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In a Kingdom, on a realm much different from the one you and I know, a fierce war had started.

King Stephen had found a mystic blue jewel that grants its wearer ultimate power. The diabolical King Stephen had stolen this rare artifact from the Angelic King Ephraim, who had been protecting the jewel, as all his fore fathers had before him. When the jewel was being moved to the Palace, King Stephen had ordered his forces to steal it, and to kill all the guards that protected it.

Once King Stephen had the jewel he declared war with the Angelic Kingdom, wanting to rule over both lands instead of sharing, and since the jewel sat around his neck, he knew he could win. The war lasted many years, and during that time King Stephen and his Kingdom started to change. To have the ultimate power, you had to make the ultimate sacrifice, one by one the citizens of his Kingdom started changing, their bodies dying and being resurrected into something more fierce, something that wasn't afraid to bite.

Soon all the citizens, guards, nobles, and even the dear King, and his sons, all turned into blood sucking Vampires. They gained massive strength and speed almost as fast as light. All thanks to the mysterious blue jewel. Knowing the Vampire King Stephen had gone to far, King Ephraim summoned his four sons, sending them to retrieve the jewel, since the Vampire King had the jewel for so long, they knew nothing could change the Kingdom's people back.

Unknown to King Ephraim, King Stephen had also sent his sons out to fight in the war, with there strength and speed, King Stephen figured he had nothing to worry about, but in the dark of night, the brothers had snatched the jewel. Sadly only one of the sons made it back to King Ephraim, the jewel in his bloody hand. King Ephraim sealed the jewel away, so no one else would find it. After losing his four sons, he became heartbroken, and some would claim insane. If not for his daughters, he would have given up completely.

Word spread quickly across the two Kingdoms, as people learned that the two King's decided to have their children marry, uniting the two Kingdoms, and letting there be peace across the lands. Though King Stephen had other plans in mind. He ordered his sons to deceive the princess' and retrieve the Mystic Blue Jewel, once and for all.

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