Alright..I know I have allowed a quest and donation forum..I know some of you will definately be posting here at SOME point in the near or far future..

But atleast read this if you do stare

- If you're going to post your own thread on here, be it a charity, quest, donation whatever I dont care, either way. If you post, do not get carried away, and do NOT post hints on the other forums that you have a quest thread here, it will get on people's nerves I am sure!

- Post a thread here but only ONE of it. do not post it multiple times thinking people will look at it so you stop, because believe me, I can and WILL delete your threads if you do, and if you continue after that? I'll boot you from the guild..simple as that.

- Respect people's threads, if I see you shooting down people's quests or charity's for any reason, I will delete your posts or kick you from the guild.

There will most likely be more rules soon enough, just to warn you.