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Balance Saga: Chapter 1, The Great Mother OOC

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Ethan Aldwin

Combative Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:54 am

Welcome my friends, to the OOC of my new elemental roleplay. Here characters will be posted, along with our plotting thoughts. If you have questions about the roleplay, please, post them here, whether you're in it or not. Need more information? Ask me. I'll be happy to answer.

To recieve your part, please send me a profile and an example of your ability to play your character. I will wait one week, until July 14th, to recieve profiles for auditions. After that it is first come, first serve.

Here is a list of available character slots, along with the element and dragon representing each. Please note, there may only be one character per element. This is key to be noted. Thank you for your understanding.

Monnon, Dragon of Light. Chosen One: Twain Solemnheart
Morrighan, Dragon of Shadows. Chosen One: Zeta Epsilon
Gaia, Dragon of Earth. Chosen One: Ciara Flanna
Lethiana, Dragon of Water. Chosen One: Ren Locke
Shimshesh, Dragon of Fire. Chosen One: Aiden Risteard
Fujin, Dragon of Wind. Chosen One: --Open--
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:00 am
~The Cast~

Username: Twain Solemnheart
Character Name: Twain Solemnheart
Nicknames: Wolf Warrior, due to the fact that he fights with a pack of Dire Wolves, the only known pack in existance.
Parents: His father was James Aldwin, the smithy in the small village of Craven Meadows, nestled up in the north east end of An' Tir, near Craven Forest. His mother was Lilianna Aldwin, the town's only herbalist. Both died during the First War, when twain was twelve years old.
Siblings: Twain was an only child.
Friends: Twain wasn't exactly a socialite as a child, but did make some notable friends, one of them being Edwin Mountainsong, the young king of An' Tir, who is only a year older than he. Another would be A'alorn Strongjaw, High Chief of the Earthen Drakes. There is also Fenrir, the Dire Wolf alpha male, who has been with Twain for the past eleven years.

Race: Human
Age: 27
Height: 6' 3''
Weight: 250 pounds of trained muscle.
Social Class: Nobility, though he sure as hell doesn't act like it.
Physical Appearance: Tall and broad shouldered, Twain is a fairly handsome young man. He can generally be found with a smile or smirk on his face, depending on his mood. Long brown hair is generally tied back into a ponytail using a dark-green silk ribbon. A well trimmed beard sits on his face, and fiery silvery blue eyes shine out on his face. They do however, change color, dependant upon his mood. He has a decent sized scar on his chest, around the right peck. He got it durring his first mission as a special forces soldier. He had gotten a bit cocky and let his guard down. He makes sure not to now.

Occupation(s): Special Forces soldier and part time blacksmith.
Hobbies: Metal working, training, and spending times with his friends at the best pub in town (in his opinion), the Swine's Beard Tavern.
Property(s): He lives in a wing of the palace in Craven Hollow.
Personal Belongings: Wolf Fang is his sword and most prized possession. He forged it himself, placing a special diamond in at the base of the blade. It amplifies his magical abilities when needed, however rare the occurance. He also has some dress clothes for when Edwin decides he wants Twain to come to some of the fancier events.

Home Area: Northeastern An' Tir
Personality: Kind, Brutally honest, Understanding, Impulsive, Reckless, Unyielding, Playful
Biography: Twain lead a happy life until the First War, something that most people don't even know about. It was arguably the starting point of all the decay, and it all began some eleven years ago. Once his town was erased off the map, that was the end of all open conflict. The rest of it was cloak and dagger tactics, something he has learned far too much about since joining the forces of An' Tir.

Before he got his training however, he showed natural skill with a blade and magic when he defended his home from an assault by tainted Forest Drakes. It was durring this battle that he met Fenrir and the pack, though his friend was only a pup at the time. Soon Twain, Fenrir, and the girl who would be his wife were moving away from the burning rubble that was their home, going to An' Tir to seek aid and revenge.

Over the years Twain has been to every country, sharing the adventure with several people. Lately however, he has returned home with a pull on his shoulders that wasn't there before. He returned one friend short. His wife and best friend, Theresa, died durring his last mission, and he blames himself. That was three years ago. He's slowly recovering, pulling himself free of the pain he had been in, learning to smile again, as he always used to. He won't let himself be kept down anymore. Whether it's because he's tired of being at the bottom or due to the strange itch in his gut is what he can't figure out.

Fighting Style: A calculated frenzy. He generally strikes quickly and brutally, ending it in one or two blows if he can. If he's fairly well matched he uses his gift of Light to confuse his enemy before moving in for the kill. He also utilizes the Pack, which could arguably be his secret weapon, if it weren't for the fact that the alpha male, Fenrir, is like his best friend and his battle mount.
Preferred Weapons: Sword and Augmentation Magic
Magical Abilities: Strong Augmentational abilities with slight alchemical and projection. He is skilled with placing light in his blade and at times, augmenting his own body with his element.


Username: Ceberus13
Character Name: Ren Locke ( Ren, derived from regn means rain, locke is a name for pond)
Nicknames: Gargoyle, given to him by the people in the lower districts of Aquanna for protecting them, he is their silent guardian
Parents: His father's name was Lance Locke, a sailor and his mother was Aqua Locke. They had lived in a poor fishing village but it was ravaged by pirates and all the men in the village were killed, his mother died of sickness soon afterwards.
Siblings: Ren has an older brother named Luke who left home to become a Murmilloes. They were never that close though, and they hadnt been in contact in many years.
Friends: He's mot very outgoing but he does a a childhood friend back home in his village named Lily Heartnet whom he had a crush on as a child. His mentor in Aquanna is a drake named Polyphemus, who is a retired High Chief.

Race: Human
Age: 17
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160 pounds
Social Class: Peasant
Physical Appearance: Ren is built slim but muscular. He has very smooth short black hair that comes down to his eyebrows. His body is very smooth, pale, and flawless. His eyes are a very deep blue and analyzing. Occupation(s): Special Forces soldier and part time blacksmith. His face is fair and full of youth.

Hobbies: reading, diving, training
Property(s): Ren lives in a small house on the outskirts of the capital but he owns a small business in the middle district that is willing to do any job for the right price.
Personal Belongings: His most prized possesion is his sowrd, Azure which was given to him by his father, something he found on his travels. It has a white blade with a saphire encrusted in it's hilt. It was said to have been forged from the scales of a water drake and thus possesses special properties. He also wears the tooth of a whale as a nechlace, a gift given to him by his friend, Lily.

Home Area: From the isolated village Imoire, now lives on the outskirts of Aquanna
Personality: compassionate, intelligent, wise, patient, persistent, stubborn
Biography: Ren was born to a very poor fishing village that lacked fish. His father was a sea trader that tried to support the family and he was never home much. His brother left during the first war and they hadn't heard from him since. Although their village had been spared from the First War, it was often ravaged by pirates and sea monsters.

Although his skills lacked polish, he is very well learned and shows great skills and wisdom for his age. At the tender age of 15, he put an end the pirates and monsters that had continued to plunder his village, ensuring that the village would forever be safe. But his amazing strength had scared the villagers and they had become suspicious of him. This ultimately led to his decision to leave his village and travel the world.

Ren is but a young warrior starting out on his journey. His first new home is the capital of Aquanna, where he is studying it's way of life. His mentor, Polyphemus had died but a while ago and his death still weighs heavy in his heart.

Fighting Style: In battle, Ren is analyzing and careful. He studies his opponents movements and then overwhelms them with a series of stabs and slashes. He shows no mercy but is hesitant to take a life.
Preferred Weapons: Sword and Augmentation Magic, later Manipulation
Magical Abilities: He is well versed in Agumentaion magic and is able to agument his entire body and causing the temperature to drop significantly. He is already showing signs of Manipultion magic by staying dry unless he want to get wet.


Username: spiderwolf13
Character Name: Aiden Risteard (Gaelic names, fire and strong power)
Nicknames: Synger, Catseye, see bio for explanation
Parents: Her father, Cameron Risteard, is the fire dragon patriarch's personal guard and the finest warrior of them all. He taught Aiden everything he knows. Her mother, Shefa Risteard, spent most of her childhood among the humans, and is now a world-famous dancer, and spends much of her time performing for the human royal family
Siblings: only child, though she has a few rumored half brothers and sister living among the humans, though as they are only half-drake, she hasn't met most of them
Friends: She regards Shimshesh as an uncle, and she has several friends among the other dragon guards. She is also friends with the human princess, and Aiden is known to have taken the princess on rides over the dunes ans to visit the lava flows, as she is a strong fast runner.

Race: Fire Drake
Age: 126, appears 17
Weight: 160
Social Class: Upper class
Physical Appearance: She has waist length black hair, a Native American complexion, lustrous dark red scales that fade to black on her legs, and tail. Her piercing eyes tend to change color based on her mood, green for excited or happy, blue for sad, black for content or tired, red for anger, brown for sweet or impassioned, grey when being secretive or neutral.

Occupation(s): she works with the guards often, but her true love is the exotic dancing of the human kingdom. she learned all she could from her mother and sometimes accompanies her at performances. she often dances for Shimshesh and her father, as well as the other guards
Hobbies: dancing, singing, she plays several different instruments, which she learned to play for her mother when she was dancing, she loves fighting and hunting. she is also a renowned flirt
Property(s): her dancing and singing tends to be entrancing. if anyone sees or hears her, they will tend to stop and watch
Personal Belongings: A beautiful handmade bow, several fine daggers, several different instruments, including a violin that never leaves her side

Home Area: the deserts around Al' Kiran
Personality: flirtatious, quick to change moods, generally kind, but fierce if she doesn't like you. she often jumps into things without thinking, but she will stick around to fix the things she screws up
Biography: Since a young age, Aiden has been sort of spoiled, the favorite of Shimshesh and her father, as his only full drake descendant. As such, she has been the subject of much of her parent's attention, and they have not only showered her with their strong affection, but also with everything they can show and teach her, making her one of the most talented fire drakes around. She is a skilled dancer and musician, and a quick fighter. she learns very fast, and is advanced for her age.

When the world started to fall apart, and everyone started talking about six destined warriors, everyone thought the fire warrior would be the son of Shimshesh, but one week after she heard the rumor, she had a dream, a vision, of a glowing figure, wreathed in flames, who told her of her destiny. when she told her father and Shimshesh the next morning, they both glowed with pride and made sure she was well-equipped for her mission.

Fighting Style: she tends to just charge in, however, her father has been slowly getting her to stop and think before rushing into combat. occasionally, she will, and will use her bow to take out many of her enemies before going in for close combat.
Preferred Weapons: a double ended staff, her hands, daggers(both thrown and held) and a longbow
Magical Abilities: he magical abilities with fire are extremely powerful, however, due to her passionate nature, she spends most of her time learning how to control her power, rather than using it. she does know a few simple things, like making fire, throwing it, and how to heat metal.

Username: Shinmei-Jigoku
Character Name: Ciara Flanna (Irish Gaelic meaning "A spear" and "Red-haired" respectively)
Nicknames: Scar, and, The Flame Haired Archer. The former was given to her by her fellows in the military as she often drew attention to her scar as a sign that she was more hardened than the rest of them. The latter was a sobriquet applied to her because of her skill with the bow and her fiery-red hair.
Parents: Sloan Flanna, is Ciara's father. A minor nobleman in An' Tir, he was a soldier in the An' Tir military, making it far enough to become a high ranking officer before retiring. Sloan had served in the army just life his father and his father's father, as the Flanna line has a long line of service with An' Tir.

Ashling, Ciara's mother was a minor noblewoman working in commerce, she was considered well liked among her peers, eventually marrying into the Flanna family to Sloan. She passed away recently after contracting an illness the previous year.
Siblings: Originally Ciara had five siblings, three of which were within her age group, the remaining two being much younger.

The three were Sheridan, Rogan, and, Eoin. Like Ciara they joined the military. They formed a close knit group, becoming a valuable squad within An' Tir's army, however during a high risk operation to capture a Necromancer, the five were killed, and later used as puppets against their former comrades. The final two siblings, Rory, and, Tynan, are still in their childhood, and serve to take up Ciara's attention when off duty.

Friends: Ciara has a small collection of friends, as social interaction is not her greatest field, she is friends with Twain Solemnheart, a man she trained alongside in the military. She befriended Twain before learning of his reputation and remains as one of the people that are friends with him without a care for his name as the second coming of the Wolf-Warrior. Outside of An' Tir, Ciara has friends in Al' Kemish, whom she constantly sends letters to.

Race: Human
Age: 29
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 186 lbs.
Gender: Female
Social Class: Minor noblewoman.
Physical Appearance: Standing at six foot and four inches, Ciara is a rather tall woman. She is a bit more muscular than most women, but not overly so. Her skin is lightly tanned, while a large tattoo of flames covers the entirety of her right shoulder and right upper arm to commemorate her time in Al' Kemish. Her hair is a distinct red and reaches shoulder length. Her hair is unkempt and very messy as Ciara leaves it be under the pretext of "being natural". A large scar adorns her face, starting from her forehead and reaching her cheek. Her left eye has been removed and as a result Ciara wears an eyepatch over it.

Occupation(s): Captain in the An' Tir military
Hobbies: Archery, sparring, hunting, are among her favourite things to do, although she can find enjoyment almost anywhere. She's a frequent visitor of the Swine's Beard Tavern, her favourite drinking den, ingrained in her by her friend Twain.
Property(s): She lives within the military barracks at the palace within Craven Hollow, she also has rights to her family estate within the city.
Personal Belongings: Ciara carries a bow of remarkable craft that has been with the Fanna family since its earliest generations. A longbow by design, its body is made from a very fine red-wood and the limbs of the bow are decorated with designs that herald back to the time when An' Tir was just a bunch of warring factions. The bow was rumoured to have been given to the head of the Fanna family by Craven Mountainsong himself, although no one has been able to discern any truth from such. Ciara also carries a quiver and a decent stock of arrows with her at all times. In the case of melee combat Ciara keeps with her a Al' Kemish-made longsword. Her parents often send her clothing ranging from practical everyday clothing to formal wear. After her attaining of the rank of captain Ciara was allowed to customize the armour she wore, largely getting rid of the heavy-armours that were standard in the army and replacing it with lightweight plate armour and chainmail vestements.

Home Area: Craven Hollow
Personality: Hot headed, reckless, tomboyish, friendly, curious, adventurous.
Biography: Ciara was born into the Fanna family, a family with a very long history of service to the rulers of An' Tir, reaching back as far as Craven Mountainsong. She was raised alongside her three brothers by her mother, Ashling, as their father served his final years in the military. By the time Ciara was of able age to join the army, she had begun travelling with her mother, who was visiting old friends in other nations.Time spent in Annaffiare and Anilfhelm was relatively short but Ciara and her mother spent a full two years in Al' Kemish. During her time in Al' Kemish, Ciara was able to make friends at a school for archery, which she joined. The majority of her time in Al' Kemish was spent at that archery school where she quickly learned the arts of the craft, which she would continue to hone for the next several years.

When, at last, Ciara and her mother returned to Craven Hollow, she joined the military at last following in the traditional footsteps of her family and those of her brothers. There she met, and befriended, Twain Solemnheart who had joined the military a short while before herself. At the time of their meeting, Ciara was oblivious to Twain's reputation and when she later found out, she simply discarded it as trivial knowledge, as she didn't like things being bogged down by the past. Her time in the army was well spent and she became a welcome addition to any squad she was assigned to thanks to her talent for archery. Often she was placed within squads alongside her brothers, rumours within the army's higher ranks placed the cause at the feet of their father Sloan using his connections to keep his children together.

Three years prior to the current year, Ciara, her brothers, and several others, were tasked with finding and arresting a magic user who had been wanted with the crime of murder. The squad set off to the magic users last known destination, a small village bordering the Craven Forest. When they arrived they found the village emptied of life, and assuming the criminal to have fled into the forest, the squad made camp on the outskirts and planned to search the following day.

This left them open to an attack by the criminal who revealed himself to be a Necromancer, a user of a forbidden type of magic. The squad being unprepared for the task dropped in number quickly, Ciara's brothers being amongst the first to be killed. The powers of Necromancy were unleashed upon the squad, as their former comrades rose from the dead to attack. Ciara was forced to kill her brothers herself but not before her eldest brother sliced her face with his sword, damaging her left eye. Ciara eliminated the Necromancer whilst he was drained of energy. She was found in the nearest village from the battle a day later, where the locals nursed her back to health while they awaited more soldiers from Craven Hollow to take her back to the city and retrieve the bodies of their comrades to be properly buried.

While Ciara did her best to quickly move on, her dreams would constantly be filled with memories of that night, something that continued for years to come. Her situation with the officials of the army became tense as well. They remained tight lipped on the situation with the Necromancer and tried to keep her out of their hair as much as possible. Despite attaining the rank of Captain, Ciara sees little more than guard duty in recent days.

Fighting Style: Whilst she has a preference for long-ranged combat, Ciara is not afraid of melee combat and is skilled in the style of fighting that the Al' Kemish army associate with their longswords.
Preferred Weapons: Longbow, longsword.
Magical Abilities: Ciara has some skill in Projection, but little skill in anything else. While she can't project anything on a great scale, nor does she have the energy reserves for prolonged attacks with magic alone, she is capable enough that she can use Projection to bolster her fighting style. Mainly increasing the number of arrows with which she can attack by summoning shards of stone.


Username: I Be Athena
Character Name: Zeta Epsilon (Zeta is part of the name of a star that shone the night she was born.
Parents: Cabella and Rigel Epsilon, whereabouts unknown. Cabella was a stay-at-home mother. Rigel was a local fisherman/rice farmer.
Siblings: One sister Mintaka, whereabouts also unknown. Was six at the time of her disappearance.
Friends: Sirius, a mage in the city of Aquanna. Bellatrix and Altaire were two others that learned under Sirius. Bellatrix currently works as a murmilloe for Aquanna. Altaire died in a training accident involving Zeta.

Race: human
Age: 25
Height: 5'7”
Weight: 130
Gender: female
Social Class: middle class
Physical Appearance: Zeta is at an average height, with a lean but well-muscled body. She has straight-across bangs and long, black hair that falls to her waist. Her skin is tanned from years of working in a field, but still has freckles across her nose. She also has big blue eyes, which are slightly hidden by her bangs. She holds herself with good posture, but keeps her head cast down, and rarely ever looks up, except to take orders or speak with someone. Her expression is usually an emotionless one, even in the heat of the battle.

Occupation(s): Bodyguard to Emperor of the Water Kingdom.
Hobbies: Doodling and playing piano, but is usually guarding the Emperor, which leaves little time for sitting around. If she gets a day off, she will go visit Sirius or Bellatrix.
Property(s): Lives in the palace and has her own room, but doesn’t have a house or any land. Also owns a small canoe in case she needs to get around the city or to the mainland.
Personal Belongings: A notebook and pencils, some spell, magic, and music books, some throwing darts, a katana, clothes, and the essentials.
Home Area: Aquanna, the capital city of the Water Kingdom.
Personality: Quiet, cunning, blunt, somewhat anti-social, “cold”, calm, an “actions speak louder than words” person
Biography: Zeta started out living on a small rice farm near the swamps. She had a loving family of her mother, her sister, and her father. While her mother worked around the house and took care of her young sister, Zeta helped her father in rice farming and fishing. Everything was peaceful, except for the swamps. Often times, adventurers would enter the swamps thinking they would get out alive, and their house was nearest the swamp. Many times, the travelers would stop by their house, and the family would give them their last meal. They lived in serenity until the day of Zeta’s twelfth birthday. On that day, Zeta discovered her powers. She found she could use shadow-magic. Because of this, her family began to fear her, seeing her as some form of an evil being. They even feared her to the point of shunning her. On her thirteenth birthday, she had wished they would leave, and even told them all so. Apparently, they took this as a sign to leave, and have disappeared from anyone’s current knowledge.
After thieving to get by for months, she moved to the capital and was taken in by a fellowmage named Sirius. She was trained by him, alongside two others named Bellatrix and Altaire, both water-users. Sirius himself was a water-user, but was able to give Zeta a decent understanding of her powers. One day while practicing augmentation, she put too much shadow on her blade, and accidently cut Altaire with it. He died of shadow-poisoning soon after. She joined up with the water nation’s army after some-what mastering her abilities, which theywere able to find use for. After years of fighting, she was given the position as body guard to the king. She now lives at the castle, but visits Sirius and Bellatrix frequently. With her studying, Zeta has found that it is possible for a shadow-mage to raise the dead, using necromancy. She plans on using this to bring back Altaire, who’s death she still feels guilty for.. Zeta has not laughed since her dealing with Altaire, and rarely cracks a smile. She often keeps people at arms’ length for fear of hurting them like she did her family and friends, Bellatrix and Sirius being the only ones that are still close. She figured something was wrong with the Earth when she was boating to the mainland and found red splotches in the water.

Fighting Style: She waits in the shadows or defends, until she can figure out the opponent’s attacks and how to get around them, then strikes using poisonous darts or daggers. She uses as little as possible, aiming for only vital areas. Will use a katana for back-up or close-range battle.
Preferred Weapons: Throwing daggers and darts that can easily be concealed underneath a jacket, although is no stranger to using a katana.
Magical Abilities: She is strongest in alchemical, but is also skilled in augmentation. Is weakest in projection, and does not use manipulation often.

Ethan Aldwin

Combative Hunter

Ethan Aldwin

Combative Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:11 am
~Magic System~

There has been some question as to the magic system within this roleplay. I will admit, I did not elaborate on a clear enough level here, as I suspected. I will now elaborate further on the classes of magic, and types that may be used.

This is my personal favorite and the one I understand best. Augmentation magic is just as it sounds, using your element to augment something connected to you. For instance, Twain Solemnheart, my character, uses his power of Light to augment his sword when the going gets rough. This causes the three and a half foot long edge of steel to gain attributes of the Light element. The metal may shimmer, glow, or shine of its own account, the apex of which will be the diamond in his sword, to which there is great significance to be explained at a later date.

Augmentation magic is not limited to just weaponry though. It can be employed to nearly anything touching your character's body. For instance, say you are the fire user. It is possible for you to be in a fight and grab hold of someone's weapon. Using your element you can quickly heat the weapon, causing your foe to drop it. This however would be considered godmodding against another player, unless permission is given. If we wind up in a brawl with a bunch of NPCs however, it's fair game. Just a few augmentation examples will follow.

Light: Twain's blade glowing brighter, causing more damage. Light is energy in its purest form. This will allow the blade to slice easier and perhaps even spark when clashing with another weapon or object.
Shadow: Coating a blade or self in shadow, becoming nearly invisible durring the night. Shadow can act as a type of poison when coating a blade.
Earth: Works better with weapons made of wood. Can create barbs that drip poison or acid.
Water: Ice a weapon, so that when it breaks the skin, instant freezing of local tissue occures.
Fire: Cause weaponry or self to catch fire, without harm to self or weapon. Extra damage here is self explanatory.
Wind: Guess who gets a slight electrical charge? Wind. Added weapon damage is easy to understand here.

The art of alchemy in this world is about the same as any other. An added feature in this world is that while in transmutation, the alchemist may put a bit of their element into the mix, changing the end product slightly to hold a bit of their own essence and element. Here's and example.

Twain needs to transmute a small ball of bronze into something else. He's out in the middle of no where, and it's dark. The sky is overcast. Little to no light is available. Durring the transmutation, he could easily invoke some of his magical power, causing the new end product, let's saw a staff or something, to glow lightly, giving him just enough light to see, and increasing damage if used as a weapon. It does however, take an extremely large toll on him, since the item will hold the enchantment by itself when away from him for up to a month. While touching him, it will leach from his magical energy, and thereby, his life force. In that one instant it was like he cast a very large spell. He might feel weak at the knees or even sick to his stomach. He may vomit. It's the price of magic. Alchemy also does take energy from the body normally, without elemental addatives. It is very risky to add your element. As stated before, the element will linger in the new item, where in augmentation magic, once you let it go, the object returns to normal.

This is what a lot of us think of when we think magic. It is, by my definition, projecting the element outwards, as in the case of a fire using throwing a fire ball, a water character throwing a spear of ice, earth hurling a boulder, wind causing a gust, you get the idea. This is the second most common class of magic in the world, with a close tail on Augmentation. This requires the caster to put in 100% of their own energy to create the spell. It can be instant or a build up. If you build up you can create larger spells at less of a cost, but if you work instantly, it's a higher cost for a weaker spell, at least in the ratio. Here is an example.

Let's say Twain is fighting against a spell user. The spell user is slowly building up a powerful spell. It is draining his magical ability at a slow and steady rate, but one he can measure. Twain uses only instant spells, which are weak in comparrison, but much faster. They do battle. Twain shoots out blades of light instantly, like throwing knives that fly in a straight line. This takes a quick toll on him, because it instantly saps his energy, without time to recharge. If he keeps this up, exhaustion will quickly overtake him, and he wouldn't get anywhere near the potency of the enemy mage, whose magical energy has the slightest ability to restore itself as he works on the spell. It is a net loss, but not as severe as an instant cast.

This is not only the rarest class of magic, but also the most difficult. Here, you literally manipulate the element. Low level spells are easy enough to do, such as taking a camp fire and molding the blaze. However, if your element is more one of spirit than one of a concrete matter, this is a particularly risky field. High level manipulation magic is the most lethal to use. It has strong ties into Augmentation magic at this stage, but you no longer need to be in contact with the object you are working with. For an example, high level Augmentation magic allows you to create high potency concentrations of elemental power in an object. Manipulation magic lets you make that same object out of pure element, right on the spot. This is going to be endgame stuff for the most part.

An example of this can be used in the history of the Three Drakes of Light. The first to come and rise as a Light Drake, Lucien, fought a great battle before his ascension. Durring this battle, he went from wearing only white robes, to becoming encased within reflective armor, made of concentrated element. Not only was there armor, but he also had a large array of weaponry made of pure light, as well as angelic wings. Normally, such a spell would consume nearly the entire body within minutes, leaving nothing but a dried husk. To achieve this form requires the aid of the elemental dragon your element corrisponds with directly, meaning without them there with you, this is not possible. There is no other way, since it simply requires far too much energy.

A forbidden field of this magic may be known as Necromancy, which is only available to the character of Shadows. If you want this power ((necromancy)), you and I will be talking. A lot.

~Added Information~
Most everyone should see this one coming. Crystals play a large part in magic use in this roleplay. Are they required for magic? No. But, they do amplify it. Think about the sun and a magnifying glass. It's the same concept here. Your magical power is the sun and the crystal is the magnifying glass. The higher quality crystal, the more amplification. Crystals and amplify magic up to five times, but most only add a little bit to someone's base power. Quality can be measured in the size and clarity of the crystal. If they are cut, so is the power. Naturally occuring wonders are what make this magical world go round. Crystal types for the elements are as follows.

Light: Diamond
Shadow: Jet
Earth: Emerald
Water: Sapphire
Fire: Ruby
Wind: Topaz
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:18 am

There are two playable races in this roleplay, the Drakes and the Humans. Human cultures differ from country to country, and Drake cultures from tribe to tribe. Here are some examples. Most of you can probably understand the human culture from the main page, so I will not elaborate further unlessed asked to do so. However, a question has come up about the Drakes. What are they? Well, I'll tell you about my little brain children.

Drakes are a type of mix between Humans and Dragons. They stand on two legs, have a tail, claws, scales, a snout, and fangs. Only the Fire tribes inherently breathe any form of element. Their scales often act as a type of natural armor, rivalling sturdy leather. Clothing is more for the sake of being decent in public than protection. The males are generally the ones who look a bit rougher around the edges, gaining much large spines and crests. The crests of their heads are generally just horns or something of that nature. They aren't too overboard, considering how helmets are indeed a part of their armory. Females tend to be a bit shorter and of lighter build than the males, and have no spikes. They are the only ones who possess the ability to control magic outside of Augmentation and Manipulation. Drake Chieftains however, are gifted by their Dragon, and are allowed to possess both the physical prowess of the males and the magical ability of the females. Outside of the Wind Drakes, they are the only ones who may also grow wings, which they can retract at will, and fly. Fire Drake Chieftains are exclusively male, and Naga Chieftains are exclusively female. Wind, Earth, and Shadow are all equal opportunity employers. There is no Chieftain with the Three Drakes of Light.

~The Map~

Here is a horribly hand drawn map by myself. It is meant more for the book that I am writing than this roleplay, but it will do until I can make a revised copy. There are some things that I ask you to ignore, as they are not in this roleplay. Please ignore all skull marks, claw marks, falcon marks, and fin marks. You'll see them, trust me. The key to the map shall follow.

User Image

.... : Dotted Lines - Roads
___ : Solid Lines - Rivers
--- : Dashed Lines - National Borders ((now color coded!))
Crowns - Capital Cities
Hollow Circles - Large Settlements. Small ones are not marked.
Ships - Ports and Port Cities
Diamond Shapes with Cross in Them - Drake Tribes ((long symbal explanation, huh?))
Flat Line with Three Lines Sticking Out of It - Marsh Land
Upside down V's - Mountains
Fuzzy Lines - Forest Areas
Temple Looking Symbols - Temples
Symbol that Looks Kind of Like This, /oI - Ruins ((you'll figure it out...))

Ethan Aldwin

Combative Hunter

Ethan Aldwin

Combative Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:23 am
~Weapons System~

There are traditional weapons in this roleplay, but don't let that limit you. Your character is free to use whatever they please, though certain things may amplify your elemental ability or have more cultural significance to your character. Here are some examples.

Earth: The Earth tends to be an overwhelming element when in battle, choosing raw power over speed or accuracy. Suggested weapons here are clubs, maces, warhammers, and staves. Earthen swords tend to be a bit shorter and broader than normal, as well as fairly heavy. Bows are generally kept to the short bow area. Throwing weapons are seen here quite a bit, though it is generally in the form of axes, which tend to get a bit bulky, limiting the number you can carry. Shields are also a large part of the armory, some of them being specially crafted to double as weaponry. Tower shields are not a rare sight.

Fire: Fire tends to be something that is fast and brutal. Weapons in this country are generally light, fast, and sharp. Daggers, swords, and axes are the preffered weapons here. Archery is also a large pastime here. Their bows are second only to that of the Wind nation. Weapons here are made to be held in one hand, and generally come in pairs. Shields are rarely seen, unless made of wicker or some light metal.

Water: The Water nation uses momentum as their weapon, and as such, their fighting styles reflect that. Spears, tridents, chains, and short swords are the traditional weapons here. Nets are also employed, though more in the arenas. They also enjoy using dart weaponry, such as blow dart guns and throwing darts. Shields are used in moderation, and are generally of fair to large size. Think small versions of the Roman shields.

Wind: The Wind nation tends to stick more to a distance, using long bows that can be up to six feet tall. They are master archers. When in close quarters they tend to use metal fans, knives that can be used hand to hand or thrown. Swords tend to be longer and single edged. Shields are a rare thing to see, though when they are, they tend to be more like bucklers, small things that barely cover the forearm.

Light and Shadow: These two elements don't really have any traditional weaponry. Lucien used a sword, and the two after him used a mace and staff, respectively. So, for Light, there is no defined, traditional weaponry. The same can be said for Shadow. The only hint towards weaponry here is that they like being subtle. Hidden things are their love, but it isn't like they don't know how to use a sword or a mace or bow or something. They just prefer to stay hidden, where as those of the Light are much more frontal.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:31 am

This is where I will answer any other questions, posted in this forum or asked via PM. I will place the date and time the question was asked, but not the name of the one asking, for privacy reasons. This is where any minor questions will be answered. If there are issues with my explanations above, please refer to the post by the title at the top of it and ask about the subject matter therein. Thank you all very much.

June 7th, 2010: Several questions have been asked about some more detail and elaborations. So, let's start with some of the basics.
Question 1: What does it take to be a Drake Chieftain and what do their duties intail?
Answer: To be a Drake Chieftain is a highly responsible role. Drake Chieftains, depending on if they are a High Chief, such as A'alorn Strongjaw, or a lower ranking one, have duties that vary. Generally, for a normal ranking Chieftain, they are there to maintain order throughout their tribe, religious ceremonies, and perhaps even conducting weddings. A High Chief maintains order throughout that entire elemental sectore, as A'alorn does with all of the Earthen Drakes, both Prairie and Forest. He is also the only drake out of all the Chieftains to have a direct link with Gaia. It is his original tribe that protects her temple, and he is the only one allowed to commune with Gaia without being asked for. Even then it is slightly rude to call upon your dragon just for a little chit-chat.

To be accepted as one you would really need to impress me, and I mean really impress me. Your character would need to be a bit more of a type cast, someone who embodies their element heart and soul, through their actions and their words. This is a very risky character to make, and recommended only for the highly skilled, those who can really handle it and have a strong grasp of the goals I set for them. You are welcome to try, but the application process would be much more difficult than normal, and I would need several examples of your ability to play your character in several different situations for me to accept it. Good question, though.

Question 2: Do only humans achieve the ranke of Murmilloes or can Drakes achieve this rank aswell?

Answer: Murmilloes are the special forces of Annaffiare. Drakes do not really act as an active member of human government, and thereby are not usually in the forces. When they are they are a type of their own branch. So, to wrap it up, can they become a Murmillo? Not in name, no. But, they can adapt weaponry and armor of Murmilloes to be more like them. However, they will always simply be called Drakes.

Question 3: When it comes to Drake males, is there simply a rule within the drake society that prevents them from controlling their element or is it that they lack the will to manipulate it and master it?

Drake males are simply not gifted with certain types of magic. It is locked from them, with no ability to retrieve. They do not however, envy the women who can use magic. Drake males can instinctively use a type of augmentation magic. It's all controlled by emotion then. If they go into a rage, their powers will go into a frenzy, much the same as they themselves probably would. Great question!

Question 4: Will people be playing as the dragons or just the chosen few?

Answer: Characters will be playing as those chosen by the dragons. Dragons are considered NPCs that are under my control unless deemed otherwise. Each one has a distinct personality that I want them to stick to. Because of this, I would prefer just me to control their actions and words. If one of your posts requires some dragon interaction, we will 1x1 until that post is done and ready for public viewing. Wonderful question! I should have been more clear on that subject, so I thank you for bringing it up.

Question 5: Can you describe the First War and give more background into the world that we will be roleplaying in?

Answer: The First War is very cloak and dagger, with only a few people besides Twain, Edwin, and the High Chiefs of the world knowing about it. It was the beginning of the corruption, and could have been stopped three years ago. However, something happened that will be revealed as we proceed through the story. If your character has knowledge of the First War, please discuss it with me, because they will already know Twain and Fenrir, and probably will have met Theresa as well.

And for more background into the world, it's basically all there right now. History and things are a bit choppy, and I may add in a lot of that soon, once I am done with the map. But, until then, one project at a time for me. The map will soon be completed, in all its horribly drawn glory, haha.

Ethan Aldwin

Combative Hunter

Ethan Aldwin

Combative Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:33 am

-Friday, April 15th, 2011.
We have opened and started! We still need a wind character before we go too far with this, however. Please, if you have any friends who you think would like this, let them know about it!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:17 pm
Hey, Twain. A few Questions.

Can you post who's playing what parts?

And if we're starting off in Craven Hollow, should we get our characters there?

Oh yeah, and how do I get that picture thingy on the side of my post?  


Ethan Aldwin

Combative Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:43 pm
An easy way to get the banner on the side of your post is simply by quoting the text box ((Water nation background)) and then fiddling with it. Be sure to leave the img coding (([imgleft/right]*insert url*[/imgleft/right])) and then removing the quote coding (([ quote="blablabla"]*insert entire text here)). If you leave all that alone and then just start messing with your own coding, you should be able to personalize your posts fairly easy =D

Secondly, it would be very benificial if everyone could some how work their way to Craven Hollow. It's a believable enough place to start, since it is a trade city and a capital, so everyone has something to do there. Go in for some equipment, training, maybe just travelling through, but find your way there somehow.

Any other questions?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:21 pm
Haha, thanks. No more questions as of now. I've already thought up how to meet your character.  



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