Alright guys. I know you know that I know that you know the rules. But you know that I know I have to post them, just in case. So here we are, reading the rules.


Follow all of Gaia's ToS, and please, follow my own as well.

1.This Guild supports good grammar. No text-talk, or I will be forced to do something very nasty. Use "These" for speech is you are in a role playing guild. Do NOT use *These*. Those little stars may be pretty, but they are very irritating. Try to do at least three sentences for each role playing post. I am flexible however, and writers block is a buggar. If you get it, it's alright.

2.Everyone loves action and romance. However we also know that there are limits to how much should be used. No cybering, that is just wrong. No controlling other peoples characters to kill them or something, because you are not god. Sorry. It's the harsh truth. I had to face it myself once. PG-13 is the only label I will ever hold. I love Disney just too much to let anything go beyond that.

3.I may add as many rules as I see fit. As this Guild progresses, I will most likely add more. So try to look at this announcement every day.

I am at a loss. I will attempt to think up some more.......Donate! Those who do, I shall love forever xd . BY the way, this is the Main Forum, this is where you can talk about stuff you like having to do with role playing! If you want to Role Play go to the Role Playing Subforum.