Archaeology Discovery: Ancient Gate, Shrine Biblical King Hezekiah Wanted Destroyed Found in Israel

September 29, 2016|8:29 am

Excavation work in Israel has uncovered an ancient city gate and shrine that the biblical King Hezekiah wanted destroyed somewhere in the eighth century B.C., archaeologists have said.

LiveScience noted on Wednesday that King Hezekiah, the 12th king of Judea, is believed to have ordered the destruction of false idols as soon as his reign began.

The gate in question was found in the ancient city of Tel Lachish within an 80-by-80-foot six-chambered area. The gate, parts of which were first discovered decades ago by archaeologists from the United Kingdom and Tel Aviv University, is believed to be the largest one of its kind found in Israel from the First Temple period.

"The size of the gate is consistent with the historical and archaeological knowledge we possess," explained Sa'ar Ganor, an excavation director with the Israel Antiquities Authority.

Ganor added that people of high rank, such as city elders, judges, governors, kings and officials, would sit on the benches by the city gate, and "these benches were found in our excavation."

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