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                                  Sitting in a room set up for interviews was Tom Phillips. He sat in a chair, and another sat across from him. Behind both chairs was a giant screen to show the graphics for tonight's show and the current segment. In his hand was a giant iPad that he would be reading questions from. Two minutes before air time, TNW:R Universal Champion Aleks Mason entered the room with his title slung over his shoulder. He wore a tailored black suit with red accents, and dark sunglasses to shield his eyes. Mason's hair color had faded over the time he has had it blonde, turning to a light brown color. Sitting across the way from Phillips, Aleks stared off to a nearby screen that was off camera. He watched as the Paramount Championship match ended, and AJ Styles made his challenge. The Money in the Bank program faded away, and the next segment was now in the hands of Tom Phillips.

                                  A director silently counted down the seconds before the cameras went live, and when it was time, pointed towards Tom Phillips. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Social Media Lounge coming off a tremendous championship retain by Neville, and the challenge has been set by AJ Styles. My guest at this moment in Aleks Mason" The camera angle would change from a solo shot of Tom Phillips to a shot of Aleks Mason, who had a face of boredom. "Well, allow me to be the first to send a congratulatory message to Neville." The camera would then pan out to a wide shot of the entire interview area as Tom Phillips continued.

                                  "We asked you, the fans, to use the hashtag 'MasonInTheBank' to submit your questions. The first comes from @ToddE12 on twitter. He asks, 'What is your game plan going into this match with Samoa Joe.' "

                                  "Well, first let me say that may be the best hashtag I have ever heard. Now, you've really got to sit down and think... Why would anyone ask this question? Why in God's name would I give away my strategy for Joe? I will say this: the game plan has the same outcome as every plan before. With me walking out with this title around my waist."

                                  "@HurricanRandy asks, 'With Matt Allens winning the Money in the Bank briefcase, do you have to keep an eye over your shoulder during and after your match tonight?' "

                                  "Congratulations to Matt Allens on that win, but no I don't need to worry. If anyone knows better, it's Allens. He knows better to cross me. Stupid twitter name by the way."

                                  "Our final question comes from @TablesLaddesFlairs, 'If you retain tonight, who is next on your radar.' "

                                  "If... It's not a matter of if, but when. When I retain tonight, it doesn't matter who is next. As champion I've got a giant target on my back, and I have no choice but to defend what is mine. However, in a non-title scenario I'd love to prove myself as the most prestigious champion up against Seth Rollins. That's if he retains, of course. Which.. let's be honest. That's not very likely."

                                  Mason began smiling and chuckling lightly to himself, leaning back and gripping his championship belt tighter. The camera would switch over to Tom Phillips alone, who would close the segment. "Don't forget to be connected and use the hashtag 'TNWRMITB' throughout the night." The video would fade away back to the arena for the next match.