The show comes back from commercial as the World heavyweight champion walks into the arena, heading for the locker room. As has become common, he's stopped by Michael Cole.

Cole: Drako, I'm glad to see you tonight. We know you're not scheduled to compete tonight but I can only assume you're here to watch the Gold Rush matches.

Drako gives a slightly confused look. "The what matches?"

Cole: The Gold Rush Tournament? Cartwright made it to determine who will face you for the World Heavyweight title at Wrestlemania this year.

Drako smirks. "It's so easy to mess with you. Yes, Michael Cole, I'm here to watch the matches. I want to see who's going to step their game up. See, Michael, here I am in my second world title run here in WWFG. I have a little bit of a chip on my shoulder. My first championship run, I beat my friend Salem when he had one of his moments, then I went to Wrestlemania and in the main event, in one of my best matches ever, I beat Bad Boy to keep the title, only to have it yanked away from me moments later because Kodiak had money in the bank. I wrestled a perfect main event for damn near an hour only to fall victim to a cash in afterward. That's why I've been on the tear I've been on here since the return of WWFG. And now there's no more Money in the Bank. So I get to correct that error from the Last Wrestlemania. But the question is who wants that shot the most?"

Cole: Well, so far we have a mix of veteran and new talent. The man you beat for the title is involved, GBL as he takes on Ace, a female wrestler. Then there's a man you beat in nontitle action a few weeks back, Trent, taking on relative newcomer Dean Johnson. And lastly, Boom takes on Erynys Reich. How do you feel about the potential challengers here?

Drako shrugs. "I don't feel strongly one way or another. I have the most history with GBL, the most recent of which is when I defeated him for the title. But we've had a few other matches and frankly, he never won any of them. But if he's going to step up with his A game and come for me again, we'll put on the best Dance on the biggest stage. I'm not familiar with Ace, Boom, Dean, or Erynys. But I'll be watching them closely to see what they can do. By all means, surprise me with some new blood. But let's face it, after I took the title, I've been facing entirely new opponents. I had never fought Trent before, I've never really been in the same place at the same time as Bison, and Luca was always in the women's division so it never occurred to me that we'd have a match. But I did what I set out to do, out wrestled them all. There's no secret about what whoever wins this is in for. I just want the challenge."

Cole: Well, there is also the question of your issue with the owner of the WWFG. Is that done?

Drako snorts in obvious amusement. "Hell no. But tonight he's got some folks trying to do his dirty work for him again. And he didn't schedule me to wrestle tonight. I figure I'll go grace his program with my voice on commentary. Besides, family looks out for each other. Good luck to all those in the Gold Rush, I'll see one of you at Wrestlemania."

The champ heads off