News from Norway.

- I think she is speaking for many, bishop Tor B. Jørgensen says of Marianne. In yesterdays edition of Vårt Land (Christian newspaper) she made herself spokeswoman for those <>.

The former catechist (A person who catechizes, especially one who instructs catechumens in preparation for admission into a Christian church.) wrote her need for closeness, intimacy and sex is covered "by male friends in the same situation". She desires the church's approval for the life she is living, and she is especially challenging gay liberals.

- I want the church to say that it is ok for us single to also have a sex life, as long as it is done openly, and honestly, Marianne tells Vårt Land. She feels the minority she herself represents is much more marginalized than homosexuals in the church.

- I am fed up with the church debate being centered around marriage. Most Norwegians are no longer married, but the church is telling us we have to live without sex, an anonymous writer posts on Vårt Land's web page.

Reporter; Do you (talking to Tor B. Jørgensen) think Marianne is living in sin?

- I think her way of life is not corresponding to the ideal of church tradition. I feel the term 'sin' is difficult to use. The church must be careful interacting with people like Marianne, and be respectful and gentle with people who are vulnerable.

Former catechist wants Church to bless friends with benefits