I've got an idea for a supernatural roleplay request. This came to me in a dream, last night actually, so all the kinks aren't worked out but I really want to roll with it.

We live in a normal world, full of good people and bad. Everyday life is pretty boring...at least, for us.
Of course the normal world is simple, to those sitting on the outside. On the underbelly of the real world lies another, where all kinds of spirits and super beings live. It's not hard to find, unless you're a human, but if you're one of them you can just slip between buildings or under a crack and then you're home.
They easily blend into the human world, but that's because most of them have two forms. You see, all of them look human, but that's just the outside. There are some that can transform into animals, some that are only spirits, some that have slight magical properties.

Our story follows a couple of kids, trying to live out their lives. One, she is as normal as they come for the underbelly; can't transform, but has some magical properties. How much can she do? Well, she hasn't fully discovered it yet.
It's an important time for most teens, trying to find what they'll do as a career. For her, she's figured it out but just hasn't quite managed it yet.

This is as far as I've sort of thought it out. I figured we could make more things up as we go along, but right now it's just a basic plot. Obviously if you have more ideas, throw them in! I haven't completely imagined this world, so a lot is up for grabs.

We can definitely double up, I'm fine with that and was hoping to play two characters; one girl, one boy.