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Legend of Zelda: Power

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Persephone Waker

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:55 pm
I posted this somwhere else, but I think it's better suited here.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters from Zelda or Fire Emblem. The only characters I claim I own are my original ones I made, like Prince Martin, Angelina, Faye, Kanda, and Cillaann.

And don't worry. I didn't just make random characters here. These characters I made up have a point in the story. But the main focus is still on hottie Link, and beautiful Princess Zelda. whee

Remember: This is Hyrule, my way. OoT, the way I see it. So it will not be the same as you remember it, just remember that. And also I'm going to post a question, or comment, or a question in the form of a comment at the end of every chapter. I'd like you to answer it, but of course, you don't have to. What can I do to make you? Kill your family, rape your cat, and steal your Link poster? *shakes head* Not my style, though I might steal the Link poster.. heart

Genra: Action/Romance (L/Z)

Summary: Princess Zelda is being forced to marry a foreign prince, who she somehow managed to escape marrying before. She hates him and after finding out this news, she runs away. Just for a bit then she will return home. But fate has other plans for her. She is caught in a storm and gets knocked out. A warrior on horseback saves her and when she wakes up....

PG-13: Violence, blood, language, and double meanings.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:59 pm
Chapter 1
Past, Present, and Future

An orange-headed girl bolted from the main room of the castle. She ran though a narrow hall that was going to led her to the top of the castle. She flew up the stairs and flung open a gold decorated door.

A red and gold carpet blanketed the stone walled room. At the right was a large, silk-lined bed. A golden desk was by the bed and a golden vanity was opposite of the bed.

This was Princess Zelda's chamber and prison. The beautiful princess sat on a red cushioned chair, staring out her balcony.

"Zelda?" the red head questioned, breathless from her run. Zelda turned and focused her sky blue eyes on her friend and part-time maid.

"What is it, Malon?"

"I just heard something terrible."

How could things get any worse?

Ever since Zelda's mom died, her father has been very protective of his beautiful daughter. Everywhere she goes at least five guards must follow her, scaring away any potential of friends. She can't just walk around town or even the court yard, where she use to spend her time tending to the garden. The last time her father found her outside "playing in dirt, where commoners are suppose to trend", she was sentenced to her room for a month.

Which doesn't make any difference in her life. Zelda grew tired of guards checking and surrounding her, causing a scene. So she just hides in her room. Her prison chamber.

Even at age seventeen, her father still picks her outfits. A white, tank top under dress, a red glass-beaded dress, soft red lipstick, mascara, and dark blue eye shadow. Her long golden hair wasn't safe from her father's need to show off his riches. It was always tied in a tight bun with glittering jewels. The only thing Zelda liked that her father let her wear was her blue pearl necklace that her mother gave to her before she pasted away. She looked beautiful, but she was unhappy.

Zelda hated the life of a princess. She had no privacy, no freedom, and she couldn't do anything about it.


"Oh, sorry," Zelda straighten up in her chair and shook her head. She looked at Malon. "You had something to tell me?"

Malon paused then sat on Zelda's bed. Knowing that meant to sit next to her, Zelda followed and slowly sat next to her worried friend. The seriousness in her eyes startled Zelda. But all become clear when Malon whispered, "I heard you're going to be married to Prince Martin."

The words stung to her brain. Zelda knew this was coming, but she was hoping to avoid it.

Prince Martin was the coldest, heartless person she had ever met. He came to Hyrule last year, but somehow she managed to escape the horrible fate of marring him. He claims to love Zelda, but the truth is he just wants to control her and her life. The only person he has any feeling for is himself. Martin is manipulative, big headed, cold, heartless, and furthermore soulless.

Malon let the silence hang for minute before asking in the same quiet voice, "Should I leave now?"

Anger and frustration filled Zelda's eyes, but she forced it to disappear. She looked into Malon's leaf green eyes. A warm smile crossed her face. "No-No, you don't have to leave."

Malon studied Zelda's eyes. Zelda and she have been friends for only a few years; Malon was a year younger than her. But they still knew each other better than anyone. After all, Malon was Zelda's only and best friend.

She's just being polite. She really wants to be alone.

"I still have cleaning to do, so I have to leave." Malon sat up then placed her hand on Zelda's shoulder. "Are you going to be ok?"

Zelda nodded absently. Malon gave her a quick hug then walked to the door. Her simple farm dress and gold locket glared when they caught the balcony's sunlight. She opened the door and disappeared down the hall. The door closed silently.

After a pause, Zelda got up and looked at her reflection in the gold framed mirror of her vanity. "You're very beautiful," she told herself. Her nose crinkling up with disgust. "...But are you happy?" No. Besides, this wasn't her. Wearing expensive, uncomfortable dresses, gold and jewels covering her entire body, makeup on quite heavily. This is what her father wanted her to be.

He uses her and treats her like a possession. To dress and control at will, to his convience. He never really loved her, or knew her. Only her mother did, and now Malon does now. She's been treated like crap from him since she could remember.

And she can't take it anymore. If she live this life for one more minute she'll go crazy. She has to escape.

Escape? This was her first thought of every running away. But it would just be for a few days. Zelda had to have a taste of freedom. It would be better to get some freedom, than none at all. And she would be back before her father would know that she was ever gone. Maybe happier, if not for a few days.

She thought no further. Zelda raced to her closet, grabbed a commom outfit hidden in the back, and then went to her bathroom, where she changed ten times a day.

Zelda came out eagerly and looked at herself again. She now wore a deep blue tank top, her favorite color. With black pants and boots, and her precious blue-stone necklace on a silver chain. She then took out all her pins and jewels. Her canopy of golden waves fell down to her shoulder blade. Her hair hasn't been perfectly straight since it's always up on her head. Zelda noticed her makeup covered face and rushed to her sink to wash it off.

She walked back, for on last look. Now she can see her face. She smiled fondly, and then with a sigh of satisfaction, Zelda walked to her balcony and looked at the sky.

"Farore: Goddess of Protection, Keep me safe as I venture into the outside world."

Zelda took a cautionary first step off her balcony. Strong, sturdy rose vines covered the wall of her balcony. She knew about them since she was born. And she's never once thought of running away? Zelda rolled her eyes and her mouth went sideways. What an obedient daughter you are, she told herself. Slowly, she made her way down.

When she got on the ground, she looked back and forth, making sure no guards were near to stop her. There was a stone wall that surrounded the castle. Zelda knew if she jumped just right, she could climb over to the other side. She looked once more for guards, and then made a run for the wall. She hasn't been in pants before, so Zelda kept expecting her to trip over her skirts. But she didn't. Instead, she jumped right onto the wall. Zelda blinked back surprise and grunted as she pulled herself up, then jumped down.

As soon as Zelda's feet hit the ground, she suddenly knew what freedom felt like. She smiled broadly and looked up. The red sun was setting with angry storm clouds in the distance. Zelda gasped.

"Oh..." She let her words fall. It could rain, she could get hurt. Zelda shook her head. But she already made her decision and she wasn't going back. Not yet. She just had to continue on. She started to walk.

A flash of lightning was seen in the distance.

Q: How is it so far?

Persephone Waker

Persephone Waker

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:07 pm
Chapter 2
Sunset Storm

Zelda had been walking for some time now. Her prison known as her home become more and more distant with every step. The cheerful sky was getting covered by thunderclouds, causing the sun to disappear. The birds were chirping, the trees were swaying, and the flowers were blooming all over Hyrule Field.

And Zelda was enjoying every aspect of what the outside had to offer, when everything stopped. The birds, the wind, the trees. All stopped. The dark clouds had engulfed the entire sky. Thunder rolled in the distance and rain began to fall. Zelda was staring at the changing scene. It started to shower.

Ice cold rain plopped onto Zelda's skin, making her shiver. She wrapped her arms around her for warmth. Then the shower turned into a downpour. Thunder rumbled, loudly, as a flash of lightning lit the sky to life.

"What am I doing here?" Zelda whispered to herself.

She could get hurt, she could get sick, she could die. But no! She was too busy looking forward the happy things of freedom. She forgot the negative things, like not being able to get out of a storm. Zelda stomped her foot, feeling the earth become mushy and wet under her feet. Her hand hit her forehead as she quietly cursed herself.

Almost a second later, quarter-size hail started to fall. Zelda cursed out loud and backed away. It was slow at first, but the intensity increased by the second.

"Ow!" Zelda cried. Hail hit her in the head, hard. Another hit her shoulders then her back. She cried out more and fell to the ground. Zelda whined, then attempted to stand but she found herself hitting the muddy grass again.

"What did I get myself into?" Zelda whined in a high-pitch voice. She glared angry at the sky with her dirty, blond bangs in her eyes.
A bit earlier, before the rain started to fall, a man was riding a horse around Hyrule Field. Seventeen-year-old Link gently tugged on his horse's reins, signaling her to stop. Epona obeyed.

Link looked up. "Looks like a storm might hit," he observed. Towering thunderclouds were building themselves before his eyes. He turned to his horse and smiled. "We might want to get you back to the pen. You don't like to be wet." The brown horse snorted in response. Link smiled again and let out a laugh.

With another tug of her owner's reins, Epona and Link were off. Just as he predicted, it started to rain soon after. Link looked around. "See? What did I tell you?" He was about to turn Epona around to her pen, when he spotted someone in the distance.

He couldn't tell what they were doing, but from the looks of it, they were having some trouble. They were standing up, trying to keep their balance, but hail forced them down. Link heard their dismay in screams and distant curses. He chuckled, and then jumped off his horse. Her dark eyes look at him worriedly. "It'll be ok," he comforted. As he spoke, Link stroked Epona's brown, velvet fur. Epona closed her eyes in content. Link smiled. "Just stay put in till I call you, okay, girl?" Epona neighed. Link nodded then looked ahead to the person still struggling in the rain.

He sighed, moved his wet bangs from his eyes then walked forward.
Zelda screamed again as she fell down. She whined like a child once again. The hail was beating her, and she didn't like it one bit. Her hair was probably terrible. She knew, for sure, her best commoner's outfit was wet and tarred. Damn and she really loved this outfit. Now she might have to throw it away, in secret, of course. Zelda looked at the ground, defeated.

Suddenly her eyes caught a flicker of movement. Terror froze her body as she looked up. It was hard through the darkness and rain, her eyes squinted. White lightening made her able to see for just a split second. Her eyes widened. Someone was coming for her. A man, by the looks of it.

Zelda tried to control her breathing. Her heart beated a thousand times more than it should. Her fear froze her there, more than any ice could do. Now she finally forgot about her discomfort and wetness, all it took was a strange man coming for her in the dark.

But she forced her head to shake. She wasn't going to let anyone hurt her. After all, she is the Princess of Hyrule. If she died because of some stranger, he'd be put to death.

Movement filled her body, though she still found herself twitching back the coldness. She pulled herself off the muddy ground. She smiled at her accomplishment, but her victory was cut short. A rather large chunk of hail hit her in the correct place. Her eyes rolled and she fell backwards to the ground, splashing dirty water around her.

Link was close enough to see this and gasp. He rushed over to the fallen stranger.

"Oh, Goddess, she's bleeding!" Link exclaimed. The stranger was a woman wearing common clothing with an open wound on the side of her head. He gave a sigh of relieve when he realized it wasn't anything serious. The woman was just knocked out at the moment.

After being able to take a good look at her, Link realized she was very beautiful. But he shook his head. He couldn't think of that right now, not when she's in danger. Link whistled and through the darkness and rain, Epona came galloping though. He picked Zelda up with ease then gently placed her on Epona's back. He climbed on then Epona was off.

Zelda briefly woke up to see her moving away from the field. A bolt of lightning crackled as she dozed off.

Q: Link finally comes in! That's what you were waiting for, right? wink
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:14 pm
Chapter 3

The sun smiled on the peaceful village of Kokiri. Birds chirped happily around, going from tree to tree. Sun rays warmed Zelda's cold face. Her eyes flickered open, then wide open. She wasn't in Hyrule Field anymore.

Zelda sat straight up, knocking the fur blanket covering her. She was in a small hut with wooden furniture. She looked down, and saw she was on a single mattress. Well, her rescuer, or capture is probably single. Her eyes scanned the home, picking up information about him. It was probably a him, the same one she saw coming toward her last night. Soon, her eyes came upon a sword sitting on a wooden table.

So, he's a warrior. She felt herself get cold, despite the warmth of the sun on her. She imagined that sword slicing her throat, ending her life. Then Zelda shook her head, wiping away all those thoughts. He may not want to harm her; after all, he did save her. But yet again, he could have other plans for her. She shivered.

Zelda slowly stood up and walked over to the little table. The sword has a blue halt and looked heavy to carry. He's strong as well. Zelda shook her head before more terrifying pictures entered her mind. The blade gleamed in the light, challenging her. She looked at it in fear, like it spoke to her. She tried backing away, but curiosity filled her. She picked up the sword.

And had a hard time holding it. After some struggle, she held it with two hands. Now only did it look heavy, it was heavy. The man carrying this all day must be very strong.

Oh, Goddess... What was he going to do to her?

Zelda was too wrapped up in her own head. She didn't hear someone open the door.

"Oh, you're awake."

Zelda gave a surprised yelp, dropping the sword at the same time. She blinked at the ground and looked up at her capture.

The pleasant voice came from a tall man wearing a green tunic by the door. His unusually, long, blond bangs moved on his face in a charming way. He had a really handsome face. Zelda forced her eyes off his face and saw he had her favorite color set in his compassionate eyes. So deep blue it looked like someone could drown in them. And clearly this man could hold that heavy sword. Zelda was speechless.

Not that Link was any different. He was staring at a fair lady with a bandage across her head that he tied himself. She had long blond hair that gleamed in the sunlight. Her elegant, small face wasn't dirty anymore. But even when it was last night, she still looked beautiful. She had light sapphire eyes that were as blue as the skies.

Link shook his head, silently cursing at himself. "Sorry... Uh...I'm surprised you're awake."

Zelda blinked. "What? Oh, I'm sorry." Link found himself smiling. Her voice was as lovely as her face. Then when Zelda stopping looking at the ground and looked at him, he blushed and felt his smile fade. He became very interested in the ground.

Zelda saw him smile. He had a beautiful smile. It lit up his already beautiful face. She shook her head and spoke up once again. "Um...I wasn't listening before. Did you say something?"

Link looked at her. Looking into those dazzling eyes, he instantly forgot whatever he was thinking. He shook his head. "No, it's not important. Are you ok? You did hit yourself pretty hard in the head."

She looked at him, confused then she felt her head. She cringed in pain. She felt a bandage on her head that he probably put there. "Oh, I'm ok. Just a little confused, though."

Link chuckled; Zelda smiled. His laugh made her feel warm. "Yeah, that makes sense." He walked over to his bed and sat down. "I'll explain." He made a gesture for her to sit. She blushed and slowly sat herself in a wooden chair near her. Link blushed as well as he explained how he found her the other night.

When he was finished, Zelda looked at the sword on the ground then back at him. She was blown away by his gaze on her. Like those dark eyes could read her very thoughts. She got up and picked up the sword, but as she attempted, the sword tipped down. Link laughed and went to her aid. He picked up the sword with ease and sat it down on the table.

Zelda's hands and his touched, only for a second. It sent a shot of warmth through her. But she took her hands off as he placed it on the table once again. She watched his hands then her eyes went to his arms. Strong, muscles flexing in his shown strength. He really could pick up that sword easily. She suddenly felt her cheeks get warm, and turned her head toward the door.

Link looked from the corner of his eye at her. She was so close, he could touch her. The sun touched her hair and brought it to life, shining and gleaming. He resisted the impulse to touch her hair and went back to sit on his bed.

There was silence in till Zelda giggled. "I guess I'm weak. It could barely lift your sword up." Link merely shrugged. She looked at him curiously. This would be a perfect time for him to gloat about his strength to win her over. But he didn't. "You're pretty strong," The words formed and escaped before she could stop them. But it was the truth.

Again, he shrugged. Wow, he's really modest. She found herself staring again then tried to stop herself. "Eh. I don't think so," Link finally said. Zelda looked at him again, amazed. Modesty is a good quality.

Zelda stopped herself from staring by asking a question. "Are you a warrior?" She thought, afterwards, that is was a stupid question. But it's still one that needs an answer. People keep swords that aren't warriors. She wondered if he wasn't, then what else could he be.

He nodded. "Yup, seventeen years."

"You're seventeen?" she asked, looking straight at him.

Again, he nodded, still acting modest. "Yeah. Are you?"

Zelda smiled. "Uh-huh."

Link smiled with her. "Great. So, who are you? Oh, I'm being rude. I'll go first." He stood up, walked over to her and bowed. Zelda felt a voice of rejection fill her mouth, then she remembered something: He doesn't know who she is. He doesn't know she's a princess. Then why is he bowing? Oh, he's a gentleman. Another good quality, opposite of Martin. Her eyes filled with anger at the very thought of him, then she looked at Link and smiled at him. She giggled.

He came up smiling at her, looking at her with those soul-searching eyes. Then horror filled her. Should she saw her name, out loud? She didn't think he would harm her. How can someone so modest and gentlemen-like harm her? But still...

Suddenly, there was a hard knock on the door. They turned to it. More knocking followed the first, and then there was shouting.

"Link!! You promised to meet us at Lon Lon Ranch. And guess what? You're late!!"

Zelda saw Link put a gloved hand on his forehead in dismay. She smiled. She liked his name. It echoed in her head and made her smile. "Who is that?"

"Oh, my friends. I forgot to meet them, as he clearly pointed out."

"I know you're in there! I can hear you!!"

Link chuckled and turned to Zelda, smiling. "I'll make this short. Hello, I'm Link and you are?" Zelda laughed, a smile brightening her face. Link smiled as he gazed at her. The knocking interrupted the moment.

"I'm sorry I made you miss your friends," Zelda said, chuckling.

"Oh, it's most defiantly not your fault. I miss their appointment all the time, with or without you. Only this time I have a good excuse for them." He looked at her; Zelda laughed again. Another series of knocks followed.

"Is there someone in there?!" the male voice screamed. Zelda froze and looked at the door. Link saw how she reacted and he was mad for a second at his friend for causing her discomfort.

"Don't worry," he reassured. "I'll make them go away then I can take you home." He saw her eyes had relieve in them, but sadness underneath. He cocked his head for a moment, then looked back at the door, that was about to be knocked over. He looked back at Zelda, who nodded. Link smiled and went for the door, but Zelda's voice stopped him.

"What were you doing while I slept, anyway? And why didn't you take your sword with you?"

"Well, I was outside waiting for you and sort of dozed off and I sort of forgot my sword, as well," Zelda laughed. Link smiled, hearing her joyful laugh fill his ears. He cringed as his friend hit harder on the door. Link walked to the door, took one last look at Zelda smiling at him. He smiled again, and his hand touched the knob and he carefully walked outside, leaving a crack open.
"It's about time!" Roy said huffily. His hands were on his hips, giving Link a stern look. "Did you think we'd wait forever?"

Link chuckled. "No, not forever."

"Well, it certainly felt like that!"

"Link," He turned to the calm voice behind Roy. Marth had his arms crossed and he had one that "I'm disappointed in you" look on again. "What's your excuse this time? I forgot? That one is way over-used."

A nervous chuckle came out of Link. "Yeah, I agree. That's why I have a new one... I over-slept." Roy and Marth gave him a look, like they didn't believe him. Nothing new: Link's a terrible liar. But he already said it, so he had to carry on with his bad lie. He laughed nervously, putting a hand behind his head. He knew they would never believe him now, not that they would have before. He did the hand gesture that signals he's lying.

Well, all he has to do is get them away for an hour or two to take...hey, he never did get her name, did he? His friends interrupted that.

He put his hand down and continued with his charade. "But let's forget about that. Why don't we go to Hyrule Field now and spar? You guys meet me there." Link made a turn for the door, when he saw neither of his friends had moved a muscle.

They still looked at him. Now Roy was copying Marth's stance, both giving him a look that said they didn't believe a thing he said. Roy spoke up. "Come on. Even I'm not falling for it."

Marth sent Roy a side-ways glance then asked, "How about you just tell us who's in your house?"

Link laughed, and caught himself before he did the nervous hand gesture. "Who said there's someone in my house?"

"I did, and the door is closing on its own."

Link looked behind him. And yes, the door was closing on its own, it appeared. It must be her...whatever her name is. Damn. He made it his priority to find out her name, mostly so he'd stop calling her "Her". He put his hand on the knob and closed it slowly behind him.

"Ah, well, ignore that. Fine, I'll follow you to Hyrule Field."

Link jumped off his front porch and started walking. He turned, expecting his friends to follow. He smiled when he saw they were, though they were still suspicious. Link kept walking, then turned around and saw they were no longer following him. With a mutter of, "Crap", he ran back to his house. He saw Roy was looking at his door. Smiling, Link walked up to him and gently hit his shoulder.

"Since when have you been interested in my door?"

Roy glared at him then his eyes went back to the door. "Since I saw someone open and close it, once I got near it." Link's eyes grew and he looked at the door.

Roy looked at his reaction and smiled. He turned and pointed at Link's red face. "Ha! I knew it! There is someone in there! And I'm going to find out who she is!" Link blushed again as Roy charged toward the door. After a pause, Link followed, trying to stop him. Marth watched the whole scene develop through watchful eyes. And after a few seconds, after the noise died down, he calmly walked in.

Meanwhile, Zelda was frantically looking for a place to find, right before Roy barged in. She dove behind a small space between the bed and the wall. She had her hands over her head and tried not to move.

The door flew open and Roy looked around. Not finding anything unusual on the first or second glance, he turned to Link, who was right behind him and won't look him straight in the eye. Roy took a few steps in, continuing to look for anything different. Then he spotted someone behind the bed. With a grin, he walked slowly over to it. Right before he came in full view of her, Zelda stood up, grabbed a pillow on Link's bed, and throw it at him.

Not ready for this attack, Roy was caught off guard. After it hit his face, he grabbed it and looked at Zelda. A smile crossed his face. "Ha! I knew it! A girl!"

Zelda's eyes were narrow and she got into a fighting stance, though she's never fought in her entire life. "A girl who will hit you if you get any closer," she threatened. Roy smiled and laughed; Zelda's eyes grew narrow and a frown was on her face. He turned to Link, still wearing that smile, holding the pillow in one hand. Link had a hand over his warm face, and then looked at Zelda helplessly.

Zelda sighed, relaxing herself. She sat, stiffly, on the bed and nodded to Link. He smiled and was about to explain, when Marth opened the door and stepped in. He looked around at everybody then folded his arms. They watched him.

"Hm, well, this is the last thing I'd expect Link to hide from us," They laughed, while Zelda smiled. Marth picked up a chair and had a seat. "Looks like this might be a very interesting story," Roy nodded. He closed the door and leaned by it. Link leaned against the wall and explained what happened. Zelda was watching him the entire time, but taking glances at his friends.

Roy turned to her afterwards. "Alright, I'll finish the introductions. I'm Roy," Zelda nodded.

He looked at Marth, who nodded as well. "And I'm Marth." Zelda nodded again, and smiled.

"We're long-time friends of his," Roy said, gesturing toward Link, who nodded too. Zelda giggled. Roy turned back to her. "And you are?"

Zelda's eyes widened in alarm. She let out "um"s and "uh"s but she didn't answer. They looked at her, not suspiciously, at first. Just curiously, but that turned to suspicion.

What should she tell them? That she's the Princess of Hyrule? Her first reaction to that thought was a flat out, No! But why not? They seemed nice enough, though Roy was more fiery than his friends. But Marth was probably the calmer of the two, and Link was nothing but sweet and considerate to her.

So, she took a deep breath and answered, "Zelda..." Part of her hoped they wouldn't know her.

That was shattered when Roy and Marth's eyes grew large. Roy's mouth dropped then he immediately stopped it. Marth just stared at her, and then his eyes shot to Link, who was blinking at her with his head cocked. Zelda blushed and shrunk down, looking at the ground. Marth took this opportunity to grab Link and pull him aside.

"Do you have any idea who that is, sitting in your house?!" Link gave him a blank look and shook his head. Marth groaned out loud as he rolled his eyes. "Of course you don't, you forgetting fool! That's the Princess of Hyrule!" Link's eyes grew and he looked at Zelda, as Marth did, only with his blue eyes narrowed.

"But why would the Princess of Hyrule be out in the middle of a storm, late at night?" Link asked quietly, taking side-way glances toward Zelda, hoping she didn't hear him. He took a private victory at finally knowing her name. And what a beautiful name it was, it suited her perfectly. A smile started to come, but Marth's words stopped him.

"Don't smile! Don't you know what she could do to us?!" Link looked at him, and then Roy joined the huddle.

"Yeah, now that she knows our names!" Marth sent him a glare. "What?! I was being polite!"

Zelda continued to look down, though she was still listening to their discussion. It wasn't that hard. They weren't very good at whispering when they're upset.

"Since when?" Marth muttered. Roy glared at him, then he caught Link looked at Zelda again. Roy transferred his glare to him and pulled his arm back. Link let out a surprised sound and tuned in.

Marth glared at Link now. "Don't you know every commoner that's been with her has been killed?!" Link's eyes grew again and he looked back at Zelda, but Roy pulled his hair this time to get him back. Link glared at him.

"No way, not Zelda," Link insisted. He hid a smile. He liked saying her name, and he was still happy he learned it.

"Oh, yeah! It was Zelda, murderess of Hyrule!" Marth insisted.

"I hear she puts them in the dungeon and let's them rot and suffer to their death," Roy whispered dramatically. Link turned to Marth who nodded. Then he turned to Zelda. Marth and Roy groaned loudly and pulled his hair, harder toward them.

"Ow! That really hurt," Link complained, rubbing his head and glaring at them.

"Well, if you wouldn't stop looking at the enchantress, then we wouldn't have to!" Roy and Marth said, at the same time. They looked at each other then back at Link, glaring.

He shook his head stubbornly. "But Zelda isn't an enchantress or a murderer" Cutting their throats in the middle of the night, letting them rot in the dungeon, cutting off their heads with just a small knife, and the most outrageous one, cutting their privates while having sex. Link shook his head more stubbornly. All the rumors that have buzzed in Hyrule for some time now. "She wouldn't do that,"

"And I didn't,"

They froze at Zelda's suddenly words, and then slowly turned to her. She had her arms folded in her lap and was looking at them. Then she looked up at them. "All those rumors, cutting their throats, rotting in the dungeon, beating them in till they died, stabbing them to death. Martin did it." The truth is, she didn't know for sure if he did any of the hundreds of rumors. But she wouldn't be too surprised if he did. She said he did it to convince them she wasn't lying.

"...Prince Martin?" Roy questioned, and afterward Marth glared at him.

Zelda nodded. Roy and Marth looked at each other, discovery in their eyes. Zelda forced herself up and walked to the door. When her hand hit the knob, she half hoped that somebody would stop her. Disappointment filled her eyes as she turned the knob and walked painfully outside, looking down the entire time. Just as she was about to turn a corner, she felt someone grab her wrist. She turned to find Link.

"...Uh, look Zelda, we believe you. I'm just the one saying it since they're too stupid to say so."

"Speak for yourself, clueless guy!"

Link and Zelda turned to see Roy and Marth peaking out the front door. Roy smiled and Link turned back to Zelda. "So, anyway, like I promised before, I'll walk you home... I-If you'll let me."

Zelda smiled and said, "I'd love for you to walk me home," Link smiled. Zelda turned to Roy and Marth and waved. Roy put up a hand to wave back, but Marth hit him. He looked at Zelda and smiled. Zelda smiled back and laughed as she turned to Link. Goddess, his smile was beautiful.

The sun hit her face, making her look like an glowing angel. Link smile grew and he took Zelda's hand, half because he was a gentleman, half because he wanted to. Zelda accepted, while a blush came to her face, as well as Link's. And they started walking.

Q: Somehow, I think Roy and Marth fit. Don't you agree?

Persephone Waker


PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:44 pm
moe! D:<  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:02 am
thats amazing please right more  


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:56 pm
Great Story so far!!!  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:12 pm
its good that i can't stop reading
write more please!  


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