So, here are the plots I have already worked up (from my main search,) and these are what I want to do the absolute most. If these don't tickle your fancy and you'd like to tweak them with me, then by all means! If you have something similar you think I'd enjoy, feel free to PM me and we'll see! EDIT: Actually, these are all I'm looking for right now. So far the only people who've contacted me have wanted something radically different, and I'm just not looking for anything like that right now.

If they're colored BLUE then that means the available role is MALE.
If they're colored PINK then that means the available role is FEMALE.
Number of emotion_bigheart = how badly I want to do that 1x1.

Behind the Glass emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart
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There is a rather popular, very huge aquarium by a bay. They have everything from whales to creatures from the deepest ocean, animals shows to hands-on experiences. However, there seems to be something strange going on. There are quite a few security guards and the restricted sections are absolutely restricted. Not even those with the highest membership level are allowed in the restricted sections. The official reason, given by the aquarium, is that it is where sick or pregnant animals are held, any animal that needs to quarantined or left alone to heal. However, rumors still spread from the plausible to the ridiculous. Some say it is an area for only the richest visitors, like celebrities, to go and see very rare animals. Others claim it is an area for illegal testing and mutations. However, the truth is less dark. Behind those large doors is an area containing one large, rather decorative tank.

And within that tank, is a mermaid.

Of course, she is no prisoner in her tank, but rather a long-time guest found on the seashore near the aquarium one evening and without a memory of how she got there. The marine biologists who found her promised to try to find her family of course, but as of yet, there has been no inkling of what ocean her kind may even reside in, let alone where they might be within. When the young mermaid was found, she was sickly and malnourished. That was 15 years ago. Since then, the young woman has learned to stay out of the sight of the guests. Honestly, she's supposed to stay in her own tank while there are visitors in the aquarium, but it gets so very boring! Still, by now she's learned to stay hidden. That was made clear quite a time ago when she was spotted by a young boy, eyes wide with wonder as he stood alone. She'd hidden as fast as possible behind a passing porpoise, but she knew she'd been seen. When she told the staff, she'd been scolded and reminded that they were trying to keep her safe, and her passageways had been blocked off for a time, but since it was only a child that'd spotted her, they hadn't really looked into it...

But the child remembered.

He remembered so very well. That day, as he hurried to catch up with his class after being mesmerized by the playful dolphins and subsequently left behind, would forever be burned into his memory. He'd tried to tell others, but they didn't listen or brushed it off on a child's imagination. But he knew what he'd seen! He believed it with all his heart. In that tank, quick as a flash, he'd seen something that shouldn't have been there, that he'd been told his entire life didn't exist. He'd always been in love with the sea and the mysteries it contained, but this experience had set a fire in him. As such, he'd gone to college to get the proper degree required by the aquarium as quickly as he possibly could. Soon, he would be starting his internship at the aquarium and, one way or another, he would see her again...

Secrets of the Sea emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart
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For years she had dreamed of adventure, of getting away from her home and the ridiculous social norms her parents forced her to adhere to. She wasn't interested in the local gossip, she wasn't planning on courting any of the pompous fops that were the sons of neighboring landowners, and she definitely wasn't dreaming of her wedding day. That's why she could practically hear her world crashing down around her as her parents told her the 'oh so wonderful!' news that she was engaged to marry their neighbor's son, an unbearable young man known for his elitist attitude and poor manners. Anything would be better than that. Anything at all...

That night as she lay in bed, her eyes puffy and red from the angry tears that had spilled from them, she looked out towards the dock to watch the boats coming and going and a plan began to form. Those were the commercial docks where the cargo and personal ships came in. However, on the other side of the shore were rickety docks that led directly to the taverns and seedy businesses of the land. It was to there her mind wandered and there she found her ticket out of the mess.

However, she couldn't just hop aboard one of those ships. Those people were suspicious and dangerous, many of them lived by superstitions and her gender worked against her in that aspect. It was often considered highly unlucky to have a woman aboard and they wouldn't allow it. However, she'd never been particularly girly and, as far as she knew, those folk weren't all too observant as long as they got what they wanted and the work needed was getting done...

Deep Sea Secrets emotion_bigheart
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Glyndwr wasn't meant to be out so late, this was the time that the sharks came out to hunt and his kind definitely resembled prey to the monstrous fish, but he couldn't sleep and a swim was sure to settle his mind. Lately there'd been talk of the unrest of the Deep Ones, who were supposedly angry with their God King Nêreus and his favoritism of the Blue Ones, with their beautiful features. Of course, it wasn't their fault that the Deep Ones had chosen to move into the darkness those many years ago. He shuddered slightly as the image of them came to him, their misshapen jaws and overly large, vacant eyes. He looked around, not wanting to admit he'd freaked himself out. Still, this was as good a time as any to head home and out of these dark waters. At least he had the moon to comfort him. He turned in the water and headed back towards home, a little faster than he'd come. However, he didn't make it far until the sound of rushing water from below drew his attention. He gasped and bolted as he saw two Deep Ones, strange blinds over their faces to protect them from even the weak filtered light of the moon, and a net stretched between them that was not of their make. Unfortunately, they'd gotten a jump on him and he soon found himself entangled in the net, most of it thanks to them rather than his struggling. His tail was wrenched back painfully and his arms bound. He tried to free himself, shouting insults, but they ignored him. To his surprise, they began swimming back the way he'd come, rather than down into the murkiness below. He listened as they explained their plan. See, their numbers were too little to lead them to victory over the Blue Ones. However, Humans were plentiful and they did not have the technology to get down to the Deep Ones domain. The humans, upon finding one merperson, would come after the rest of them and, well, do what humans do best. The sun had only just started to come up when Glyndwr found himself tossed roughly up onto dry land. He gasped, the air harsh on his throat, and looked around. Well, the beach didn't look too populated. Hopefully they didn't have much information and had thrown him onto an uninhabited island. As the sun came up, he tried to figure out how to get out of his binding.


Her father was big in Hollywood. What he did, she wasn't exactly sure. Something with making drugged up, boozed out stars lives easier. All she knew is she didn't want to live with him. However, she didn't want to live with her Mom and her new boyfriend a lot more. She sighed as she pulled on shorts and a tank top. At least he owned his own island and let her stay on it. Of course, he flew back at the end of every day, but he also left every morning. Still, they didn't exactly connect, and she didn't mind spending most of her time on the island alone. It made it more peaceful for her and she could draw, read, write, whatever in peace, without him hovering awkwardly over her and trying to 'bond' with her. She slid on a pair of flip-flops as she left her room, grabbing her book as she went. She was just going to have a nice, peaceful morning on the beach before it got too ho and she'd try to stay upright on a surfboard again. Until then thoug, it was just her and her book. She was met downstairs by her fathers pure-bred yellow Labrador retriever, a dog who'd fallen in love with her the instant they'd met. She smiled and rubbed his head. A little company couldn't hurt she decided, and scooped up his ball. She headed to the beach, tossing the ball into the air for him to catch as they walked. Finally they made within sight of the wooden walkways leading down to the beach. She cocked her arm back and threw the ball so it sailed down into the sand, the dog shooting off after it. She walked on casually, until loud, defensive barking drew her attention. She ran then, surveying the beach from her high vantage point. The dog had found an old fisherman's net, washed up onto the beach in a tangled mess. But...wait...was it...moving?