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What is their name?
Altair Blackwood

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What is their sexual orientation?

Are they human or deviant?

What are their powers/abilities?
Claircognizance: Altair can gain information about a person, object, place, skillset, ability, or event through intrinsic knowledge, as in it just "comes to" to his mind.

Do they have any notable weaknesses?
-Users of Psychic Shield are highly resistant and Psychic Immunity are impervious to Altair's abilities.
- Over use causes migraines, nose bleeds and eventual unconsciousness.
- If he uses his powers to learn a skill, he still needs to be physically capable of it.

What is their personality like?
Friendly, easy going and laid back, Altair is a rather self-confident man. He is known as a charmer among the ladies, often flirting with women he finds attractive. However despite his usual laid back attitude, there are times when he can be stubborn.

What is their backstory?
Altair was always considered a lucky guy by his peers. He was a trouble maker, yet always seemed to avoid trouble. He would simply have a feeling that a night was a bad night to cause problems, only to find the next morning those who went anyway were caught by police. More times than he could count Altair would leave a house he was robbing minutes before the owners would show up. He just had a feeling it was time to go. Or he would just know someone had a bunch of jewelry laying around and forgot to set the alarm that day. He could never explain how he knew these things beyond a guy feeling, and for a long time that was good enough.

See Altair was dirt poor. He didn't know his mother and his father was always working. His childhood memories were a series of run down apartments and staying with strangers until he was old enough to be left alone. Meals were peanut butter bread and dollar packages of ramen noodles, if he ate at all. The thievery didn't start out as malice, but survival. A way to get food and a little bit of cash to help pay for things. He told his dad he was doing odd jobs for neighbours and the like, though he always suspected his dad knew that wasn't true. They were desperate though. Unsupervised and already on the wrong side of the law, it didn't take Altair long to end up hanging out with a group of ruffians like himself.

What started out as a small group of young teens causing mischief, having fun and doing little more than petty theft and minor vandalism slowly turned into organized crime. Altair couldn’t say when he had joined not just a gang, but organized crime however the realization came one evening when notorious crime lord Donovan Kallias himself came to speak to Altair. This of course came shortly after it was discovered Altair wasn’t just lucky, but he was a deviant with the ability of Claircognizance. A really fancy word for gut feeling in Altair’s opinion. However with Donovan’s help he eventually learned not only could he just know things about people or places, but that he could learn skills too. He also learned there was only so much he could use this skill in a day and how to have marginal control over what he did or didn’t pick up on. What a find for a crime lord. Someone who could just know things. There was one problem though. Altair drew the line at killing people.

Is there anything else we need to know?
He has been working with Annabelle Kallias for the last year

What is their faceclaim?
Alex O'Loughlin