'allo! bickzy here to give some tips on formatting your roleplay posts!

1) use readable font
duh, don't make the font soooo small that no one can read it! & that means don't make it insanely huge, too. it would be wise to use a font between 9 & 16.

2) don't stretch the page
hate it when half your page is filled with some ridiculously huge picture or some immensely unnecessary formatting? yea, no one likes having to scroll all around or adjust their window's zoom in order to see someone's entire post. it's just annoying! so please use a decent amount of words & a reasonably sized picture in your posts.


Fictional Truth
User Imagetext text text text text.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
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text text text text text.

3) don't use too many colours / hard to see colours
this is another pretty obvious one. don't use colours like: lavender blush, lemon chiffon, antique white, beige, bisque, light yellow, peach puff, lavender, ghost white, misty rose, & any other colours that are near-impossible to read. also, too many colours can make you posts confusing. if you are using more than one character, it's understandable to use multiple colours. but, use colours that are distinguishable & different enough to make your formatting comprehensible.

4) use formatting consistently
when you do make up a formatting, please try to use it every time you post; don't use it whenever you feel or change it constantly -- people may get confused. also, use the same picture in every post, pictures that are similar, or even the one used in your character's profile. if you do change your picture to a completely different one, please state some sort of reason for this. a character just suddenly going from a blond teenager girl to a graying middle-aged man is unsettling and baffling.

5) ask for help!
if you need help on figuring out if your post stretches the page, resizing your picture, or just making up a format please contact me via pm or comment on this thread -- i'll be more than happy to help! :3
here is some colours & odd-end stuff good for creating your very own unique posting format.