General Posting Rules:
God role playing is a big no-no on this board. Wonder what is it? It's when you write about other player's point of view, actions and emotions other than yours. However, you are free to manipulate the actions of secondary/background characters to determine the feel of the setting.

Profanity is fine. However, refrain from getting offensive unless it is necessary to cause fights.

This is still a Gaia board which means all Gaia rules must be followed. That means no sexual content. Sorry everyone.

English is the main language on this board. If you are typing in another, please add translations. We would like to know what your character said ^^

When posting...please try to give at least one or two paragraphs! I know it sounds a**l, but it cuts back on one sentence posts and keeps threads active and healthy. Give your RP partner something to respond to! If you can't think of what to respond with just simple PM them and decide together! It's that simple! ^^


Please make sure all of your in character posts are in third person.

There is a spell check in most web browsers today. If you're not sure how to spell a word please use it.

Do not join a thread that is private. That's just plain rude. To let others know an RP is private, after the title of the RP, put your partners name in parenthesis. If you want to leave it for anyone to join the put 'OPEN' in parenthesis, and the number of people who may join. For example, an RP that involves 2 additional people you would put 'Title (OPEN:2).' For just one RP partner, put '(OPEN:1).' For a revered RP it would like this: 'Title (Partner's Username)'

When you must go OOC in an RP, please use (()) or [] to show you are talking to the role player than their characters. Also, please do not spam by posting non-rpging topics. If you must post something unrelated, post in the OOC boards.

No flaming at all! Please respect the other members on this board.

Original Role Plays and Characters:

All characters must be original. You can use any pics you want (as long as they are pg) to show what your character looks like, but his profile must be original (meaning you can use a picture of Naruto but you must change his personality, history, age, etc.). Should you use a cannon image (like Axel, Ichigo, Alucard, Lavi, Sasuke, Cloud, or Leon) and you character resemble them in any way beyond appearance then don't both posting it.

Characters can be male or female. It doesn't matter.

You will notice on the character template it ask for your characters RP type. Each character is allowed up to 3 different types. Here is a list of possible answers (more will be added as they are thought of)...
School/Modern Life

Please do not. . . I repeat DO NOT. . . RP post with OCs unless you have put up a character profile.

Cannon Role Plays and Characters

If you want to do themed role plays like Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Naruto, Black Butler, Air Gear, etc. then when you set up your thread set your title like this: 'Cannon Title (Partners Username)'. Sorry to not allow original titles but it just makes it easier to identify original from cannon when it comes to multiply threads.

You are more than allowed to bring your original characters into cannon worlds.

If you want to RP as cannon characters then post a list of characters, the anime/book/game that they're from, and picture of them in the Cannon Characters board. Try to just have 1 post on that board. If you want to add more characters over time then just edit your single post. This will keep it more organized.