Several months ago, I was bored one day, and for some reason the thought of some friends at school talking about Naruto came to mind.
I'd never seen it, and thought I'd check it out.

Now, Naruto specifically-- "meh", I guess, but I found the art style exceedingly intrigueing, the serious nature unique considering my exposure to American-- solely comedy-- animation, and the story done in an over-the-top way that actually worked somehow.

Now, I'm probably in the target audience for most everything, never seen a movie I'd call "bad". I do my best to become heavily emotionally invested in every story, in my experience that makes everything better, turns every feeling of the story into something more tangible, something I can relate to, feel.

I've found I love Anime, specifically some of the darker, thought-provoking, and inspirational series. I'm always checking out new series now and watching them from beginning to end, or keeping up-to-date with ongoing ones, and I thought perhaps my reviews of some I've seen could prove helpful to you all, in finding new series to watch, or perhaps for getting into Anime initially.
I'll give nothing about the story away though, (Should I edit some in? Tell me below) just a "good/bad", and why.

((Anime I've found particularly good will be marked with an asterisk))

*Elfen Lied:
When I was first getting into anime, this was suggested, along with a disclaimer of the incredibly graphic nature of this series. I didn't heed the warning, and was a bit turned off by the first episode, but it was recommended widely, so I stayed with it for another few episodes. After a while I was loving it.
With what I'd call my susceptibility to the emotion in the story, this one ripped out my heart and stomped on it. But y'know, something about it just make me want to watch it over, again and again, and it's not the nudity. The final scene left me 2 seconds away from tears.
**In case you hadn't gathered, it's pretty graphic, lots of gore and nudity, and some parts that just make you question existence**

*Ouran High School Host Club:
This doesn't really fit my criteria of Anime I found I'd liked up to that point, but this anime was funny and unique enough that that was totally overlooked a couple episodes in. Not graphic or anything, but at times the humor is obviously directed at an older audience.
The last couple episodes kinda rush the story to a conclusion though, that's the only thing I didn't really like about it.

*Oban Star Racers:
I'd seen this anime on TV years ago, I liked it for the whole 3 episodes I saw. I'd just finished watching one anime series, thought I'd start another, and this one came to mind. I forgot it's name, but remembered the plot vaguely, after some searching I found it.
The first few episodes are a tad, "immature", but overall it's comparable to Elfen Lied, except this one has nothing very graphic.

Cardcaptor Sakura:
Same as above, it used to be on TV, I liked it, thought I'd check it out, except I remembered this one's name.It's Obviously directed at an audience younger than myself, but I still found it worth the watch, was a nice nostalgia trip.
Just a tip-- the English dubbing is abominable, use subtitles.

D.N. Angel:
Okay I guess, it's just there's only any story at the beginning and end, the rest just seems to be filler, working a fairly simple change into the story very slowly.

*Death Note:
I found I liked the intellectual aspect of it more than the actual story. Note sure what else to say, I'd watch it again easily, I think it's really good.

Fruits Basket:
Another, "okay", one.
It made me laugh a couple times, there's not really much of a story so much as... "random adventures", I guess you could say.

Keep in mind, this list will be updated as I watch them! smile