It was break time for the candidates of Western Weyr, and all Oer wanted to do was lie down. He was accustomed to arduous physical labor—fishing and building weren't easy, after all—but using his mind was tiring, and it seemed that was all they were interested in expanding around here. Admitting he wasn't the best at brainy pursuits wasn't something he would lead a conversation with or anything, but he wasn't unaware that he sucked at them either. It was nice to get away, if only for a minute or two.

He chose a spot near the edge of the bowl and took a seat, watching the proceedings ahead with careful curiosity. Most of them involved dragons, dragons, and more dragons. he had never seen so many of the beasts in one place, though he had been in close proximity to one or two, most recently the blue he had rode in on. They were exhilarating and threatening all at once, even after he had been told that chances were slim that any of them would honor him with a mauling. He still couldn't quite believe that there might one day be a dragon for him.

Preoccupied with twining thoughts of darting Between while casting a net into the abyss beyond his dragon's back, Oerlen somehow managed to nod off, his chin resting against his chest as faint snores curled out of his throat.
