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What is your view of Hell

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PSM Guild Mule

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:00 pm
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I saw this on a Christian debating site that I visit frequently, thought it would be a good topic for us to discuss too.

We never talk about it.
it's usually a "taboo" topic.

Hell is just as real as Heaven.
It's scary to think about...

What do you think Hell is like?

What is your view of hell?
Eternal Torment? Annihilationism? Conditional Immortality? Universal Reconciliation? Universalism?

How do you end up in Hell?

Are you afraid that you will end up there?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:36 pm
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honestly I haven't really read much about Hell.
I have read books about people that had visited there, like 23 minutes In Hell

What I read was some scary stuff.

I cant say for sure about what I think it is like there just because I don't know much about it. (part of the reason why I posted this topic)

I do know that once you are there I think you stay there forever, there is no getting out.
I also think that it must be terrible, not sure about fire and brimstone but I don't think it is anything good down there.

If anyone can share a view that would be great... I just don't know a lot about Hell.
I believe it is as real as heaven but we never talk about it much because it gets us out of our comfortable zone, not everything in Christianity is happy we have some dark stuff in it, Hell being one of those topics.

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PSM Guild Mule


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:04 pm
Yeah, there's all kinds of ideas about what Hell's really like. Some think it's oblivion (which is probably the most frightening of all), some think it's unending pain, some think it's just living in a world where there's no goodness at all.

For me... I don't know enough to say with certainty either way. I figure that its existence is necessary, though... to be able to choose to go to Heaven, we must also be able to choose not to go to Heaven. Otherwise, y'know, there's no actual choice involved. So if nothing else, going to Hell is going to a place inferior to Heaven, as in being permanently barred from the best result. Like... no matter how hard you study and how smart you are, you could never get into the best University. Even if you study yourself, even if you try to do it on your own, you will never reach that top place. You are doomed to failure from the start.

That's the minimal, of course. The soft, friendly version. Maybe it would be an existence absent from goodness; if people chose to step away from good, then that's their choice.

My general view is that nobody goes to Hell unless they want to, since every soul should get a fair chance of salvation. Accordingly, I find it hard to feel too bad for anyone who decides to go there. It's not like they couldn't have made a different choice.


Actually, a small part of me suspects that nobody is going to Hell. If everybody has a fair shot (not just hearing the name "Jesus" in passing, but actually hearing God's offer in a fair manner, without outside pressure for or against), then any reasonable and rational person would probably choose the non-eternal-pain option unless they were really, really weird. In which case Heaven, despite supposedly being "good", probably wouldn't be something they'd enjoy without being forced to enjoy it. Which... would defeat the entire purpose of our existence. So, yeah.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:23 am
I believe Hell is literally eternal suffering - the same punishment for everybody because when one person is guilty of one sin - they are guilty of breaking the entire law so sin is equal to other sins. I don't believe people have individualized punishments in Hell such as if someone is a child molester, they will endure one punishment while a burglar will endure a completely different punishment. (1 John 5:17; James 2:10). I believe it's so bad in Hell that the punishment that is there is bad enough for everybody to have to endure. Not to mention, Hell is a spiritual area - it hurts even worse because it's damaging the soul. Spiritual pain is worse than physical pain.

A person ends up in Hell because they do not enter through the narrow gate, instead they enter through the wide gate (Matthew 7:13 - 14). They do not follow God in what they do, or they are lukewarm - so they aren't a true believer. Here's a good Bible verse about Hell and Salvation:

1 Corinthians 6:9 - 11

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Here's a good list of those who do not inherit the Kingdom of God:

Galatians 5:19 - 21

The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

*Honestly, I used to be afraid that I would end up in Hell because I grew up in a church that was more worldly and lukewarm than on fire for Christ. They would always guilt people and one time a guest preacher (whom I don't care for) said, "Raise your hand right now if you believe that if you die right this moment that you will go to Heaven?" I didn't like this pastor anyway due to other reasons (a long story behind it), but his question was a good one. Sadly, no one in that church building raised their hand. They tend to believe that getting to Heaven is the most difficult thing to do for whatever reason. I think they feel that way in a sense because they know something is wrong with their faith and belief system, but choose not to do anything about it. I used to think, "I'm going to Hell for sure." But later on, when I was enlightened about God and His word on a better and more justified note - I honestly don't think it's as hard as most of us believe. Of course we need to follow God's law and we do need God's grace and mercy to get past those Heavenly gates. So, I know that I need to do my best on this earth. I know that if I truly believe, and am saved - I have a good chance of going to Heaven. However, that chance is even better if we fulfill the purpose God has for us. At this moment, I'm not sure what God's purpose is quite for my life so Hell comes up in my mind from time to time because I feel a bit guilty for not witnessing like I should and stuff of that sort. Even more of a reason that I need to try harder for God.  


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:41 pm
I have read the book "23 minutes in Hell" it was very interesting and really made me glad I am a Christian. It was about a Christian man who had a vision of Hell and he was removed from God's presence during that time. He talked about being in a dark cell with the only light from a fire outside. There were beasts that we would describe as monsters and they beat and inflicted wounds that would normally have killed on him. I believe it is a real place and we need to fear it.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:00 pm
Some say hell is no different then heaven save for the complete lack of God's presence, which is the harshest of all punishments.  

Father Delacroix

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:18 pm
I believe exactly what the bible tells about hell.

Hell is a place that God originally created for the devil and his agents with eternal fire. And any human that rebels against God while on earth, once they leave earth, and die without Christ, go there, and suffer with eternal fire and vengeance. And there is no rest for them, nor day nor night.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus warns over 40 times about the existence of hell. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And sin is punishable by eternal hell fire.

That's why each and every one of us need Jesus. And that's why God sent his only son to die on the cross, to pay our sin debt, so we wouldn't have to go to hell.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:37 pm
I'm far more inclined to accept uncertainty than anything else, especially on this issue. I don't really ascribe to any ideology on what hell is, but I do contemplate it a bit.

I can understand the idea of annihilationism. It sounds feasible on its own, but also somewhat inconsistent with the minor mentions in the gospels. It speaks for itself for what it is.

I've also wondered a lot about the idea of total separation. If the body is dead, but the spirit is awake... what is the condition? Is it merely consciousness, but you're all alone with no sensory input, or something else?

The idea of an eternal place of fire and torment I am... disinclined to believe, but not rejecting. It sounds far fetched for a few reasons, but is biblically consistent. I try to find internally consistent ways of interpreting it differently, as there's actually very little to go on. It is reserved as a possibility, though, and not taken lightly. I see no reason someone should.  


Shameless Mystic


PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:55 pm
Society has this weird idea of hell being this place where bad people go because of the stuff they do, while good people go to heaven for the good they do.

We as christians know that its not about what you do, since we all fall short of the glory of God. No amount of good deeds will ever relinquish you from Sin. But God, because he is Love, and in his infitinite mercy sent his son Jesus Christ to pay the price.

My beleif of hell is not so much someplace that God sends people to, but rather a place people choose to go.

What I mean by this is simple. God is always calling us, he wants us to come back to him. But he gave us a choice. You can push him away and chose to go on your own path. I think what hell is, is when finally God says "Okay." and lets go. From that point, you give yourself to all the other things you wanted to be with more then God. But theres no joy, no hope in them because from him come all good and perfect things. Hell is essentially, when you decide to sever the last connection from God. It is not so much a place that God cant go, but a place God has chosen not to. It is choosing to burn the bridge to the cure for that gaping hole you feel in your soul that nothing else can fill. Hell is trying to fill that gap with every addiction you've ever had, every desire, every lust, anything you thought might save you.

That being said, I dont think that this means God turns his back on people in Hell, but he will not force them to love him. We are not his robots.

I know this perhaps is not the conventional way of thinking when it comes to Hell, but it makes more sense to me and why it compels me so much more to reach people and reflect his graciousness. If you think that burning pits of fire and sulfur is more terrifying then full seperation from God, I think you're missing the point.

As for hell sole purpose being the punishment of the damned, let me repeat. ALL FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. If you repent with all your heart and soul, if you accept Jesus you will be saved because that is what you choose to invest your soul in. He paid the price Even the vilest offender has been offered grace, that is the amazingness of the God I fail so much at serving. XD;;;

As for being afraid? Nah, not really. I trust my God. He knows I want to be with him. ^^

Im not saying this is the answer, but it makes the most sense to me. I could be entirely wrong, but I reflect on God the terrifying, God the loving, God the protector, God the guide, God the fullfilling. There is so much I cannot possibly hope to understand with my meager lifespan and tiny brain that I wont worry about it, simply because I trust the one who does know. I respect my awe of the unknown.

Just thought Id post my thoughts on the subject. ^_^  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:54 pm
For some reason, my idea of hell has always been like endless pain, suffering, and all sorts of unlovely things, all the while wishing for death, but it never comes to you. In hell, you're still going to be immortal, but you're going to wish that wasn't the truth. The Bible describes it as with weeping and gnashing of teeth, and lots about fire. Needless to say, it won't be pleasant.  

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:08 pm
I am not sure what Hell will be like, and frankly, I don't want to find out.
I think about two views. The first is what the Bible says, a pit of fire and brimstone, that was prepared for Satan and the fallen angels. I believe that it is eternal. So I do think that those who choose rebellion will live forever, in pain, completely apart from the presence of God.

The other view that peaked my interest is from the C.S. Lewis book, The Great Divorce. It describes Hell/Purgatory as a Grey Town. People are apart from God and they live completely consumed by their sins. They build houses, and then argue and fight and then move farther and farther away from each other until each is totally isolated from each other.

Maybe it is one of these, maybe it's not. Who knows, it could be a combination of a bunch of these ideas.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:58 pm
For me, the most scary thing would be to simply never exist, and never be remembered or cared for by God.

To be without God? That is Hell, for me.

What it actually is, I have no clue.  


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:12 am
I'd have to say that it is a yes that I am terrified of ever ending up in hell.
I've heard a couple of individual thoughts on what hell is like; like slowly disappearing into nothing which is tormenting, another is that there are monsters that beat you nonstop, in my perspective, its just that you are completely cut off from God, that is scary to me and terrifying, God is just so so so very important to me, I'd hate to ever be away from Him completely, it would definitely crush me. Not just that but because it is chaos and there are very severe consequences if God does not give you blessing and instead His wrath is poured out. To me, there are monsters or demons in hell, but they themselves are in a state of suffering like everyone else. So hell to me is basically death, because you are cut off from God, who is life. He is perfect and heaven is also perfect, Humans are not perfect, therefore, we cant do anything to satisfy a perfect God, good deeds/sitting in a church every weekend ones whole life cannot equate perfection, we've done wrong and are deserving of such a consequence, but I see it as God willingly exchanging himself for us by taking our place, so we can have a chance to be with him forever, basically if we dont accept him and what he did for us, its on us of where we land.  
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