I am back. I'm ready to teach about the Rapture and what it takes to prepare for it. There are certain things we must get rid of in order to prepare for the rapture.

1. Pride
2. Any lawlessness
3. Anger
4. Bitterness
5. jealousy
6. Hate
7. sexual immorality
8. Not loving your neighbor. (One of the most important commandments)

Mark 12:31 - "Love your neighbor as yourself." There is no commandment great then this.

9. Anything that is impure or not pleasing to God
10. Cold heart/envy

We all fall short of the glory of God at some time in our lives, but He always gives us the strength to keep on keeping on. All these things are emotions/actions that could be dangerous to us. We must carefully decide how we want to live as Christ did. He was holy and was without sin. All though we make mistakes, Christ's love inside of us should edify. It says in the scriptures to walk in His ways and remain Holy as He is holy. Colossians 1:22 smile