First off I will start by saying this the captains have the rigt to delete this if they see fit, I Spiteful Cannibal do sincerely apologize. To all of you for being your absentee vice captain now while I don't expect a warm welcome back I feel I owe you all an explination as to why I have not done my duty as vice captain in maintaining this guild. It nothing dramatic or life changing, in fact it's quite normal my work schedule is over night so while you are all here durin the day for the mis part I am asleep being my vampiric self and I am also in the process of moving back to Arizona so I am not an active member but I do plan to change this aspect. Also if you feel you can't approach any of the other captains with issues I will go out on a limb and offer several mean of contact to reach me as I am in contact with the other leaders fairly often.

Contact s

Kik simplyme253
Facebook : Jonathan Arce I'm wearing a purple shirt (no dont go getting your hopes up or anything I'm simply me)
Skype: jonnyboy253
Xbox : simply me53