Plot: A young pair of adults are just entering the world on their own. Everything seems great, they both are on their way to their dream colleges, have happy families and partners, along with very bright futures. Then a turn of events takes place that neither saw coming - they are brought to a place of fear, hate, and pain. Welcome to Hell, Home of the Condemned. Now the two must work together to find a way to escape their unjust imprisonment, traveling across the Nine Circles of Hell. Along the way, they will have fight to remain themselves, for the dark temptations of evil can corrupt even the most pure spirit if they allow it. They will also have to fight for survival against monsters and demons, as well as the Condemned themselves, for if they die in Hell, they will become Condemned themselves, and thus remain in Hell for eternity.

Who or what brought these people to this forsaken place, and why? Answers will be revealed, and the forever battle of light and dark may soon be tipped in favor of one or the other.

And so the story begins...