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Dapper Gekko

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:46 pm
Accepted Profiles::Accepted Profiles::Accepted Profiles

=====-Noun. Plural: Prophecies

1. An inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a revelation of divine will.
2. A prediction.
3. Ramblings of a mad man


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1. A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.
2. A predictor; a soothsayer.
3. A mad person

Accepted Profiles::Accepted Profiles::Accepted Profiles
PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:47 pm
__Cale Orin__

User Image

I am__
_Twenty-Six Years Old
______Part Human, Part Demon of Nadr
_______The Wayward Heir of Nadr

In my reflection I see__
__ Cale's full hieght stands about 5'10” with a rather slender, yet built yet slender figure of 155lbs. Despite his build, his strength far surpasses his figure on a glance. Due to his blood and physiology sharing a mixed blood of both a human and a creature of Nadr, his strength and basic resistance rivals those twice his size. As a result, he is able to swing hefty weapons as if they were feathers, and survive harrowing blows as if they were rain against rocks. Aside from his build and height, he does possess some unique features. On his forehead is a thin scar like birth mark which tends to be hidden away by his armoured head band with good reason. Another aspect which is often hidden away is the palm of his left hand which has a red pulsating growth at its centre. Both the strange scar and the anomaly of a growth have been around since his birth, and is mark of his more dangerous, 'Nadr' half. A half which he is yet to fully unlock its full potential.

This is who I am__
__ While all beings which in habit Nadr is said to have the cruel and uncaring personality, Cale would beg to differ. Despite having the heart and soul of a Nadr creature, he still has the body of a human being, a race which exist within the diverse Realm of Nean. As a result, he is something of a large pallet of colours. Just like any other, he is capable of laughter, care, anger and so on, but it doesn't mean he tends to be so. Since his life was a life of hardship and hard won from birth, he is often coloured as contempt. His philosophy is that everything must be won or lost. Nothing is ever gained from an act of charity. As a result, he is also something of a cynical person. Due to his life being both as a magical wonder between two Realms, and an accomplished mercenary, he tends to hide himself away from populated areas and from other peoples affairs. After all, many schools of magic would like to study his body, where as many sell swords would like to sever his head from said body for a small fortune.

With these hands of mine, I can do...__
__Since Cale had to fend for himself since the beginning, he learnt a wide array of skills over the years for the sake of living for another day. In combat, he is an adapt swordsmen, as well as capable hand to hand fighter and marksmen. Together with his uncanny physique, he is a force to be reckoned with be it in close quarters engagement or at a long range. Sadly, his speciality is also his curse as he is a novice when using any other weapon such as spears and axes of which he will use clumsily. As a result, this makes him vulnerable when disarmed of his sword and bow, or the opponent is too hardy for his fists and feet to inflict harm. While he can use his own Nadr black magic, and rather unconsciously, he still has weak point against magic especially against white as he only has a basic understanding of how it works. Aside from the skills in combat, he is a accomplished outdoors-men, tracker and herbalist. In addition, he is something of an acrobat and known for having light feet and sticky fingers.

Let me tell you my story__
__Due to Cale's avoidance of large crowds, and even a creation of a personal bound with another, Cale's history is largely unknown to most. Even his few friends doesn't even know which town he hails from, or where he was born. Instead, they were left with an impression that Cale is a capable man with rumours being used as a substitute to fill in the voids of history. According to rumours and whispers between folks, Cale is said to hail from the frontier lands which is yet to be explored from a place said to tear holes in the fabric of the Plane in order to foster beings greater than those on Nean. Thankfully, a rumour is just a rumour.

Tracing through his history from the pages of the Book of Shadow, Cale has colourful past compared to others found in the middle Realm. His spawning, or birth for a lack of a better word, was a result of a union between a creature of Nadr and a creature of Nean. The creature from Nadr was his biological mother and the the creature of Nean was his father. At the time, his mother was what can be described as a succubus whose role within Nadr was to extract an excess of life from another. For what extent was a question, but her methods of doing so was effective. Much like any creature of Nadr, they are deformed in our eyes in their native Realm, but in they possess the ability to change their shape to suit their purpose. Through this, she was able to seduce Cale's father with both body and charms for the sake of achieving what she was meant to achieve in her visit to the middle Realm. Cale's father, on the other hand, was a human, but not just any other human in the Realm. At the time, he was the heir to the kingdom of Virm and was a known womaniser. When his eyes met with Cale's mother, seducing him was an easy task. In the forest outside of the Virm capital castle, both joined union for the night then parted at dawn and took their separate ways never to see each other again. Cale's mother returned at her native Realm with her latest harvest, and his father returned to his duty as a royalty of Virm. Sadly, both wasn't aware of what they've created.

During the union, something sparked between the two and it was passion for each other, and it wasn't primal. In a strange twist of fate, both fell in love for reasons beyond understanding and in doing so caused Cale's mother to react differently compared to the others she extracted. As they both whiled away in the night, Cale's mother, under blissful ignorance, set in motion of Cale's 'unnatural' birth. Unlike most races in Nean which give birth to live young, the birthing from a being of Nadr is very different. Instead, the off-spring is 'created' out of the essence of the two during the union, and not conventionally born. However, it does take time for the off-spring to manifest into their physical form with the time taken to manifest resulting the age the off-spring. However, it is time well spent as during its manifestation, it also learns from its surroundings and the other essences of life it comes into contact with. For Cale, it took thirteen years for him to manifest himself into the very spot which both his mother and father joined together, and in those thirteen years he learned. Over the years, his father came into the same spot with some fling with others, and hunters and explorers come and went, all of which unaware of Cale's presence. It was through them that he learnt some degree of politics, huntings, cities and towns of the Realm, and more. Sadly, when he came to be, he was still unaware of who his parents were or, more importantly, who or what he was.

Since his birth in the forest, he life wasn't exactly pleasant. Without knowledge of where he came, or what he was, he wondered the Realm lost and confused. For the majority of his life until the age of sixteen, he lived in the wilds since the wild life is all he knew. He did understand how to talk and trade, but the lack of knowledge of the outside world frightened him. He would have stayed in the wilderness and lived as he did until something someone intervened. A group of brigands exploring the woods Cale occupied for a place to call a home away from home found Cale naked much like any other animal within the woods. The brigands, seeing Cale as a way to make a quick coin through slavery, sought to capture him, but things didn't go as they have planned. Under the threat of danger, Cale unconsciously tapped into his Nadr side of his blood and unleashed black magic in its purest form. The brigands which tried to capture him, was broken down into life to its essence leaving behind their material goods like their clothing. Their life force would have floated away towards the eyes of Pyrae to be judged if it weren't for Cale. Instead, the life force was eaten by him in a primal act and, as a result, he passed out from the strain between the two two blood mixing within him. By the time he awoke, he can't can't recall of what happened before, instead he can only remember what the Brigands remember and knew what they knew. For the first time, he felt strange sensation of belonging as their memories, though fuzzy, had their emotions surge through his body. Armed with the new found knowledge, he clothed and armed himself with the items on the floor unaware it belonged to the Brigands he dispatched and venture out into the world. It was then that he named himself Cale Orin, a name which sounded familiar on his tongue.

The years which followed to the current day was the years where he set out to make a name for himself in the Realm of Nean. Since his departure from the wild, he took in many jobs until he settled into one. Due to his unexplained strength and hardy body, the job as a sell sword was something he was accomplished at. Over the years, he touched many lands thanks to the travel of his occupation and have learnt many skills in the process. He would have lived out his life as it is if it weren't the fact that prophecy has something else planned for him.

Am I missing something?__
__"I don't think I'm missing anything which you don't already know"

Creator: Haxxle



Dapper Gekko


Dapper Gekko

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:51 pm
__Reina 'Rei' Storm__

User Image

I am__
_Twenty-Three Years Old
______Half Demon of Shadow. Half Angel of Shine
_______The Unconventional Prophet

In my reflection I see__
__ She normally keeps her hair down with the head band. When she's working on her herb garden she always puts it in a pony tail and keeps the golden headband. 

This is who I am__
__ She normally has a smile on her face. She loves getting to know new people and is quite friendly. She's quite patient and hard to anger and doesn't show her true feelings unless she's by herself.

With these hands of mine, I can do...__
__She's an excellent healer with both herbs and her powers. She also has the ability to manipulate light and darkness but never at the same time. She was also given the gift of foresight, but only about her own future and those closest to her. She learned how to use a sword to defend herself.

Let me tell you my story__
__Reina is the offspring of an angel and a shadow manipulator. While this may be the case, no one knows who her true parents are. She was dropped off at the outskirts of a village. The caretaker there took her in and raised her as if his own teaching her all of his secrets. Due to her training herself in her powers, she sometimes gets really ill as both of her powers clash making her weak and rely on her strength.

Am I missing something?__
__She's an expert at playing the harp

Creator: irigan kitsune
PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:52 pm
__Azaizel Valrashan__

User Image

I am__
_Twenty-FourYears Old
______Nitharian, though currently believes himself only human
_______The Wary Prince of Nith

In my reflection I see__
__ Standing at 6 feet tall he has an average weight of about 165. His build is rather athletic which gives him a good measure of speed and agility though he lacks brute strength. The main scares that never seem to leave him are two long scars upon his back that seem to parallel each other, he can not remember why he has them but from time to time he feels as though something is there upon his back as if he has lost something important. He his right handed and on his left hand is a gauntlet that extends all the way up his left arm under his coat. The armlet was with him for as long as he can remember and he seems to be unable to remove it, though it seems absolutely resistant to rusting and often can help guard some magics especially the more evil forms of Black Magic. Another very notable and obvious difference to his appearance his his golden eyes that often look like the color of the rising sun.

This is who I am__
__ He will seem very odd at times and will come across as an air head since he still has much to learn about people outside the order that was his family. He his very protective but due to his training he will sometimes allow things to happen if he feels it is part of the great balance. he has a kind nature but in the presence of great corruption he becomes far less kind, though due to his training he will only destroy those corrupted if they attack him.

With these hands of mine, I can do...__
__A form of swordsmanship that has two primary stances and styles, The first is Solarice- a Offensive style that concentrates more on renlentless and accurate strikes to leave the enemy with little time to react. The second in Lunarrie- A defensive style that focuses on deceptive strikes, and evasive movements to dodge and counter attacks. He has a little knowledge in the art of Magic in the form of minor White magics for protection and healing though this power is much weaker then it should be but this stems from the fact that the use of this power tends to cause his body harm and give him painful head aches. Due to his upbringing he has knowledge of herbs and medicine.

Let me tell you my story__
__He doesn't remember much from before he awoke one day with the rising sun. He was around 13 and felt absolutely foreign to this world. He marveled at the beauty of this world. As he traveled he saw many things of awe and wonder, but also of disgust. This world was at peace but that didn't mean it was free of corruption. He had just entered a small village along the outer edge of the kingdom of Krius. Where he saw a few men who had a women cornered. Something inside him stirred his left arm seemed to heat up and urge him to fight these men. He did, he was surprised by the fact that his body seemed to move on its own. 

He won more or less though when others cam to help these men he stood little chance, but the girl had been able to run away for help. Things continued like this for a few months until he found them. They where known as the Korin-Dai-Nia. They where an order of followers who fallowed the teachings of balance. They offered him a home and family among them and Azaizel accepted. His days where peaceful then Meditation at sunrise, breakfast, then training , Meditation at sunset, dinner then sleep. He learned much from them but they where unable to help him restore his memories. instead they where able to help him hone his skills with a sword and taught him magic though every time he used magic his head would pound and his left arm would send a string of agonizing pain. after 11 years with the Korin-Dai-Nia He now wanders again, the elders saying he had learned all they could teach him and that he must find the answers he seeks out in the world. Though he is unsure if he truly wishes to remember he knows he must, and also to do his best to serve the great balance.

Am I missing something?__
__Though unknown to him the Gauntlet on his left arm restricts his power greatly and has properties that nullifies minor black magics and even makes it harder for him to use magic, it is much like a seal.

Creator: Zypher_caim


Dapper Gekko


Dapper Gekko

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:57 pm
__Frey Algren Selfora__

User Image

I am__
_Twenty Years Old
______ Half Human, Half Angel of Shine
_______The Unbound Pawn

In my reflection I see__
__ Frey wears the colours of his village, Black and dark red clothing with a hint of purple dye cover his body. His clothing is a mix of tanned leather and cloth giving him little protection against physical attacks but making him more agile then a knight or local guard. When standing, Frey is 5'5 and weighs 145 pounds, His hair is black and slightly shaggy but oddly shaped causing it to hang over his face on one side rather often. Frey takes great care with a special necklace that he believes is tied to his fathers past, This necklace gives off a faint light when evil is nearby, He wears it at all times.

This is who I am__
__ "I am Critical and often Cold toward others, I prefer to stay away from the idea of friendship and often prefer to do things alone. Though I act as if I do not care for others I will not willingly leave someone to their death if it is undeserved."

With these hands of mine, I can do...__
__ Frey knows how to wield a sword effectively but is no were near a master of the art, He is capable of holding his own against anyone around his skill level but anyone above it will prove a significant challenge. His half Shine nature allows him to use light magic's to his advantage, He may erect a personal barrier in a dome like fashion which may defend all sides of his body. This barrier requires him to focus greatly against heavier crushing physical attacks or magic strikes, However if the attack is too much for him the shield may shatter and leave him open for an attack. Frey may also use his angelic side to bolster his magic prowess in battle, Focusing light into the centre of his palm he may release a mid to short range blast of light magic. Though Frey prefers to take care of himself and not rely on others, He knows little about tracking or surviving in the wild and only has basic fire starting skills and knowledge of how to set up camp and cook basic foods such as fish and chicken.

Let me tell you my story__
__ Born within the kingdom of Krius but closer to the border of Regana, Frey was born into a comfortable life Growing up he wasn't as cold and inconsiderate as he is now, However tragedy tends to change even the happiest of people. When Frey was still too young to hold a sword but old enough to walk, He and his mother were captured by a local gang of bandits while they were out searching for berries in the forest. Luckily they were not alone and a few of their friends escaped to warn the local guard, Though it took them months to find the camp and even longer to accumulate enough force to strike at the bandits. When the camp was finally liberated Frey's mother was dead and he had been left to fend for himself for many months. Upon returning to the village he took three years to recuperate and eventually joined up with a band of sell swords, Having no family left to leave behind he began training at the age of eight, Learning the way of the sword from random people he met on his travels. After many years of travel and training he has become the misunderstood man he is today. Throughout his childhood and his path into adult hood Frey found no trace of his father and never once heard his mother mention his name before the incident. When he returned home from the bandit camp he had much time to search the house for clues to see what truly happened to his father, The closest thing he could find to evidence of his existence was a journal of his mothers speaking of the dates and good times they had. The journal also had a necklace inside it which had the sign of the realm of Shine engraved into its strange metallic figure, The ore was unlike anything he had ever seen before and through his travels he discovered that it glows faintly when evil is nearby.

Am I missing something?__
__Frey has no knowledge of his father leaving more questions then answers, He also does not know he is part angel. His body simply reacts to situations around him allowing him to adapt his abilities, Which up to this point have remained dormant.

Creator: SsSoulSsS
PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:33 pm
__Daxous Reeves__

User Image

I am__
_Nineteen Years Old
______Animal-kin, Demon Exorcist
_______The Unbound Pawn

In my reflection I see__
__ Daxous stands at five feet and eleven inches, by his muscular built one could tell that he has always been an athlete since he was but a child but his training refined and toned his muscles to what they are now, weighting in at roughly one hundred and sixty five pounds with him only having the necessary body fat to survive healthy. He was a fighter at birth and made sure that his muscular built didn't hinder his flexibility or his speed in the lease for he trained himself to have what he considered the perfect body for a fighter or martial artist. He spokes black shoulder length messy spiked hair which points down rather than up due to his laziness to tend to it, his eyes an ever changing bluish green, sea green to be exact yet they tend to glisten in the light and gleam in the dark as if holding power behind them, seeming more blue than green at times and at others more green than blue(This is what I meant by ever changing). Dax is of the Water Panther variety of Animal-Kin which means in his true form he has scales rather than fur and these scales are very durable and hardy, allowing him to take blows that would render your average person unconscious or even fatal and get up ready to fight, depending of course. He's twice the size of your average horse and has yet to finish growing, possess a number of fins to assist him in swimming which also includes webbed feet.

Dax has a dragon upon his right arm and a panther on his back, also he has a large bite mark on his right upper arm and shoulder that he received fighting a large shark in his younger days just before he caused the sharks heart to explode. You can say he was trying out a technique of his. He wears a pentagram star around his neck as a necklace charm, he has small silver plates on both the top and bottom of both ears as piercings. And an 'X' shape scar upon his right cheek.

This is who I am__
__ At first glance Dax would prove to be child like as he is playful, sarcastic, likes to have fun, calm and cool when he wants to be, and he enjoys to tease people but don't let his child like nature fool you, his demeanor could easily change rather it be him giving someone a death glare or has to become serious which only happen when the situation calls for it. He also has quite the mean streak and when enraged which isn't too hard to do if you push the right button his ruthlessness shows just as it does when he fights, he is cutthroat to be it simply but while he may seem to encourage a fight he doesn't seem to always look for them unless of course he is on a task to exorcise a demon. He enjoys the opposite sex rather it be just looking at there figure and trying to guess there measurements, speak in a perverted manner, or get hands on which all shows just how bold he is and how low his sense of boundaries is or its simply the fact that he doesn't care. He believes in taking risk and became quiet the thrill seeker or daredevil because of it and despite his child like nature or how foolish he might let others outside of his circle believe he is very cunning, persuasive, and intelligent. Though above all else he is loyal, has a sense of honor, and genuinely cares for those that can be considered friends or a protector of the weak.

With these hands of mine, I can do...__
__Dax was taught as well as self-taught a number of skills and traits that would prove both beneficial to his cause and self. He skilled in Unarmed combat, using a wild and unorthodox style that utilizes speed, raw power, flips, flexibility, and unconventional means of performing it all. Swordsmanship, his form of swordsmanship is much like his unarmed style, a bit more precise but still unorthodox and very deadly despite favoring unarmed combat given his claws. Marksmanship, his aim isn't something to take lightly either, he is fully capable of hitting fast moving targets(depends) thus with his throwing knives he is somewhat of a decent range combatant. Speed & Agility, this 'beast' emphasizes on speed, even when limited to three fourths of his speed when on land it is considered inhuman though in water he is faster. Perception, his perception is believed to be outer worldly as does his senses at time but some have the honor of figuring out its part of his magical abilities.
Can see in the dark, because he swims in the deep ocean/sea his eyes have adjusted over the years, allowing him to see not only in the dark depth of the ocean but in dark period. Dax was lucky enough to be Double Jointed which does wonder for escaping when tied up or even a offensive use by painlessly popping his joints out of place to use his arms like whips. He's also a decent cook, being forced to learn as he traveled but only knows enough as not to starve himself. Being a stealth predator species Dax is fully capable of working within the shadows or remaining unnoticed, able to blend with his surroundings(not like camouflage or anything). As for his more magical skills... Dax has only shown signs of two besides light water manipulation: Ambition Manipulation, The users of this power can manipulate energy formed from their ambitious strength and willpower to be enable them to achieve feats such as reading others' movements, to bypassing defenses an ability may provide via contact or even knocking a person unconscious. There are three forms in which this ability is categorized: Presence, enables the user to sense the presence of others by increasing hearing, sight, or feeling which also includes sensing auras and even predicting an opponent's moves making attacks much easier to evade, just a matter of him reacting. Fighting Spirit, can be channeled throughout the user's body to act as an armor, increase the strength of the user's strikes and also enable the user to strike the real body of user with intangibility. And lastly Intimidation, the user can dominate and overwhelm the wills of others and even knock those with weaker wills unconscious using their own willpower. It can also allow the user to command animals. And Seal Magic, the user creating magic seals with pentagrams in the center to use for various purposes. Such as using the seal to target they're opponent, then punches it until the enemy explodes from the massive power build up, they can stand on the emblem in mid-air and use it's explosion to increase speed. The user can also attack with more than one emblem at once.

Let me tell you my story__
__ To tell you about Daxous' story I would have to first tell you about his Family. The Reeves Family is that of an Ancient line of Demon Exorcist, though that is what they call themselves, they are indeed Witches, humans with strong magical affinity. This particular family was of that of strictly women, they world marry or mate with other wizards, witches, or warlocks but for some reason their offspring would always come out to be a female. This family was destined to be this way since the family has come to be, it could be a course and it could be there way of life but regardless it had become natural to them and no one ever questioned it.

The Reeves family began to question there 'Destiny' when Daxous was fatefully or perhaps unfaithfully born. I wouldn't say that Reeves was the first male ever to be born but it was rare and he is the first to be born since a few decades. This caused confusion, frustration, fear, and soon hatred. The entire village treated him as an outcast as this was strange to them, people no matter what race neglect, despise, and hate what they don't understand, so it's safe to say that's what happened to him. His parents of course still loved, and cared for him but that's all he seemed to have, even at school he was treated differently. This in turn made him stay to himself and entertain himself, this is when he decided to dance, and get into music, the fighting and train of his abilities didn't come to later when he was a bit older and was pushed to do so. Daxous parents didn't like the life he was having, and they themselves couldn't leave the village due to the noble position they held so when he came of age, fourteen to be exact and had learned the basic of his abilities, he set out on his owwn journey to continue his knowledge and training of his skills. This is when the happier and better times of his life began, despite the dangers that lerked for demon exorcist such as himself. His magical abilities began to flourish and his true potential was unlocked and also has made many friends as well as more enemies, this will also be when his famil trait of becoming a demon to skill a demon came into effect, they become shapeshifter more commonly known as Animal Kin and thus portray themselves as such unless wishing to tell someone trust worthy the truth.

Living his life traveling for the most part, making friends along the way and had a few traveling companions at time, Daxous became comfortable with his life and had become an exorcist for hire in order to support himself. For the right fee he will kill demons who plague lands, feed on the weak, or even possess other being, he was good at what he did, some would even say the best and his name only recently began to spread, Daxous Reeves, The Beast Exorcist. .

Am I missing something?__
__"Dax seems to be very animistic at times as far as his anger goes and acts much like a predator yet he tends to deny this fact when others point it out."

Creator: Celestin Selone



Dapper Gekko


Dapper Gekko

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:13 pm
__Elliot Hallon__

User Image

I am__
_Twenty-Nine Years Old
_______The Unbound Pawn

In my reflection I see__
__ Elliot usually always keeps his hair in a spiky-fashion, claiming that it makes him "less boring" than someone with flat hair. Because of a past incident, Elliot wears an eye patch over his left eye, which doubles as a head band; this helps keep his hair out of his face, thus distracting him. His right eye, however, is a smokey gray. This is because it's infused with a special Way Gate that is constantly gathering information and sending it to the Veritate headquarters. He wears a neck band and metal chest belt that is reminiscent of his old, swords-training, mentor. He has a black jacket that covers his muscular build, but will usually fasten it when the Mosquitos annoy him, or the temperature is cool. He also wears black gloves with metal braces over his forearms to help parry/block light-attacks, while keeping his striking continuous. He wears a pair of pale red, semi-baggy pants and thin shoes over his feet, while having a black sash wrapped around his waist, with two tails dropping between his legs; both in front and behind. Although he was once seen wielding a large mace, it's only because he snatched it from a brute who thought Elliot was too "small to use it effectively." Elliot then proceeded to beat the man within an inch of his life before whistling away. Normally, Elliot is equipped with two katana, one being sheathed on both his right and left sides. Being ambidextrous helps. The sheathes are made from wood and painted black.

This is who I am__
__ Elliot will stand neutral in most cases, but will always follow a path that will allow him to acquire the most information from sources. This doesn't disturb the fact that he looks toward the bright side of life and acts a bit goofy, but he doesn't let his emotions get in the way of his work...unless agitated. His past makes him competitive and is a bit sensitive to insults, despite the conditioning supplied by the Veritate. He'll haggle if he believes a price is too high, but really just does it because he's usually low on money. Elliot also doesn't put much mind on the topic of love, because he uses it as a way to obtain information. He states that being open minded helps gather as much information as possible.

With these hands of mine, I can do...__
__In combat, Elliot doesn't know any magical attacks, making him a physical fighter. The only magic that can be associated with Elliot is his right eye. Elliot's eye is infused with a special Way Gate that constantly records information and relays it to the Veritate headquarters. 
When using one katana, his fighting style resembles the samurai sword-style of jiu-jitsu: strong stab-and-slash coupled with block-and-counter techniques. When using both katanas, the fighting style is Juno-Araya; light and fast kick-and-slash style with adequate blocking measures. He also knows the basic use of common weapons, but isn't proficient with them, 
Because of his adventurous lifestyle, Elliot has a basic knowledge of survival in the woods and deserts. Elliot also knows how to operate small boats, ride horses, and cook simple meals. 

Let me tell you my story__
__Compared to any normal child's, Elliot's childhood was anything from unusual. Born a little after the beginning of the Third Era, his parents persevered through the diminishing strife and chaos of the Second Era. So, Elliot attended school, acquired friends, and followed life by its pace. It wasn't until Elliot's 7th birthday that his life took a turn. A group of thugs broke into his home, over powered his mother and father, then demanded something from his father, something that Elliot didn't quite understand. They were searching for answers on how to gain advantage over a rival gang, but Elliot knew his father was a simple merchant, so he couldn't have been privy to that kind of information. 
Unfortunately, after Elliot's father denied having known the information, they severed his mother's right arm and cut Elliot's left eye, completely blinding that side. After that, the thugs left and medical attention was sought for Elliot and his mother. At the time, healing magic was very difficult to come by, and even more expensive, so the most that could be done was the eradication of infections and applying bandages. 
Then, the Hallon family moved to a different city. There, Elliot had difficultly watching his mother painfully change her lifestyle and decided to try and find a way to distract him from everything. His father came up with the idea of taking up weapons training. Not only would Elliot be "distracted," but he would also learn how to more better cope with the use of only one eye. So, after visiting the training grounds and getting everything prepared, Elliot was given his first sword. Then, because of the life-smacking-reality-attitude of his mentor, Elliot was soon taught that learning what he wanted to learn wouldn't be a simple task. Especially since the first day involved Elliot getting a lot of cuts and bruises. 
After 7 years of training and at the age of 14, Elliot could wield a sword in both of his left and right hands and use them effectively in combat. Elliot's progress helped lighten his mood. He even participated in the local sparring tournaments and finished most in the semi-finals, his then-best having been 5th place. But then his mother started listening to one of the local prophets and attempted to get Elliot's father to listen as well. It didn't last a day. 
They returned home arguing about what was correct and incorrect about the information the prophet was spewing. After several retaliatory remarks, similar to the words "how would you know", being used by Elliot's mother, his father angrily yelled out "because I work for the Veritate". The argument quickly changed from being about who is correct, to what the Veritate is. Despite continuous denial of the Veritate and not giving up information about it, Elliot's father finally broke and unveiled that it is a discrete group of individuals who record day to day information, so the "correct history" can be kept safe. He also unveiled that his secret job is why the thugs broke into their first home. 
After that night, angry at his father, Elliot left his home and stayed at the training grounds. There, he continues his training and schooling for a few months before returning to his home, only to have his mother commit suicide a few days later. Though wrought with sadness and contempt for his father, Elliot is given the choice to participate in the next tournament, by his mentor. Elliot reluctantly takes the chance and makes his way through the ranks, and ends up in the finals. There, his opponent endlessly taunts Elliot, which sends him into a rage. The power behind the rage surprised Elliot's foe and caught him off guard. The battle ended with the opponent having severe lacerations covering 25% of his body. 
When Elliot returns home, he searches for his father's contact information for the Veritate. Elliot's father learned of what he was doing and questioned him. Elliot responded by bringing one of his swords to his father's throat and angrily questioned him back. Elliot's father reluctantly gave him the information, even more than Elliot originally wanted, and Elliot ran out; determined to take down the organization himself. 
When Elliot arrived at the organization headquarters, he managed to take down a few guards before being overwhelmed by the Veritate's private army. Fortunately for Elliot, the leaders of the Veritate gave Elliot the choice to either die, or to become a member of the Veritate. Despite Elliot first denied it, the leaders promised Elliot that he could get revenge and kill the thugs that damaged his eye and mother's arm. After a short pause, Elliot agreed and he was immediately put into reconditioning and training. 
After many years of training, simulations, and successful missions, Elliot became an operative of the Veritate and now roams the lands as he records information with his right eye. 

Am I missing something?__
__Elliot doesn't remember the promise the Veritate offered him.

Creator: Sabatouer (sephiroth0990)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:19 am


Dapper Gekko


Dapper Gekko

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:21 am

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