to "Jesup Wright".Which doesn't mean anything in danish but I suspect the translator thought that Ben (who said it) was introducing himself))