Scarlet Crusade Factions
While there are many factions within the world of Khorvaire, there are a few key one's within the Scarlet Crusade storyline. While more exist, these are the main groups that exist. The Scarlet Crusade, Red Raiders, the Outsiders, the Syndicate, the Gurubashi Empire and the Scourge are all clear enemies in the game.

Various factions
-Lordaeron (Karnath and Aundair)
-The Scarlet Crusade
-The Red Raiders
-The Argent Dawn
-The High Elves (Lhazaar Principalities)
-The Horde (Talenta Plains and Thrane)
-The Zul'Gurub (Q'Barra and Valenar)
-The Gurubashi Empire
-The Underdark
-Draenor (Zilargo and Dargunn)
-Strathholme (Breland)
-The Outsiders (Mournland)
-Kalimdor (Shadow marshes and Droamm)
-The Syndicate (Demon Wastes)
-The Scourge