To keep the forum tidy and under control I have written up a set of basic rules or guidelines for this section. Please take the time to read it, because If I see you not following any of these rules I may delete your thread/post/whatever, as other mods may do also.

First and foremost, the guild rules on the main forum area still apply

The golden rule
Be respectful about the opinions of other people. This forum is for debating, not all out arguing. Refrain from name calling.
Observe however, the fact that something that offends you may be just the opinion of another person. Ie I think women should stay at home and work in the kitchen. That may be a terribly controversial thing to say, but note that I haven't said anything particularly degrading about women, and I haven't used any expletives towards the person I'm arguing with. Now Women should ******** stay in the kitchen where they belong because its all they're good for is differently entirely.
I expect people to understand this difference naturally. But my point is not to blow up at someone if what they say offends you. Moderators will be checking the threads and probably be involved within them anyway, so we will remove any posts that are just pointless or harmful digs. We will deal with it.
In summary, don't rise to bait, because all it'll do is put a big ol hook in your mouth and you will probably end up in trouble too.
If you do wish to post a statement of offensive nature to aid your argument, put it italics, a quote, or within speech-marks to show that it is just a statement.

When posting a thread

Title it with the topic you'd like to discuss, or topics. Or at least include some hint of it.
Give your own feelings on the issue, either briefly or in depth.
Give information on the subject if it's necessary.
Post any relevant points you would like to bring up or discuss

When posting a reply
Try to reply to everyone who has replied to you so no one gets left out.
Give extended replies instead of just one lines if possible - if the thread author has put up several points to discuss, he or she probably wants your opinion on all of them.

Things may be added as ideas are given or situations arise that require new rules, so quickly check this thread frequently just in case