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              So I have a right at the moment not to go all out and code this to the extreme, what would be the whole point in that? xD
              Besides, I don't feel like murdering your eyes...

              Okay to make this simple and sweet~
              I'm looking for two roleplays, because I don't feel like overwhelming myself.
              I don't care who you are, ((not saying I don't want to get to know you)), but I must say, no one liners at all nuff said about that.
              I'm not going to be one of those inconsiderate jerks and say, I'm only willing to play the female role. Sure I'd prefer it, though I find the simplest solution is to double, which I enjoy doing anyway~

              I do currently have a plot, though, in fear of it being stolen, I'm not going to post it up. So feel free to PM me if you'd be interested. ((I promise it's spectacular~))
              I'm also craving Shugo Chara, just encase you are wondering, though I'm okay with an original pairing as well~

              I'm pretty loose, so just throw something out there.

              I'm going to start counting how many words I post, and my goal is at least to be able to reach five hundred a post~ ((Thank you Awesomecacy for the wonderful, spectacular, amazing idea~))

P O S T x S A M P L E
Made 5 hours before this post~<3
Finally broke my two month continuous writers block earlier~

It was piercing as the ice cold wind forcefully blew against her skin. Seemingly, it threatened to raise hairs with chills, though instead it felt more like being bit by a shark, it's teeth sinking deeply into the flesh. The sharp pain of freezing, though, was much worse. The small female, Erin, was crouched down behind the Kia Optima van, hiding behind it. She shivered, though bit her tongue in hopes of keeping her teeth from chattering. It was now more then ever that she could not, would not, make a sound. Knowing, they would find her, then, and most likely take her life. A soft moan, a shattered cry, hit her ears, almost sending the female backwards. Her eyes, that had been close to closed from lack of sleep, had shot open. Cautiously she looked around, feeling like a dear caught in the headlights. Perhaps she was imagining things, hallucinating from lack of sleep, though, that cry. The one distinct cry that was easily mistaken of a dying man, was a Death Keeper, and she tensed. The images, memories, from her last encounter with Death Keepers nearly ended her life. They were tall, around six feet four inches, towering over her. They wore long black robes, and their face's were covered with shadows. Their hoods concealed the faces by casting those shadows, but it was easy to see their glowing yellow eyes, the eyes that could eat souls.
Being as cautious as possible, she made her way around the van, slowly...quietly. Her grey-blue eyes studying every sound, every movement, before landing somewhere close to a tree. She heard the deathly cry yet again, but it was getting closer, they had found her. Before she could regain her senses or think anything through, she darted off. It was beginning to snow slightly, landing on her face, her hair, it didn't stop her. She could feel the slight shock as her feet would pound the earth, bringing her a step farther from the Death Keepers. She couldn't keep running forever, eventually she'd be caught, they'd kill her, and take over. They'd suck the soul right out of her, but she knew they'd do it as slow and painful as possible.
She shook her head, she couldn't think like that, she couldn't afford to think like that. She had to find Logan and Sara, before she either froze to death, or was caught. She felt someone or something grab her wrist tugging her forcefully. Her eyes darted over, as she pulled out her dagger and was ready to lung it into what ever grabbed her, though soon realized it was just Logan. "You need to be more cautious..." he mumbled angrily, giving her a glare. Though mumbled a few words under his breath, keeping her from hearing the rest. She still hadn't earned his trust, and she knew it, and hypothesized she never would. She couldn't blame him though, he hadn't earned her's either. "Where's Sara?" she asked coldly, pulling her jacket from her waist and putting it on, tugging it. "She's fine, she found an abandon barn, and we set up camp for the night." he said shoving his hands into his pockets, beginning to walk. Erin sighed, quickly, lightly, jogging to catch up to him, before settling into a walk. "You would have known if you had stayed with us." he muttered. Her eyes narrowed for a minute before she adjusted the 'beany' hat on her head, pulling it over her bitter cold ears. "I was chased away." the female muttered bitterly, "It's not my fault they are after me you know."