I have to work on the story, but This is more of a check if someone would like to do a modern version of Pathfinder?

Everyone would be human, high school students[15-18].

What I do have...

For a year or so, you were having strange and very vivid dreams. Dreams in which you trained relentlessly inside Rome's Colosseum, under a single master, who you learned to admire, and under the watchful eyes of three figures. As time went on, your body and mind started to mimic your training[depending on the class you choose, depends on how they mimics. Examples would be, Bards start being able to preform masterpieces, with little practice; Wizards start understanding advanced/quantum physics. Clerics spouting scripture and verse of holy text, with little study. Monks, Fighters and Barbarians, pulling off black belt/military-trained techniques. Leaving full choice up to the player, these were just examples].

The last day of your training your master gives you a ring, saying, "In days to come, trust in what you learned and trust in the host's servant. The world will need your strength/power to be save. The host has foresaw this. I will buy you the time you need, to grow." before arming themselves and walking into a black fog that surrounded the arena. followed only by the sound of clashing steel, explosions, and murderous screams.

The next day a new student, has came to the small northern Indiana town. Little is known of him, except that he doesn't speak to anyone, and can run a four minute mile, though it seems he is holding back even at that. And he has since kept an eye on you and a few others of your classmates.