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My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:02 pm
Post your stories (or links to stories if its too long) and get critique, feedback, and loving support. haha. Anyways, Come chit chat or read other peoples work!  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:08 pm
Looks like I'm the first to post here so I'll start it off with a Sci-Fi/Action story I wrote for a contest that doesn't seem like it's going to end... But I like it enough that I feel like possibly continuing it. It's supposed to be only a start since it was based on "What I've Done" Linkin Park and that song always seems like it was only a beginning. I only took the concept of the song, this is very different from the song it's self. Either way I hope all of you like it!^^

Needing Mercy

By: Aliya Ray Stevens
The things I’ve seen. The things I’ve done. Unable to wash away any of what I’ve done with these hands, for I had no mercy.

It was just suppose to be a job, a normal job. 7am to 6pm five days a week weekends off to be with my family and two weeks vacation plus holidays. Normal by anyone’s standards.
My family normal as well two sons ages eleven and fifteen and a daughter who’s seven and a loving caring wife working only part time for the kids. Everything perfect and yet I gave it all up selling myself to become something else by choice.

If it weren’t for the circumstances I wouldn’t have chosen to become a CEA, cybernetic enhanced assassin, and would have gone on with my life. But the accident that fate brought me changed everything.

I worked for a shipping and supply company called Standard Enterprise Shipping and Supply which handled major companies heavy machinery, robotics and sometimes military equipment as I found out later on, otherwise that bit of information was kept between the customers and the head manager of the company. During my shift that day I was helping move one of the larger loads of goods that had come through and needed to be shipped that day, address only known to the truck driver and it was one of those meet halfway deals. Anyway the package was loaded and ready to go till I heard shouting, screams and then gunfire.

I turned. One of my friends was running strait to me screaming, “John get out of here NOW!”

“What’s going on?!”

Joe finally reached me.

“I don’t know there’s gunfire at the east receiving building and all of hell’s breaking lose!”

“Who’s all there?”

“Hell how should I know? Let’s just get out of here now!” He headed to the truck and lifted himself into the driver’s seat.

“What you just going to run away?!”

“What else can we do? We don’t have any guns!”

“We can’t just do nothing! I going to get help!” I ran toward the nearest building as fast as I could. I took a turn to the east side but soon after I heard the squealing of tires. I turned to look not stopping to see a black SUV gunning it toward me with two men leaning out the sides automatics in hand and firing down at me.

I ran faster dodging their bullets best I could, the SUV gaining on me. I was almost to the building when one of the bullets hit me in the shoulder. "Ugh!" I cried out. I hit the ground hard. It stung like a thousand wasps but still I got up and leaped to the side just in time to watch the SUV go flying past me slamming on the breaks, tires squealing, made a sharp turn ramming the rear end into the building. It was stopped long enough for me to run into the building's main office and scramble to the nearest phone.

Quickly I picked up the receiver dialed for 911. I received a dial tone just for it to go dead.

“s**t!” I ran back out of the office to find all three men with guns aimed at me.

“s**t is right but I hope you have something more to say then that before you die.” The one in the middle said.

I was quickly thinking of a way through this, I couldn't let it end this way. Nothing came to mind damnit!

“Nothing? All right then, good bye.”

I hoped I could fake being dead if the first few bullets didn't kill me. Next thing I knew they were all screaming, their guns aimed toward the window rapidly firing as Joe came crashing through with the truck taking down the three men. Coming to abrupt stop screeching the brakes and probably the middle axle. Joe practicully flew out slamming the door open.

“Man that was a rush, don’t know if I like it or hate it yet.”

Climbing over some of the rubble I went to meet him. “Decide later, can you get the truck out?”

“I don’t know, can you fix the mid axle, I think it just popped lose, easy fix.”

“If you can call that easy, let me get in the back and get the tool kit, should only take 5 minutes that is if it wasn’t ripped out, then lets get as many guys on here and high tail it out of here.”

“If we’re all not dead! Forget it, it’ll work good enough without it.”

“Then let’s unload this thing fast!”

I ran over to the back of the truck the door still hanging open with something leaking out from one of the crates. Didn’t matter, I just had to get at lest some of them out to make room. I jumped in climbing over rumble to do so and started pushing the leaking one out, struggling to keep my footing on the slippery metal while pushing the heavy box up the slope caused by the trucks position. Some of the liquid started dripping on me. It tingled every time it dripped onto my skin. But the box was too damn heavy for me to even care.

Joe was at the other end of the truck ready to grab the crate but one wrong step and I lost my footing. Falling down I slid back the crate right on top of me slamming me right into the back of the truck. The liquid was now leaking all over me leaving an electric feel to it increasing in intensity every second.

“John! You ok? I’m going to help you! Just hang on!”
I could care less what was happening, I could barely even think, on top of that everything was going blurry.
But I heard gun shots with a sharp scream. I closed my eyes for a few moments trying to figure out what was going on and saw two black figures in front of me. One of them said something like “How much do you think he got?” the other replied “Enough to kill him.”
The other replied “He doesn’t look like he’s dead, yet.”
I heard another a voice in the front of the truck asking what was going on.
One of the figures replied that they had found a man, me, in the back of the truck and something about that I was still alive.

The other voice yelled in a authoritative voice to bring me out and that I was worth a look. They pulled me out from underneath the crate, I must of broken something in my leg since it hurt like hell when they drug me out of the truck and laid me down in front of the man who was speaking before. I had already lost track of everything that was happening. They talked for a few moments and the last thing I heard was “Bring him, he’s worth a shot.” Before everything went black.

The next thing I knew was that I was in a bright room, very white and I was laying on some sort of a bed. It was soft and warm. I tried to move but everything felt so heavy, like there was a huge lead weight on me. I couldn’t do much. My vision was still blurry but I could hear pretty well. It was relatively silent other than faint mechanical sounds to my left. I turned my head as far as I could and I made out the outline of hospital equipment including a monitor.

Was I in a hospital? It seemed too quiet for that and the room wasn’t what I would call comforting being blank white, at least from what I could see. I continued lying there, what choice did I have, till I heard the door open and three people walked in, one looked like a woman the other two similar to the figures I saw before I blacked out one of them whom I suppose was the boss. They walked over to me and stood to my right, the woman at the foot of the bed. I turned my head as far as I could to get a better look.

“Well it looks like you lived from you little accident, how are you feeling?” Said the boss.

I tried to speak best I could, I croaked out “Where am I?”

“I wish I could tell you but that’s something that you will learn later given the right circumstances.”

Still struggling to speak I managed to mutter out “What do you want?”

“It’s not what I want but what you want. But you seem to be having trouble speaking so I’ll just tell you what you need to know. First of all the only reason you are still alive is because my men were able to salvage you from the accident you had with one of the crates in the back of the truck, in particular the liquid leaking from it.”

“The liquid?”

“Yes, I take it was a bit tingly not really hot or cold. But anyway this liquid is very valuable especially on the black market. Do you know why?”

I didn’t like where this was going but he continued without an answer.

“The liquid you came in contact with is a chemical that is used to prepare and help adapt a person to a new form of cyber technology called Manifest. It is called that due to the fact that it requires a special operation to place the cybernetic implants into the body of a person and because it allows a person to “manifest” their mind into computers and take over them for whatever reason, tracking files, accounts, other computers and even people.”

I really did not like this.

“The thing is the chemical requires a very high tolerance in the body for it to work and just a milliliter over the required dose in a person would kill them, if the initial dosage didn’t that is. There is an antidote for it but it would have to be administered seconds after exposure.”

He walked around to the other side of me and kneeled down to my eye level.

“But you were able to take a thousand fold over the highest dose normally given and yet you’re still alive which is why we even bothered with bringing you here. The things you could do would be amazing, even without the implants you right now you would be able to hack any system with relative ease just through touch.”

He was looking me in the eye, or at least from what I could see.

“Which is why I’m offering you a job as one of my CEA’s.”


“A cybernetic enhanced assassin, you have a strong body, good reflexes and just from looking at you a sharp wit, I can tell these sorts of things about people.”

He had to be joking.

“Now let’s hear what you have to say, Joseph unhook him from the inhibitors.”

“Yes sir.” He walked over into my view and reached to the side of my head and pulled something off. Quickly everything came into focus and I could move again. Quickly I sat up. The man in charge was about 5’7”, Asian with graying hair wearing a business suit. The man behind him was 5’9” and was Caucasian brown hair, blue eyes while the woman about 5’7” looked very Italian had sharp face features, red brown hair and striking scarlet eyes.

“Ah good. If you weren’t knocked out we would have never-“

“Wait just a minute! What the hell are you talking about? I have a family, friends, a job and I’ve never killed anyone in my life! What makes you even think I would even say yes to this!”

He gave a little chuckle to himself and continued, “Easy, for one you don’t have a job anymore the shipping company you worked for is long gone as of a week ago-“

“A WEEK AGO! How long have I been in this damn place!”

“Just let me finish. Your family for now thinks that you are in intensive care at the hospital north of the Nevada border. They are unable to visit due to road blocks looking for the attackers on Standard Enterprise and the fact that they are not letting anyone in that hospital to keep the media at bay, not that it’s helping much but you understand.”

“Understand! Let me the hell out of here!”

He got up and started pacing around the bed. “Now just calm down. As for the pay of the jobs it varies. For one the head price might be ten thousand dollars while another could be one hundred thousand.” He had a gleam in his eyes as he said this.

“Wait, how much?”

“Don’t worry you heard me right and some of the top jobs pay a couple million. Well more than enough to help your family, quite frankly you would be living in luxury after a few months with us.”

I was beginning to think this wasn’t such a bad deal, I could take care of my family, friends, help out with basically anything possible but-

“How would I tell my family this? Just say’ Hi honey got to go kill someone I’ll be back for dinner’? I’ve never killed anything more than a bird in my life! Really this sounds great-“

Quickly he cut me off, “You won’t have to say anything to them, we have a cover up job for you that conveniently requires a lot of travel and regular days at the office. But of course during those times you would be on a job or training during the day. We would train you, teach you want to do, how to see things, hear things, think and feel. Everything you could possibly need we would supply.”

He stopped and turned toward me and held out his hand to me as if he was getting ready to give a handshake.

“All you have to do is say yes. Say yes and you will be capable of things only imagined and will be living in luxury that most only dreamed of.”

This all seemed too good to be true. An exciting life, money, power and being able to provide for my family for the rest of my life and theirs. I looked at his hand I was thinking hard. I’ve seen many movies where the main character gets this sort of deal but it only leads to trouble. But that was the movies; this was real life things weren’t written up on paper and filmed to be entertaining. Maybe it would turn out to be the answer to all my problems and it wouldn’t be forever, I would probably retire early and everything would be a dream. I looked back up at him.

“So what do you say John?”

Apparently they knew more about me than I did about them, but still I grabbed his hand and shook it. “I guess I’ll say yes.” This job was too good to resist.

After that he told me his name Wu Tanaka and introduced me to the two others Joseph Brent and Elena Brightman, who would be my two colleagues and would work together on each job. Soon after I went under the operation to become a CEA which I luckily I don’t remember; you know how messy medical operations can be.

When I woke up I was given a brief explanation of what I could do which was nothing short of awesome and I got a little training so I wouldn’t just go hacking any near by computer without realizing it. They explained to me my “job” which was as a stock broker for the company that made the Manifest products and was located at a false office which was the training facility in a building outside of my town. I was given all the info I would need to start off and explain to my wife.

She and the kids were so happy to see me safe and sound when I got home and heard that I had been able to get a new job that had the potential for me to move up quickly and earn lots of money, their way of covering up the amount of money I would be making. But this would be the last time I would see them like this.

For two months I trained before taking my first job, all the while my wife saw very little of me and the kids even less. I hardly knew what was going on in my own home and I had become increasingly distant from them. The first job was to take out a CEO of a company illegally creating cybernetic parts for the public’s use, so I was told. I did only what I was told, like a machine which I was more of now than a human.

It was at night and like a cat slipping through the night I sneaked into the condo complex from one of the back doors. It only took a second to disable the alarms, phones and power. I heard a cry of surprise from one of the night guards. I looked down the hall toward the main entrance, he reached for his radio. Pathetic. His radio's signal was redirected to 102.7, a classical music station which I enjoyed very much. He was getting himself into a panic, the dark does that to some.

>Elena could you calm him down, he seems to be getting anxious.< I said through our communication system.

>Of course.<

Seconds later Elena appeared behind him, cupped his mouth and slit his throat letting his limp body slump to the ground making only a light thump as it did.

>That should help him.< Said Elena as she walked toward me.

>Yes but you may have over done it.< I came out to meet her.

>Maybe but the music seems perfect for the scene. Still turn it off before someone wakes up. You redirected the phone lines right?<

>One of the first things I did, now what floor was he on?<

>Go into your data base, it's all right there.<

>Yeah, yeah I know now. Top floor room 702. We go through the elevator.<

>Glad to see your using your resources. Now hurry up, I'm tracking some movement on this level.<

>Ok don't get pushy.<

Silently we ran to the elevator down the rest of the marble hallway. I held my hand to the controls to bring it down and open the doors. Only we could use the elevators so anyone being in them was very unlikely. We got in and headed for the top floor.

Few moments later we were there and we slowly pulled open the doors. Didn't make a sound as we walked to room 702. It was an electronic lock with a password. Elena just swiped her hand over it and it popped open.

>I'll go to the bedroom where he should be, you take out anyone else in here.< Elena said.

>Got it.<

I walked over to the left, my steps muted by the soft carpet of the living room. I came up to the kitchen when I heard humming and the shutting of a door followed by the light clink of a plate. With my back to the wall I peered around the corner. A man in his mid-forties balding, dark blond hair clearly the CEO had apparently thought now would be a good time to make a sandwich. I guess he chose the hard way to die.

I swung around and held my gun even to his eye level. He flashed his head around seeing my movement and whacked the plate onto the ground, shattering it as it hit while he tried to run away. Quickly I fired on him hitting him in the back, the force pushing him to the ground. Still he tried to reach for a phone, crawling like a dying maggot. I walked over in front of him crushing his hand. He cried out in pain but I didn't care. He looked up to me pain and fear in his eyes. BANG, BANG! But the shots weren't mine. I heard a woman's scream and then one more shot before it ended.

>What was that?< I sent to Elena looking over to the sounds direction.

>A liability or two I should say. You finished the target?<

>Not just yet, it looks like he has something to say.<

>Well hurry it up!<

I looked back down to the CEO crying heavy tears, visibly shaking.

"Please, Please." He muttered out blood dripping from his mouth. "Tell me was that my wife? My child?"

"Maybe, I wasn't the one over there. Is that all you have to say?" I pointed my gun to his head.

"I have nothing else to say than just kill me. I have nothing to live for."

"Fine then." I pulled the trigger and his body and voice went silent.

Each job was like this as I became colder and colder to everything around me. My wife, Molly, had begun to be suspicious of what my job really was and began to follow me to work in the mornings. Also at the time I was having an affair with Elena as I was spending more time with her than Molly or anyone else outside of work so I thought what the hell it would be fun and she is very attractive after all.

One day I was unaware of Molly following me to work since I was tracking and gathering information a particular mark that was coming up as I drove. This morning when I got out of the car Elena was there to meet me and I gave her morning kiss and of course my other actions followed suit with the arm around the shoulder and such. Regrettably Molly had seen it all.

That night when I came home she was sitting at the table drinking what I took to be a vodka mixer. She looked toward me with a stern face and was dressed in what I took to be one of her new rather expensive cocktail dresses.

“How was work today honey. I hope it wasn’t too stressful.” She said with thick sarcasm in her voice.

“It was fine, the same as always. Why aren’t you in bed? It’s 11 o’clock.” I feeling nervous for the first time in weeks, maybe months.

“Oh so it’s the same. Well I guess that should be obvious, why change something that you feel so comfortable with.” She was fiddling with her glass now, staring me down.

“I really don’t know where you’re going with this." I was struggling to change the subject "When did you get that dress, it looks new.”

“Oh it is. I bought it for the occasion today after you went to work. I thought it would be appropriate.”

“What? Honey I think you’ve had too much to drink now let’s-”

She jumped out of her seat jabbing her finger at me yelling “DON’T YOU ‘HONEY’ ME! I saw what’s been going on. You and that little Italian bird! I saw you with her today!”

I figured by now she had followed me but I doubted she saw everything.
“Today? She was just telling me of some work we had to do before I got in the office.”

“Oh I see and she could only tell you with her tongue in your mouth!” She was red with anger.

“How can you be so sure! It was nothing more-“

“Don’t you play dumb with me! I know the truth and I saw it through the thousands of lies you’ve told me!” She was right in front of me yelling in my face. I had to calm her down somehow, change where this was going.

“Honey really your going to-“

“I SAID DON’T HONEY ME!!!” She raised her hand to slap me but I grabbed it.

“You better let me go before I call the cops!”

“Call them about what? I’ve done nothing!”

“Shut up you b*****d! You have no alibi! All I want you to do is leave! Leave me, the kids, EVERTHING!” She was crying now, I just didn’t know what to do, what to say, anything. I was caught in my web of lies and nothing was going to wash them away.

I let go of her and headed toward the door. I'd given up, there was no changing her mind as I would know after seventeen years of marriage. I turned around to say something, anything that could change this but I saw the kids in the hallway looking at me with tears in their eyes. Molly looked toward them as well, walked over to them to comfort them and put them back to bed. Something I should have been doing as well. I turned and walked out the door as the clouds above turned to lightning and rain, as they tend to do in during the summer.

I drove to work in the rain with no other cars around lost in my thoughts and approached the building to find Elena’s car pulling in and parking in the usual spot. She was never here this late that I'd seen. I parked outside the parking lot on the street and quietly followed her in, something was up.

She went to Tanaka’s office on the seventh level, above the main training areas. I heard her say “Lets get this over with.” And she shut the door quickly behind. The walls may be sound proof but a quick hack into his computer and with the webcam I could see and hear it all.

“So what’s the news on John? Any luck?” Asked Tanaka.

“His wife finally kicked him out so we have that liability out of the way. But quite frankly I prefer men without attachments such as that.”

“Yes and so does Manifest, but you know anyone that can take a thousand fold dosage of the C serum is very valuable to us. So far he’s killed off half the competition’s head CEO’s and tracked down many of their major shipments of their products for some of the lower level teams to handle.”

She gave him a look of disapproval, and was clearly irritated. I was growing in anger but still I watched knowing there was more.

“Of course you did a great deal of work and so has Joseph, you are all a team.”

“Ya sure whatever you say. Still the government might be catching on to this plan and might start to track it down to us and we are having trouble pinning the blame on inner-company relationships between many of them.”

“Not to worry you and John can take sometime to change the data around a bit. It won’t be long before the military will look to us for the next great thing for their soldiers and of course the real fun will begin.”

He turned around to look out window I moved the camera to focus on him not thinking about what I was doing clearly. He stared directly at the camera and swung back quickly and stood strait up.

“Elena we’ve been hacked. Get some guards and check the perimeter, every floor, everywhere now!”

Quickly I disconnected and ran as fast as I could out of there! I was on the seventh level and I had sneaked past a few Guards on the way up but now every one of them would be looking. I ran as fast as I could enraged by how stupid I was in the first place! I had been set up right from the moment I accepted his deal. Now I’ve lost my family, my friends, my humanity, my life!

I reached the stairway and I saw the guards coming up them. I decided I would head to the roof, ten levels up. I started climbing, not all that silently and I heard the guards shouting and running faster. But I was at the top before they had even got to the eighth level. I slammed open the door and headed out into the heavy rain and wind and started looking for a way down. I figured I could use the ledges and ease my way down, nothing new but it was slower than I wanted. I headed to the west side which was closer to my car and dropped myself down to the first ledge almost losing my balance but I hung on and started on the next one.

I was ready drop to it when the door slammed open and I heard only one pair of footsteps slapping in the puddles. Quietly as I could I dropped down to the next level but I slipped again. I grabbed the ledge and held on as tight as I could. The footsteps came toward me, I looked up to see Elena standing there.

“Well, well looks like you’re our little hacker. I don’t think Tanaka will be too pleased to hear about this.”

“Shut up! You can forget even having me on your stupid team! And your not getting away with any of your plans!”

“Don’t you be forgetting that you were part of them as well. They find out any of it and you’ll be on the execution list as well.”

“Then I’ll just have to make it personal.”

Elena pulled out a gun and aimed it right at me.

“If you live.” She fired at me, I let go of the ledge to dodge but the bullet hit me directly in the chest where my heart was and I went free falling toward the ground. I expected as much that I would die as I hit the ground hard. I laid there for a minute waiting to die, wanting to die. I had nothing left to live for. But I felt no pain and I wasn’t paralyzed since I could move. I got up and felt at where the bullet hit me. There was a hole but hardy any blood came out. I pulled the bullet out and it looked like it had hit something hard. The implants were tougher than I thought. But there was no time to wonder about that now.

I jumped up, ran as the lighting struck toward the ground to the car and drove off into the storm wildly with one place in mind. I drove up to an old building that I had set up myself as a hideout if anything were to happen. No one but I knew about it so I would be safe for now.

That night as I laid down in the small uncomfortable bunk, I made a promise to take down Manifest for everything they had done to atone for my sins. Atone for what I’ve done so that I could feel as if I could have mercy, so I could begin forgiving myself; wash off this slate, myself, as uncertain as I was.

So this is where I begin. Where I begin to undo what has been done and stop what could be done by Manifest. What their full plan is I will find out soon and I know that the mercy I need will come so I can forgive my sins and stop other’s in hopes that I will be able to be with my family again and have the life I had before. If it's even possible. If not I'll make a way.  

Cherry Cough Syrup

My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:19 pm
YAY! First story! I'm going to read it when i get a chance to sit down and have time! but the first little tid bit i read was awesome!  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:44 am
My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe
YAY! First story! I'm going to read it when i get a chance to sit down and have time! but the first little tid bit i read was awesome!


Cherry Cough Syrup

breana christine

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:38 pm
corn stalkers
zOMG breana
2299 words/24ish paragraphs or stanzas

        Slowly but surely the small car filled with us high school students made its way up the hill. The smell of too much perfume and a hint of booze wafted up from the rolled down windows as our mouths opened to belt out the lyrics to any random song that came from the radio. Yup, to us we were just another group of students going up to the cornfield for a fun time for Halloween, or at least that’s what everyone thought.

        “I’ve heard that people go in, and don’t come out.” whispered my superstitious friend Beth, as her boyfriend climbed out from under her and made his way into the front seat.

        “You know we don’t have to go right?” I asked trying to have a voice that was comforting, while still saying that I really wanted to go, although my shaking hands declared the opposite. Although it wasn’t chilly outside goose bumps ran up and down my arms making the hairs stand up as we got even closer to the big red barn where we would soon be buying tickets and being sent off into the enormous corn stalks. Where we would scream and run from the little set up Halloween decorations that the old couple put up in the same place since forever.

        Beth nodded and swallowed hard enough that I could see the little ball in her throat rise up and then fall back down into place.

        Before I could even look over my shoulder to see how much road we had covered the gentle humming sound of the car stopped and I realized we were there. Beth and her boyfriend climbed from the back seat, and Beth’s older brother, Keith, climbed from the other side, leaving me to squish my way between the front seat and tripped towards the group, being caught by Beth’s drunk boyfriend who laughed a little bit and tried to pick me up, only to be stopped by my slapping hands.

        “Welcome folks!” Mr Hampton, the owner, said as the group of us walked quickly towards him, so the pitiful old man wouldn’t have to walk the entire way to us. “Six of yas?” Beth’s brother, Keith, being the only sober guy, and the only to smile and hand the man a few twenties, thanked him. “Well have a good time.” All of us, even the drunk ones, nodded and listened to him as he finished the rules. One of Beth’s other friends smiled and giggled as her boyfriend kissed her neck, which led Hampton to the last rule. “And no fornicating in my damn field got that?” he hissed before turning on his heal and walking away.

        Quite slowly we headed into groups of two, and settled on a contest. “Whichever group scares the other’s the most wins.” Beth’s boyfriend said softly as if Mr Hampton could hear us all the way out here. Before I could say anything I felt Keith slip his arm around my shoulders, obviously indicating I was going with him. “Go!” Jacob screamed before we all scrambled out into the field. Keith and I slid around the edge, so we could get what he called a ‘back attack’ against the others. It felt nice to have the breeze rustling my hair around my face, even if I was attached to my best friend’s brother’s hand. And running through a field of corn. I closed my eyes and listened to the pounding of our foot steps and felt as though I might fall asleep because of the perfect surroundings and rhythm of our feet shooting through my body.

        Without giving me any warning Keith stopped, forcing me to crash into him “What the hell are you doing?” I demanded through clenched teeth as I rubbed my shoulder in the spot I had rammed into him. He gave me nothing more than a glare as I asked him what drugs he could possibly be taking. But before he answered my words he grabbed the top of my head and pointed it into the corn where I saw two forms pushed so close into each other it looked like one giant blob. I realized who it was; Beth and her boyfriend. “Oh my...” I whispered to Keith reaching out in attempt to grab his arm to keep him out of the corn. “We are not scaring her!” I hissed through gritted teeth. “You know she scares easily!”

        As always, he didn’t listen to me, and I watched helplessly as Keith took a small piece of stalk and snapped it loudly. “What was that Jake?” Beth asked softly as she pulled away from him looking around. Keith snapped another stalk. “Probably nothing. Everyone is running around. I betcha everyone’s doing the same as us, so calm down.” he whispered in her ear as his big arms wrapped around her again.

        Finally I walked forward and fought back the urge to call out to my panicked friend and tell her everything was fine. It was just her idiot of a brother trying to scare her. Keith made an even louder noise and threw a piece of corn out and made a weird gurgling sound. “What the hell?” Jake almost screamed as it bounced of his arm. Finally Beth just gave him a hard glare and demanded they leave. “It's nothing. Just one of those a** holes we came with trying to ruin our night.” he said as he hurled the piece of corn back in our direction. I ducked out of the way and watched it wiz into the side of the barn with a thump. “Jake, let’s just go, please!” Beth almost begged. Finally I grabbed Keith by the arm and squeezed trying to make him stop. He just smiled as if he was enjoying this way to much and brushed my grip away like it was nothing more than a baby’s.

        There was a loud sound behind me, I assumed it was just another guy what Keith was doing, so I ignored it. But then I had the urge to look and it wouldn’t go away. After a few seconds of the uneasy feeling in my stomach I left Keith to taunt Jake and Beth and turned to see what it was. I felt a gasp escape my mouth as a skinny tall figure stood only a yard or two away from me with a large metal sickle in hand. Obviously it wasn’t anyone we had come with. My entire body grew numb and shook as it walked to the right of us and dissapeared into the stalks.

        “Oh God. Keith. No. Keith!” I began gasping trying to figure out if it had been my imagination. He turned away from the two as Beth again begged Jake to go and leave. “No!” he boomed angrily to her as he turned in a circle trying to find out where we were standing. “hat?” Keith demanded as I began shaking. “There!” I gulped in my only attempt to mute the scream mustering in my throat. Keith asked what I was talking about as I heard a scream. A familiar one. One I had heard when Beth and I were playing with scissors and she cut open her finger. And once when we were swimming and she caught her foot on the side of the pool, cutting it open.

        Both me and Keith whirled in a complete three-sixty motion trying to see her. But now it wasn’t really Beth anymore. Nor was it really Jake anymore. In a giant heap they both laid in the matted down corn her fingers intertwined with his. His hand in her hair as if pulling away from his last kiss. Beth had a giant slice down her now bare stomach and on the insides of her pant less thighs and a final mark where it looked as if someone had tried to scalp her. “No!” I said to myself first, then to Keith as he walked towards his dead sisters body. “Keith stop!” I cried feeling my entire body shaking from fear and anger and panic. He stopped. “Beth.” a soft whisper came from him. “It’s not funny anymore. Get up!”

        I wished it was a joke. But it wasn’t. Again I heard a sound but this time refused to turn and see it. And merely hissed “I don't’ want to wait for death damn it!”


        “Why hasn’t Hampton come to look for us yet?” Keith asked as he walked numbing in search for the others. It had been well more than a few hours since our wandering looking for the others. And who knew how long since we began stalking after Beth and Jake, who we left in the field, still hoping it was all part of a cruel ******** up joke.

        “Maybe he’s... gone too?” I asked softly, not wanting to say a thing about death, it would make everything too real for me. Keith obviously didn’t feel the same about the subject. he couldn’t stop talking about it. Or at least it seemed that way. “Or he’s behind it all?” Keith state more than asked. I nodded to say I was listening, although I doubted an old fragile man could do what had been done. We turned a corner I was sure we had already been down and wandered into the darkness. “God, Keith. How are we going to get out of -”

        I was cut off mid sentence by a pleaful scream that rang in my ears. Forcing my body to freeze in place, letting my eyes search frantically for the origin. Within moments my gaze met Keith’s who merely whispered me to come over to him.

        Still paralyzed with fear I shook my head and listened intently for sounds or life, or even death. Closing my eyes in attempt to concentrate I saw Beth’s face. Her frightened begging face in the car. I had urged her on, she was dead because of me. Two silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I wished we had never come, but we had. And this was all real.

        A pair of hands touched my shoulder, and the new wave of fear had given me enough realization to let out a loud shrill scream. My cry for help was muffled by a rough hand slapping over my mouth and a familiar voice’s plea for me to be quiet. I sighed and fell into the arms of the voice’s origin as I come to realize it was Keith. “Don’t make a sound.” he whispered harshly to me in my ear before slowly letting me go. “It’s behind me , about sixty feet away., not even, crouching in a circle of corn where the path cuts off.” Keith stopped as a branch snapped indicating the th8ing was getting closer.

        Again Keith began “Run when I say.” I shook my head whispered no, I wasn’t leaving him for dead. Another snap made me think that the thing was taunting us. It knew either way we were going to die. And it was just fun for him to do it this way. A soft, but menacing growl came from the corn near Keith, who let out a soft fain moan as he jolted forwards a bit before buckling to the ground. Before I began running I saw a star-like weapon sticking from the back of his skull.

        Pushing off the ground as hard as I could I made a left turn and flew into the unmarked corn with tears of fear and anger falling from my eyes, blurring my vision. As I blindly ran the sharp dry leaves of corn smacked into me, the force throwing me in all directions. I felt like I was trapped in a pinball machine. As I saw the faint glow of windows I thought my imagination had gotten the best of me. But I then saw a small figure standing on the porch.

        “Mr Hampton!” I screamed throwing myself up the stairs and into his open arms letting my dam of tears broke. Finally I broke from him and tried to run into the house, “Hurry, we have to call the cops someone is out there.” But I stopped as I saw a lifeless form in the corner, hunched in a ball. Blood dripping from it’s face. I looked at my fingers and saw blood caked on them from where I had touched his neck. “Oh my God!” I screamed realizing that it wasn’t Hampton, just his skin. I staggered backwards and the unknown thing followed close after, ripping the mask off with his hands and tossing it near my feet.

        “Death is a funny thing.” the raspy voice began “And you know, it is much like a shot. A few seconds of pain. Then it’s done. I wanted to scream to run to do anything but I knew I couldn’t win against him. I was done. I could smell his breath even from the few feet away I was. He whispered how it was fun to kill my friends and let me have the panic and guilt of it all as he pulled out a wet knife from his pocket and licked off some of the dark liquid. I almost puked as I saw it was blood. “Just close your eyes and it’ll all be over.” the raspy voice said. I spat in his face.

        A soft squishing sound came before the pain did. He was right. As soon as the jagged blade was ripped from my stomach everything went numb in my and my world went black as I saw fresh blood covering my hands. Then I collapsed. Death was a lot like a shot, just like he said, a sharp initial pain, then it was all over.

BAHH> Not my best. But it's decent and all I have saved on this computer. If/when I [ever] get my newest story thread set up I'll remember to link it hurr!
PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:58 pm
both the stories were totally awesome!!!  

My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

Wolfen Princess

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:23 am
Bus Stop

By: Pandora

At the unpaved corner of Elmhurst and Linden Leaf, a tired youth stood, illuminated only by a dim street light and the beams of passing cars. He wore a long black trench coat, that contrasted his pale white skin and a messenger bag was slung carelessly across one shoulder as he paced impatiently across the smaller of the two roads. Dark eyes tried to pierce the darkness that clouded the end of the street, watching for the dim shapes that would mark the arrival of his friends.

His pacing faltered, then stopped altogether when he saw the thin frame of another teenager, though this one several years his junior. She was a young blond, thin and frail. She was dressed in a short gothic skirt and dark t-shirt despite the chilly fall morning, though her outfit was often more Lolita than American slut. She took off her backpack and threw it on the ground, seconds later joined by her purse. The boy greeted her with a nod of his head and she returned it with a bright ‘Good Morning’. Conversation started soon after and involved the two until the next arrivals.

The next boy’s entranced was announced well before he reached the two, his bright white sweatshirt visibly even in the dim light. His companion however, was less visible, as she wore a baggy dark green jacket and jeans. They too were teenagers, and walked slowly, as if not wanting to reach their destination. The boy was brunette and his skin light, though not as pale as the first’s. The girl was a contrast, her dark brown hair curled to shoulder length and her skin a touch too dark, betraying her black heritage. They were already in their own conversation as they approached the others, and its disappearance left no trace as to what it might be about.

The four stood together, chatting and arguing as they waited for time to pass and the reason they were there to come. It wasn’t until the sky lightened considerably, turning from black to a light blue-grey, did the others come.

It was a group of three, two boys and a girl, the final arrivals. They too walked lowly, as if any second they would turn and head back home. They too were dressed darkly, and one of the boys was accompanied by a lit cigarette. At their arrival, the other’s conversation pulled to a halt. As the trio joined the group, six pairs of eyes focused on the black girl, who seemed to be interested with the backpack she too had set on the ground. Seconds later she had pulled seven gas masks and a small three inch Swiss army knife from her now empty bag.

“Wow,” The whispered word came from the boy she’d walked with as looked over the mask. “Where’d you get these, Amber?”

Amber shrugged as she handed a mask to each of the teens, reserving one for herself. “I bought them.” She glanced at the boy, “by the way, you owe me four hundred dollars.”

“You bought 2800 dollars worth of gas mask?” He asked, almost disbelieving the girl’s claim. He then shook his head. “I can’t believe you spent that-,” the rest of his sentence was cut off as he tried on the mask.

Amber looked up at the others. “Do you all have your stuff?” She asked, a faint tone of worry in her voice. “Nick?”

The first boy smiled and opened his trench coat, revealing a rifle sewn to the side with small cloth strips. “Locked and loaded.”

Amber nodded and turned to the blond. “Paige?”

Paige opened her backpack and pulled out a small one gallon gas tank. She shook the can and they all heard the sound of liquid sloshing inside. “I had to steal the gas,” she said frowning. “But I guess it doesn’t matter.” She put the gas away and Amber turned to the masked boy.


The boy sighed and pulled a small handgun out of the pocket of his sweatshirt, his hand shaking as he held it. Putting the gun away, he shook his masked face. “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.” He said, slightly jumbled by the mask.

Amber didn’t answer, instead pulling out a small silver cell phone and dialing a number. A few “uh huh’ and ‘okay’s’
Later she hung up. “Okay, the gas is rigged and no one has raised the red flag. You guys,” she nodded towards the trio that had remained quite since their arrival. “Are about to have your party.”

If she had anything else to say, it was interrupted by orange flashing lights caught as the school bus stop at the bus stop before theirs. She gathered the masks from the seven teens and slung the refilled backpack over her shoulder.

“Okay then,” she whispered, as much to herself as the others as the bus arrived at their stop.. “It’s off to school we go.”  
. stories .

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