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A Ranma1/2 & Inuyasha Anime Crossover


In the Breaking of the Shikon no Tama, at the same time an artifact of similar power found in China near Jusenkyo is broken creating a ripple effect across time and dimension. The two worlds are meshed together, linked by Jusenkyo. With the need to take a vacation in the heat of summer, most if not all of the chaos that followed the half-boy Ranma Saotome finds themselves not in Tokyo anymore, but in the wilderness and back in time to the old Feudal Times. They cannot get back to their timeline through the bone-eater's well because that is not what cast them all into this world. Can they adjust to the new and dangerous surroundings?

And what of the Inu-Taichi. Can they become used to this new carnival of strange people? Exactly how much chaos can be reborn with colliding of two worlds?

The Role Play was recently built, there are many cannon characters to choose from, we need people badly, If you interested please drop by! Much appreciated! ^_^

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When Worlds Collide