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The city is a constitutional monarchy, with an economy dominated by tourism and precision machinery[1]. Politically, it is opposed to the kingdom of Laizlu,and under protection of the Mercenary Guilds Union. Soleanna's sovereign is generally known as 'Duke' if male or either 'Queen' or 'Princess' if female. The small nation is apparently wealthy and prosperous; with its urban environments bearing resemblance to modern Mediterranean cities. However, Soleanna is shown to possess highly advanced technology 'behind the scenes', as is evident in the Aquatic Base level, a research lab underneath the city.The city worships a deity known as Solaris, "The Eternal Sun God", who is honored during the Festival of the Sun.

Solia Alatamira

The commercial and industrial center of Soleanna, Solia is decidedly more modern-looking than its counterpart the rest of the city . Tall buildings and wide roads have taken over from rustic boutiques and cobbled footpaths; there's even a modern port area with warehouses and ship-loading cranes. Solia isn't all business, however, as it also hosts Soleanna's marina, where colorful yachts crowd the jetties.

The Soleanna Sun Festival
Soleanna, being a cultural center, is the holder of numerous celebrities. The most famous event is known as the "Soleanna Sun Festival". The sun has been always sacred in the city, it is an important part of the culture of Soleanna, and the citizens give thanks for the sun by honouring the traditional sun god, Solaris. The festival is being held at night, but all buildings and towers are well lighted and may fireworks are launched, adding a special mood to the event. Although all of the people pray to the sun, the most important actions come from the current ruler of Soleanna. He or she has the opportunity to travel through the rivers of Soleanna on a wonderful boat, while dancers dance in front of the ruler in yellow dresses, making a reference to the sunlight. After the ruler travelled through the city, the boat heads for the "Altar of Light" also known as the "Altar of Flame". This altar takes place in the downtown of Soleanna, in a central place. When the current ruler arrived, he or she is greeted by the bishop, then he or she is given a torch. The ruler is supposed to light up the altar with the torch, saying the following line:
''"We give thanks for the blessed flames. May we always continue to have peace. Sun of Soleanna, guide and watch over us with your eternal light".

The altar lights up, and the fireworks are launched.