~LA PANACUA~ GREMIO / ALIANZIA recruitment thread

~LA PANACUA~ after hours can you handle it eek

mexican? spanish speaking? we would love to see you join. FYI! we don't tolerate bad behavior in there. very tightly run command structure
but we still have fun heart and share the love as were a family

two places to find the link. if your on my friends list you can find guild link on my profile somewhere, that link always seems to be moving around the little sneaky owner of that profile does that OH WAIT thats me eek biggrin ninja

or just go to this link AQUI / HERE were still fixing up the home page a little bit so please be patient ok

new members have questions? pm a crew member ok, its just how its done there
or just poke me in this thread here. where the captain over there wont know eek