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Willy looks like a fat beagle I know, but he was actually in his recommended weight...since he was a big beagle in really. My Family actually got him when I was around Elementary, he was VERY fat and got out from his abusive was sad. He was known as a 'timer' since he knew whenever it's time for breakfast or dinner, everytime he barks he will jump. We gave him a bunch of nicknames..our favorite is 'Herphert' since his fur coat looks like a cow. He had lived with us until I was around a freshman...I will never forget that day. It was around March-April when the vet. diagnosed him with Bladder Cancer...that's when he can't control his bladder and blood will guish out, we had to put a diaper on him (Embarrassingly). But around May 10th, 2010 we had to put him down. He was about 10 at that time.

If you seen my other post, I had another dog with me that time. Our labrador-terrier mutt (Labradinger by the looks of it) By the name of Bailey, she was about 9 at that time. She got seriously depressed and stopped eatting. My parents never realized it until the vet told her. So we had to get another dog or she would die. So we June we got another beagle by the name of Baxter, and he's a young dog too. And the scary thing that he looks like Willy. Makes me cry sometimes.

And I know Willy is with me, well...someone else told me. I went to a psychic at the art & wine festival around November of 2011 where she can do spirit communication. I decided to try to communicate to Willy (Only deceased family member.) She SOMEHOW got the exact description of Willy (Being big and all) and that she said he had been following me around this whole time! I got teary after that. She also said he wanted to stay until our other dog [Baxter] was mature to be the man of the household, so I know he's watching over us.

And I guess he knew he have to follow me 'cause I was the one so broken in the family, my brothers never showed it. I hugged the 'herphert' with tears on my cheek. I was surprised when Willy seemed to lick my tears away like he wanted me to stop crying...god now I am getting teary....But yeah.

R.I.P Willy