Name:Ryuko Hyuga
Jutsu Specialities:Fire and Wind
Weapon Preferences:Sword, Kunai, and Windmill Shrurikin
Bloodline Trait:Byukagan
Bio:Ryuko grew up in the lowest family of the Hyuga clan, having been overshadowed by the previous heads and families. His sister and himself weren't believed to ever be able to accomplish anything but we're tutored anyway. He quickly practiced his swordsmanship and grew in skill at incredible speeds. He is now entering the Chunin Exams with the other Genin in the hopes to prove his power and his name.

The Chunin Exams, where the best of the best Genin duke it out in three separate tests in the hopes to gain the title of Chunin. It was rumored that this test was so brutal that it left only the strongest ninja.

Ryuko Hyuga, of the Hidden Leaf Village, stood at the gates of the building where the Exam's registrations were being held. He took a deep breath and slowly released it, enjoying the sweet air of the mid-summer's day. He had been preparing for this exam his entire life and today he would not fail. He looked around to make sure no other ninja were around and walked towards the door.

He opened it slowly and quickly made his way to the third floor. He gasped as he saw the massive influx of ninja crowding the hall. He gulped and steeled himself watching the other ninja from other villages with a close eye. He looked around, hoping to spot his team members.
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