1. Abide by the following rules and accept the consequences of breaking them. ////-No real specific consequences for this rule.-
2. Respect everyone in the guild.
-Disrespecting other members, will get you a warning. Your name will be on the graylist, and you will be banned from the thread that you disrespected the other member. Note that you are not being banned from the entire forum, simply the thread that this offense took place. You will have to take your conversations to other threads. You must also not communicate with that member unless they give you permission to.-
3. Please be semi-literate. I would appreciate you not using too much "txt tlk" or "1337".
-You will recieve two warnings towards illiteracy before you're put onto the graylist. This is a very minor offense, in which you will have many warnings before bannishment. Every two warnings receives a strike and you may have up to 5 strikes before you are banned from the guild. The sixth strike is your last. [Honestly, it isn't likely that you will be banned for breaking this rule. We would just really appreciate enough literacy so that we may understand what you are saying.]-
4. If a Crew Member asks you to stop doing something please do, or I will have to take action.
-This means that if you've been given multiple warnings but no strikes, I will step in and give the strikes and possibly banish you immediately. It is considered disrespectful to not listen to your superiors. Age, gender, race, does not determine who is superior in this guild. Do not compare yourself to the crew members, they are in charge.-
5. If you are being harrassed or mistreated in any way by a Crew Member please inform me, and I will take immediate action.
-If you don't turn them in, your punishment is simply having to put up with them until they have been reported. Crew: If you are reported, I will confront you about it if there is no evidence, and your status will be dropped to that of a regular member. With evidence, you will be banished, whether we are real life friends or not. I will not tolerate things like that from my friends, especially when they're supposed to help control the guild.-
6. Please do NOT be crude or vulgar.
-I understand that there will be many age gaps in this guild, but do remember that Gaia is a PG-13 environment. I will warn you that I am a very aware 15 year old girl. I am acquainted with sexual terms and I can find hidden meaning in many different sayings. Do not try to slide things by, you will be caught. Trying to hide vulgar and crude things within other words will have you put on the graylist with a strike. Upon recieving a second strike you will be banned.-
7. Follow all Gaia ToS.
-You will receive immediate banishment from the guild, and will be reported to Gaia for breaking their rules. From there on Gaia Moderators will handle it.-
8. I will not tolerate you swearing excessively. Please avoid profanity at all cost.
-I understand swearing when angered and/or upset, but do remember that you must continue to follow the rules. There are a few words that will ban you immediately. Those words are as follows; f*ck, p*ssy, c*nt, and d*ck. In the U.S. mention of one of those words in a movie will automatically make it an R rated movie, so again, PG-13 environment. I may or may not add more words to that, but for now, those words will not be tolerated. For those who swear excessively with other words, you get three warnings and then banishment.-
9. You are not allowed to fight in this guild, you may have heated debates, but I won't tolerate people fighting here, take it else where. (With the exception of RPing.)
-You are bound to disagree with people on some topics, but remember: Heated debates do not include using Caps Lock, Swearing Excessively, and/or Demanding others to succumb to your will and ideas. If I find that a debate is becoming more of an argument, I will request all parties take it elsewhere or take it down a notch. If you continue to act improperly, I will give you one more warning before banning all parties who refused to listen to my request. (Again: With the exception of RPing. Fighting in an RPG may be judged by the person in charge of that RPG.)-
10. I reserve the right to edit these rules.
-If you don't agree with a rule, you may PM me immediately and we will discuss how to solve the issue at hand. If you don't agree with a consequence for breaking a rule, you may also PM me immediately and we will discuss how to solve that issue. You must pay attention to the rules, they will guide us to having a safe and friendly environment. When new rules have been added it will say so in the subject area, same goes for the consequences.-

Note: There are some ways to get your privileges back, which you will find that thread in this subforum as well.