Listen, bitches. I am getting sick and tired of people who go to the Original Smash Brothers Guild Thread and start complaining about "Oh, you guys don't talk about Smash or RP in the Thread anymore".

I don't ******** care.

The original Smash Bros. Guild Thread, DID start out as the actual Smash related Guild three years ago, but it's not that anymore. It's now a hangout thread where one can talk about anything, and it is mainly used by the older members of the guild. That is why this guild in the Guild Network exists, so that actual Smash talk CAN be discussed. So if you want anything to do with actual Smash post it here, or look for it here, and don't go the original thread and complain there.

I'm sorry for being rude, but please please PLEASE don't bring your complaining to the Guild Thread. You are more then welcome to visit there, but don't complain if it's not about Smash.Thank you for your time.
