After the end of the battle royal, Jarel Damone is shown walking back through the curtain and through the backstage area. Eventually, Michael Cole attempts to get his attention so he stops to talk with him.

Michael: Thank you for giving me a moment of your time. Jarel, the world wants to know, does this mean you've returned?

Jarel chuckles. "Michael Cole, for once you got straight to the point. So allow me to return the courtesy, no, I'm not coming out of retirement. But I'll tell you what brought me here. See, a little while back, a pompous little jackass called me to very proudly and rudely tell me that he was planning a Underfaker battle royal. And to further insult me, he says the original should be involved. Now the funny part of that is, people still think it's an insult when they call me the Black Undertaker. At this point, add it to my official list of nicknames. But, since said jackass is a pompous douche, I turned down being in the match. As you saw, I wasn't officially in the match."

Michael: Yes, but you did lay out the winner. Why come lay out the winner instead of winning the match yourself?

Jarel smirks. "Well, I am retired, so being in an official match kinda violates that, doesn't it? But here's what happened. Cartwright's assistant followed up with me after and I agreed to an appearance, for a check with a lot of zeros before the decimal. In short, Cartwright got the honor of paying me to beat down his winning poser. Speaking of which, maybe I should address the man himself."

The Dragon looks directly into the camera to speak now. "Cartwright, I've been watching from home as you attempt to carry out your grudge with me and Zarel on our little brother. Now obviously, Drako doesn't need my help. He beat you despite you stacking the odds against him. But your vendetta seems to still be ongoing. So, tonight, I had a little message to send. First off, if you're going to have a bunch of knockoffs of one of the all time greats, at least make sure one of them is serious and has some potential. If you want to keep calling me the Black Undertaker, that's great. At least I made a 20 year career off it and made it my own. Your little attempt to get under my skin failed in the end. Now you paid me a lot more than you realize just to show up and drop what's his face on his head. But you should be concerned with how much worse things can get with those I left behind. Drako already beat you, embarassed you, and trashed your office. But my apprentice, possibly my favorite trainee, Snypa is back and has his sights set on doing what I made it cool to do first, beating the hell out of you. Maybe instead of being concerned with this Damone obsession, you should focus on Snypa jumping through your little hoop to get you all to himself at Wrestlemania."

Jarel starts to walk away but turns back to add one more thing.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, Carty, you should know that not only am I getting paid for ruining your idea tonight, but I'll be at Wrestlemania too. So look at it this way, instead of beating you up, I'll just beat your bank account into submission. See you soon."

The Dragon walks off