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Name: Nicodemus Shade
Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Marks: he is covered in tattoos.
History: Nico, as he likes to be called, is quite...unstable. Since birth his folks knew he was strange. His parents thought he was one of the magical beings at first because of his mannerisms and called the hunters. He was picked up by the hunters and once they realized he wasn't magical, they took him in. He had a strong personality disorder called Schizophrenia. His schizo was so strong, that he has 4 distinct personalities that come out in certain situations that call for it. His overall mind is a genius though. He was trained in the arts of fight as well as sent into the tech lab because he was a mathematical and scientific genius.Not to mention his engineering skills were beyond the best. He could create all kinds of devices that would put him above the others. Once he reached the proper age of 13, he was taken out on his first hunt where tested out some of his new devices on the shifters and witches/warlocks. He subdued a whole pack with his persuasion skills. He was able to get them out of hiding in a matter of days where he led them straight into his trap, drained their energy and had his team pick them up. Nico's life went on like this for some time. But he was never one to follow others. He soon defected from the hunters at the age of 17 and went off onto his own thing. He left a bomb in the hunters base before leaving to give them a big ******** you before he left though. Now he travels on his own, doing as he wishes to better himself and his position.
Weapons: Nico uses 3 devices of his own creation. The glove on his right hand has an energy converter which can suck the energy from any magical being and be used against them with 3 times the force. It also has the capability to drain oncoming energy based attacks. [Within reason of course.] His second invention is a pair of 4 mechanical arms literally inserted into his back through the creation of nanobites. He can control the arms that can reach up to 10ft and are made from a strong and flexible alloy found from a fallen meteor the hunters picked up called Mythril. His 3rd invention is his voice. With the nanobites he created, he injected them into himself and it gave him supernatural speech prowess. Upon willing it, he can create a type of energy throughout his body that makes his voice almost irresistible. Making him a master of coercion and speech. [Within reason. He can't convince you to kill yourself or anything.]
Personality: I would rather not describe all 4 of his personalities. You can just figure them out as the rp runs on.
Likes: Technology / People / Social Graces / Shopping
Dislikes: Being Alone / The Dark
Other: Neither the Hunters nor the Magical Beings care for him and he is very well known among both groups as "The Hatter" because of the weird top hat he wears.
